Today's finds

  • Algerian Gulfstream out of Savannah, GA via u/leta
  • The 82-8000 "AF1" plane landed after seeming to circle/land at Langley. It didn't put up a callsign at all and its transponders seemed to stay off for the majority of the flight. according to u/Tropic_Lightning and u/Warren_Puffitt they may have been practicing approaches!
  • An Israeli B703 is flying on the East coast as well and has stopped tracking. This plane is a 'blocked aircraft' on most major radar sites (like AF1 is)
  • 3 VENUS flights are up out of DC. Probably training, but the one commonly used as AF2 has been turning tracking off on occasion.
  • SAM735 out of DC

General info:

  • Joe Biden took one of the 'small' planes that can be used as AF1 this past weekend to Delaware. I have seen no confirmation of the callsign "Air Force 1" being used, please post if you find out anything more.
  • A SAM flight is a Special Air Mission meaning a high level official is on the plane
  • AF1 alternates between 2 different flights reg number: 82-8000 or 92-9000, but they may be flying a test flight if they aren't putting up the AF1 callsign.
  • The callsign "AF1" does not need to be used to mean POTUS is onboard, they may use a different one for security
  • VENUS indicates a training mission

Side note: if anyone is a front end dev or knows react/vue we need you for a project.

Happy flying!


Daily finds:


Today's findings:

  • 2 K35R (refueling planes) out of Tampa doing a pattern copy over Raleigh
  • B52 trying to stay hidden over TX
  • The doomsday plane with nuclear emp defense is on the move
  • Throughout the weekend an abnormal amount of US military planes flying around Taiwan. More: Taiwan has been very busy - via u/classical1
  • Possible GITMO plane via u/JFKsBoatBell. Also a reminder that Biden has ordered GITMO to receive covid vaccine, so it may be transport of that. How to get started: Pick a radar: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ www.radarbox.com www.planefinder.net http://planeradar.ru/VirtualRadar/desktop.html# - additional radar! via - u/logicaloperator Or search one up yourself! Here is a source to look up various callsigns associated with the military: https://henney.com/chm/callsign.htm General info:
  • A SAM flight is a Special Air Mission meaning a high level official is on the plane
  • AF1 alternates between 2 different flights reg number: 82-8000 or 92-9000, but they may be flying a test flight if they aren't putting up the AF1 callsign
  • VENUS indicates a training mission
  • Neither Kamala or Joe Biden have stepped food on AF1 or AF2 according to our tracking Happy flying!

The 486th Flight Test Squadron is not what it seems. In fact, that's literally their motto. They run secret, classified missions and are used as quick-reaction transportation by alphabet agencies, mostly FEMA. They are spy planes, with a plain white finish and no real distinct markings.

It's strange for this many to be on the move when they are supposed to be on call 24/7 for the department of defense, special ops in the state department, CIA, or foreign emergency support team

These are the planes that have been known to hold association One is at their home base in Eeglin (FL), one flew to DC and is now on the way to Costa Rica, another is in NC after a morning trip to southern AZ, and the last tracked craft has recently landed in DC Worth noting: the callsign on the bird that landed in DC first this morning is BULLA76


*This post is updated as new findings come in

Daily Plane Thread ✈️ Planes ✈️
posted ago by itsdazzling ago by itsdazzling

*This post is updated with some interesting new findings. Find more in the comments :)


*This post is updated with some interesting new findings. Find more in the comments :)

  • A SAM out of DC it is an AF2 plane, but the SAM callsign indicates it's a high level official NOT kamala
  • A lot of US P8 planes up and trying to stay hidden over both the US and overseas. These planes are anti-submarine and anti-surface planes with large weapons bays. Due to the nature of these planes, the lengths they are going to stay hidden and the fact that they are 'our guys' I will not be posting any up here. Godspeed soldiers

Good morning plane chasers EDITS: Today's finds HAPPENING NOW:

  • Heavy military traffic of T38s and Tex2s over Sheppard AFB, the last place the 92-9000 AF1 was seen
  • Alabama National Guard is on the move flying low in helicopters. About 20 choppers in the sky and a C12 prop plane and more joining.
  • There are multiple locations where military planes are simultaneously running big drills Seems like it might just be normal training via u/Fjolsvith . However I maintain that this is the most active I have seen these places in weeks! In Columbus AFB there are almost 13 T38s in motion!! and another separate group of 13 doing the same pattern by Sheppard AFB (where the airman mysteriously died and the last location of the 92-9000 AF1) group of 15 over San Antonio! 13 Tex2s also joining in the action in Pensacola.
  • The heavy traffic in TX could be from SpaceX? A Notice to Airmen has been issued in TX "TO PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIROMENT FOR SPACE OPS PURSUANT TO 14 CFR SECTION 91"
  • AF1 was doing low circles over/around the DC area. It is longstanding tradition for the AF1 pilots to turn over when the a dministration does, but it is not a law just a practice. It's very possible this is a training flight, however the VENUS callsign was not put up (meaning no vip on board) so anything is possible
  • One of the AF2 planes (98-0002) was flying out of DC with a VENUS callsign. It did MANY low loops above Harrisburg airport, not entirely sure what that means. Andrews AFB has been BUSY this morning.
  • ANOTHER AF2 plane (01-0040) flying out of DC with a VENUS callsign
  • Lots of activity in Texas, T38s and Tex2s are all over. There are many training facilities there, but this traffic is just slightly above normal
  • Gitmo flight out of FL

Yesterday’s “top hits”

  • Possible AF2 sighting? This plane is one of the B737s that carries high ranking officials, in this case from ~Missouri to Arizona. Interesting tidbit? This exact plane made a stop in Miami on the night of the 22nd. Maybe someone is making a little trip to Maricopa? The callsigns from these trips begin with AVLON if that means anything to you
  • Another possible AF2 took a small trip yesterday to an airbase in South Carolina. The callsign of VENUS typically indicates a training run, so we don’t think Kamala has touched her just yet!
  • There has been NO NEWS on the possible dead airman at Sheppard Air Base (where AF1 appears to be). The base hasn’t even been confirmed opened up yet, but rest assured I have emails to the news and my best aviators on the case of the AF1 location.
  • Is POTUS at Mar-A-Lago? Someone who knows more about air restriction than me is going to find out! In the meantime two helicopters hovered exactly over Mar-a-Lago for a while last night,~~it was likely a rescue or patrol of the ocean, but it does raise an eyebrow as they were the only two US military choppers out at that time. ~~ EDIT: It was a Coast Guard patrol searching for a downed airplane that had crashed into the ocean. Sadly they found that the man piloting it did not survive. Many prayers to his family and the search and rescue teams.

HOT TIPS: There are 4 doomsday planes that can be used as mobile White Houses. 3 are ‘normal’ E4-Bs with the following registration 74-0787 (last seen in FL)73-1677 (last seen in FL) 73-1676 - (last seen in San Antonio). The DOOOMSDAY plane is 75-0125 and was last seen at Offut AFB where it makes it’s home. This is the plane with defense against nuclear EMPs Tools of the trade: Callsign list thanks to u/Big_kc_master


Come one, come all to the post about planes. Please post your crazy findings and questions here. Tomorrow’s post will have a space at the top to recap what we learned today. Have fun frenz!

Yesterday’s plane post with the Hercules planes with Golferxx as their callsign? That was the Minnesota National Guard returning home.

What to watch today: Syria has been awfully quiet. This could be good (no US invasion) or bad (airspace is blocked)

The second Air Force One: registration 92-9000 has been hanging out on the border or TX and OK. Weird fact: on Thursday at 12:30 an airman was killed on base. No details have been announced since the incident occurred. Between 12:00 and 1:30 that day AF1 had taken off from what appeared to be an area by Sheppard AFB.

The nuclear defense capable doomsday plane: it is currently with one other doomsday plane in NE. It has been cycling between the AFB in NE and the AFB in Texas for about 2 weeks at least. It costs around $160,000 an hour to fly it, so why did they make a trip to North Carolina the day before inauguration? Why did it then leave the day after inauguration? And why, when it landed and took off, did it turn its transponders off?

Other doomsday planes: there are 3 others. One flew to Florida yesterday from NE. Number two is still in NE. The third one? Has had its flight history wiped completely all the way back to the 9th of the month.


There's been some awesome discord on plane movements, a lot coming from Monkey and a few tidbits on this website. I'm a plane geek, too, and there's some SERIOUS stuff happening.TWO THINGS:

  1. If you're nervous, I can confidently tell you the planes aren't lying (well.. they are being sneaky). Something is happening and it's big. Let's hope and pray it is in our favor.
  2. Although this stuff is public, be careful what you say. We might be stumbling into something kind've big and I don't want to compromise it. If you want to get in on some serious digging or are super into tracking planes join the element group: https://matrix.to/#/+thedonaldofficial:matrix.org and ask for @itsdazzling Mods I hope this is ok, I'm just trying to clean things up