i_am_a_kike_AMA 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only points of reference I can think of is how Islam and Judaism approach abortion and the issue of human soul. Very generally both agree to 40 days from conception, although some Islamic views permit it up until 120 days.

i_am_a_kike_AMA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me give you my three cents as a UK pede. I frankly have no clue how the civil service was governed in the former US of A, and probably none of us here know how it’s gonna work in Zhou Bi Den junta. BUT. In Europe it’s generally very difficult to remove/sack civil servants. That’s why it’s one of the most stable jobs out there.

Now, I have no reason to disbelieve the OP. But I am curious whether it’s possible to actually track changes in the US gov’t agencies workforce. That would give a broader insight into possible scenarios:

  1. OP’s observations are valid, yet limited to his office and social circles. (Making it curious, but potentially not ground breaking.)

  2. OP speaks for a wider range of agencies, not limited to his circle and acquaintances. (That would be a bomb)

Anyone knows more about this? Can we somehow analyse shift in personnel to civil service IN REAL TIME?