hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not a fan of fish oil.

Ivermectin may have originally been patented by Merck but it was developed by a true scientist in Japan and it has literally cured millions of people from severe diseases. Now that it is off patent they don't want to help people even though the evidence shows it works.

The best defense against covid is to be healthy before you get it. Obesity is the #1 factor determining covid risk.

hope111111 1 point ago +1 / -0


TLDR: as little sugar as possible, as little vegetable oil as possible.

Dr. Gary Fettke and you should also listen to Ivor Cummins.

hope111111 3 points ago +3 / -0

Watch "The Silent Epidemic: Untold History of Vaccines" and "Vaxxed". Listen to Del Bigtree and RFK Jr.

It's difficult to avoid all vaccinations as children need them to even be able to go to school. The best thing you can do is to delay the schedule as much as possible. Another thing you need to realize is that if you had your child two decades ago, the schedule would literally be one fifth of it's current size. And all those kids are still alive and doing great. So don't let yourself feel as though not adhering 100% to the schedule is a sin. You are doing the right thing.

hope111111 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. It's not a majority of doctors but enough to truly be terrifying (in my estimation 5-10% of docs are just as you described, with a larger number having some of these tendencies but not overtly psychopathic).

The type A egos that are needed to thrive in medicine absolutely select for this behavior. I have even witnessed things worse than you describe, but that is in a very small minority of healthcare providers.

The stark reality is that many of them think their knowledge makes them superior, and in that they blind themselves to the damage they are causing.

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes, one issue I am particulary worried about is increases in cancer rates. The vaccine puts such a pressure on the immune system to clean up spike all over the body that it seems as though it is allowing cancers to grow unchecked.

Again, not everyone but enough to make it a clearly unsafe product.

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sally's all day every day. Best pizza (apizza) in the US. Pepe's is also fantastic of course.

Wow, that is very interesting about your great grandfather. Yale's architecture is its one redeeming quality.

Yep, post-docs (more so than MDs but some can still be included in this group) are party animals and they know what drugs to use to fuck themselves up. Lol...

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are awesome! Psilocybin is a life-changing molecule in so many ways. It has benefitted me in both mental and physical ways that truly improved my overall well-being. It could single-handedly replace many of the current psychiatric drugs.

I may or may not be actively growing some right now ;).

Really appreciate your post, and it's awesome to see other docs my age aware of its benefits. You should read the Immortality Key by Brian C. Muraresku if you haven't yet. It discusses how psychedelics were almost definitely used in many religious rites across the Western world in the past and how this has likely been suppressed. He comes from an extremely academic background and everything he says is sourced.

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are sensible. I do not believe in any way that everyone taking the covid vaccine is doomed.

I believe the evidence shows the covid vaccines are giving around 1 in 1000 people a severe injury, which is a rate multiple orders of magnitude above normal vaccines and in my opinion high enough to make it clearly unsafe. There are very unfortunate things happening including changes to menstrual cycle, autoimmune problems, as well as the main problem of blood coagulation.

But I also think that the vast majority who took it and experienced no problems are more than likely fine going forward.

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

You hit a lot of the points. I would also consider adding some fasting if you can tolerate it to stimulate the body's natural autophagy process. Turkey tail mushrooms are a good way to naturally boost the immune system to fight cancer.

zero sugar. amygdalin. Also THC oil is a must.

hope111111 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty remarkable that this stuff isn't taught by cardiologists, right? It really is a completely fixable problem.

You don't have to me masochistic about it. Pizza (and other things) are still fine once in a while, but the majority of days should be whole foods and low sugar.

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

CDK4/6 inhibitors are much less toxic than standard chemo and I think trying it would be okay.

Here are some things I also HIGHLY recommend.

Boost your innate immune system with diet. Things like Turkey tail and Reishi mushrooms have been shown repeatedly to boost immune system function, specifically cells that work against cancer. Paul Stamets is a world-renowned mycologist who did these studies. His 80 year old mother got an extremely aggressive breast cancer. He advised her to consume Turkey tail along with her standard treatment. She was the only patient of 50 to survive. Remarkable.


Lower your sugar intake immediately. Cancers are extremely reliant on sugar to survive. This is called the Warburg effect. If I had cancer I would begin a keto/very low carb diet immediately, consuming mostly meat and green vegetables. There are countless stories of people with aggressive cancers that go into immediate remission when sugar is removed from the diet. I also would consider adding a 3-4 day fast into your routine once a month if you think you can tolerate it. Fasting is the only way to initiate the autophagy process, which is where your body begins to clear out old/defective cells instead of being in the body's normal anabolic (growing) state.

Consider watching G. Edward Griffin's "World Without Cancer". It is specifically about Vit B17 (not recognized by medicine at large) and how it specifically targets cancer cells. It is found naturally in things like apricot seeds. The video is remarkable, and in the 70s and 80s there were literally thousands of people having success with this treatment but of course the FDA pounced on it and forced allopathic physicians to stop using it despite mountains of evidence that it worked.


I also would consider taking a few drops of cold-pressed THC oil per day under the tongue if you can get access to it. Cannabinoids work remarkably against cancer, regardless of what mainstream medicine says.

I wish you all the best!

hope111111 9 points ago +9 / -0

they are off patent. Dirt cheap. no money to be made.

Remdesivir is on patent and $3000 per treatment.

hope111111 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes eggs in bacon fat is actually good for you. Animal fats are better than polyunsaturated plant fats. Olive oil is the safest plant fat.

Not a fan of fish oil. I think it contains excess vitamin A content which is not discussed in the packaging that actually makes the risks > benefits. I do not know this for a fact but I have seen enough evidence to stay away from it.

hope111111 4 points ago +4 / -0

This video by RFK Jr should have been the nail in the coffin for the HPV vaccine. They rigged absolutely every single part of the trial, still got bad results, and covered it up in a number of ways. Worth watching the entire thing.


hope111111 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the #1, most unbelievable thing that is not told to patients about cancer (particularly from a dietician perspective) is the Warburg effect. Dr. Warburg won the nobel prize a long time ago for realizing that cancers desperately rely on sugar in particular to survive, and ferment it to get energy + chemical building blocks.

This theory would suggest that things like limiting or completely eliminating sugar intake (and potentially also alkaline foods which counteract the acidic environment caused by fermentation) severely hamper the cancer cells' ability to grow. In my opinion anyone with cancer should be on a low/zero carbohydrate diet. A person with cancer who eats pancakes and candy is fueling their fire. There used to be many good videos (even news reports) of people with aggressive cancers that disappeared with low carb diets.

You also might be interested in watching G Edward Griffin's world without cancer which discusses "vitamin b17" aka laetrile/amygdalin but was heavily suppressed after much success in the 70s and 80s.

I also believe that stimulating the immune system with foods like turkey tail and reishi mushrooms is highly effective against cancer. Let your immune system fight the cancer rather than wiping it out with chemo

hope111111 2 points ago +2 / -0

TLDR: atherosclerosis is caused by 1. smoking 2. excess sugar and insulin resistance 3. polyunsaturated seed oils.

the videos are well-worth your time though.

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