icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is illegal, unconstitutional and obviously proves our republic has been infiltrated by a force practicing irregular warfare on the populations of the world.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh my gawd! authoritative researchers might start using a scientific method to seek the truth! CONSPIRACY !! KILL KILL KILL! BEFORE IT GROWS! kill it...https://youtu.be/zN04caIexBI

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know some people who can't stand to hear or see the truth. They don't believe the media could lie without getting sued. They lecture me about how Trump lies because they believe the lying media. I think the worst ones are the people who ritchously clame they don't watch television but for 1 hour a day at night, when they fall asleep. I believe these folks who insist Trump lies and is a killer have been hyptnotized by the last hour of television, usually comedy programs that mix lies into current events. Yhe other catagory are the morning news viewers who uncritically listen to fabricated lies and ommitions at 7am.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peter Comey, and JaRNes CORNEY ARE BROTHERS AND HIDDEN INSIDE OF MISSPELLINGS AND SUBDTERFUGE. And Kamilla is part of it! That is why the AWAN pakistani spy ring was covered up!

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only way to prevent the truth from being shouted from the roof tops is to censor it. This will not work because Q is not a thing, it is an idea, to independently verify the information from the news. Q doesn't tell anons anything except to verify independently. That is why so many people still think JFK jr. is still alive. There are people who think they have seen him, no body was ever found, and logically that is what I would do to keep my loved ones safe if the CIA and world bankers and industrialists who killed my father were out to kill me. Further more, anons bring truth and adhere to rules based in the U.S.CONSTITUTION, not illegal threats and shady actions.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

HOLY CRAP! Ifinally read the article, full of cast aspersions that followers will do EXACTLY what deranged MK ULTRA patseys have done in the past. Mixing unfounded lies about conspiracy theories and projecting them on to Cops to encourage fear. Making light of the SATANIC PANIC OF THE 1980S when Fauci was conflating AIDS as a highly contageous disease when they all knew it was the symptoms of an immune system crash. When can the lying be exposed in court? I guess when Gen.Flynn and Brad Parscale see justice for being set up by the 3 letter agencies. Sedition is thickrr than good pea soup.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I giggled when I read the title. Oh my, Q info really does weed out the truth seekers from the mindless followers.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rail roads wife eh, and fighting for the privacy of intelligence networks to frame innocent people in order to hide real crime.I get it! She is R.R.s fixer cover up spook wife. Nice post anon! QQ17 gets a private prize!

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that ballots are either sacred or worthless and should be destroyed. I am even a little suspect of absentee ballots. Several applications for absentee ballots came to my house yesterday. Looking over them they would be pretty easy to fake.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have seen Biden acting like he has developed Alzheimers disease and suffering sundowners at events in Michigan last summer. If he isn't being guided like a puppet I can't figgure out how he does it. He is deffinitely far gone. Here is Bidens new campaign slogan! https://youtu.be/ylRgUxrVkxs

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, your right, I went to an agrigator of old screen shots from twitter and the dolls were being sold next to dildos and bondage harnesses. I am appologizing for being so stupid and just going off on your altered link. You were correct and once again I was tricked.

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like this sight because it gets different info from my GAB streem. I also still LOVE the WW1WGA flash when I up vote some post.

icecream4peace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow, that is so complicated I would suspect Occams Razor is too sharp for that possability, but then when I think about how the Michael Flynn case went so left handed, exposing the judge and FBI of corruption,... It could be the case that Brad Parscale is an other Flynn like decoy to bring in the wild ducks.

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

That seems like a pretty good fix. I remember in kindergarden the teacher went over a pretty thorough list that went almost exactly like section 2. We got along pretty well as 4 and 5 year olds in kindergarten and it astonished me to meet angry black kids who had been tought to hate white kids. That happened at summer camp when I was 13, so I guess I had a pretty blissful childhood through the 1970s.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

They exposed their hand when the resolution precipitated through the news. The guilty will hang dirty laundry like roses for annons to collect.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

more so now that he doth protest too much!

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

democrat China run states trying to defraud the 2020 election..

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would give you 2 thumbs up if I could. So poingiant !

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good point! What if Q is just patriots trying to enforce the Constitution of this land and the legislators know their treason is on display because of the research and communications with in the open forum?

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah it sounded good. Just like Congress signed the patriot act and Obamacare, because as Nancy Pelosi said," you have to sign it to find out what it says".

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, sedition spewing from the television

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

The link is not sex toys. Anyone can misuse anything but I don't see these dolls mixed into dilldos and bondage harnesses.

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