It clearly states: 5G plant [facility], based protein
I just wanted to engage in some simple shitpostery...and I just democrapped all over it!!?
Not sure why it's sideways...
Yer Qillin' me Smalls!
Indeed! It's a bit of interweaving the past to present, but it's real life manipulation by way of faking authority with intimidation and esoteric secrecy. And the bastard was heart attacked! It's a clear link for anyone to see
??? Might wanna wipe that up!
God bless you Sen. Rand Paul!! Absolutely disgusting what they attempt to make good people pay for against their will and against all morals. You want the 'choice' then pay for the murder your damned
Babbitt: (noun) A materialistic, complacent and conformist businessman.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ YOU GET 17 FREEDOM STARS FREN!!! I've been dreaming of making my own American Gladiators course for years!!
Gonna rewatch this classic with a new set of eyes now!
???Ohhh....feels good to laugh!!! I'll have ta steal that one fren!!?
??? It's a literal witch hunt
mentality!! You're racist if you don't treat all races the same! But if you treat all races the same, you're definitely that it's painfully obvious that we're winning it's easier to laugh at clown world
(thnx Tom Macdonald!)
Ps. Goin nutz
with my blox
Dang man...Kappy is FIRED UP!
Hard not to side with Kappy...
How can we eat at a time like this!?! DuFrank, search
party of two!!
Ohh you certainly delivered fren!!! I don't have a girlfriend, but I do know a chick that'll get really pissed off if she heard me say that?
I see
what ya did there!
ohh feck yess!! I'm a computer now!! I compute!!
did I do it??
Ooh ooh!..may I please have a surprised pepe!? With Get the scumbags! in red?? Evspra, you da bespra!
I took it so seriously, I stopped myself from taking the oath because I was concerned I didn't know enough about tech...still doing my part though!
Noice!! Three in row...feels good!..??????
It's a whole new sport they've created!!???
Relax guys, there's plenty of green Commiefornia!