same in the rest of europe..
jeez didn't know about that
in France you pay 135euros penalty for not wearing mask.
only bluepills cuck agree on this.
More and more conspiracy theories are difficult to find on google and youtube, you have to go to duckduckgo. Soon, there won't be any conspiracy theory at all.
i hope he is kinda hiding the strategy he was saying earlier 10/10 chance that trump will rule for the next 4 years.
you don't have any real pictures of earth from "space"
there is no alternative to democracy. But i agree with T.Sowell.
in any case the bible doesn't describe a spinning globe earth flying in the milky way... https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9d/3e/98/9d3e98d1d396764786ea66f4d63af5cb.jpg
people fear that their whole life was a lie
macron worked for rothschild, he is a puppet.
it's in Q post. Grandfather of Hitler was a roth. Jews ironically financed his election campaign. War brings wealth to Roth.
hitler was a puppet of rothschild
there a lot of issues in elite jewish families : pedophilia and incest.
FakeX. Space doesn't exist
pure evil, i couldn't launch the video.
is it a good idea to buy bars of let's say 500g or 1kg ?
ok thanks, i'll go for silver. I don't think survivalism is a good option, the NWO is going to apply everywhere via 5G. We can't survive on our own there will be army against us, but it's just my opinion.
is it worth to buy let's say 1kg of silver ? its far less expensive than gold.