The police are NOT there to protect people. They are there to protect the ds interests.
Kissing is normally the prelude to getting Fuc*ed. Just like this assho did to all those people he sentenced to death. I agree that this is just an out, to let him escape, with as little damage as possible. I cannot wait until people have had enough of this bs. Has anybody noticed that this is almost always how people get removed from power? Some sexual misconduct charge. It will clear the way for him to "formally" apologize and claim that he is getting help.
Even IF he were to give a SOTU address...what would it consist of? It would have to be total and complete lies to make it SEEM as if he were doing a stellar job in his stolen position. America already knows what he and his ilk are all about. He is 100% ALL about destroying this country.
What court?? The highest court in the land just declined to even hear the cases. AGAIN! This is COMPLETE BULLSHIT! Who cares about our socialist assholes who make our laws?
I'm ALL for EVERYBODY in our so called "government" getting audited. They are nothing more than grifters who steal from us at EVERY opportunity they get. Fuck these people.
We're already labeled as terrorists.
Maybe too busy with all the cock meat sandwiches at GTMO.
Yet another VOAT refugee here. Glad to have a place to go to!
Just like the votes he supposedly got.