CaptainChrisPBacon 4 points ago +4 / -0

What I find about "Q" given enough time, it becomes clear what is being posted. This is a massive storm that will be covered on Twitter.

CaptainChrisPBacon 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lot in common with the Roman Emperor Caesar. Even though he had defeated the ancestral enemies of Rome, the senate eventually declared Caesar an enemy of the state and made Pompey dictator. Caesar famously crossed the Rubicon River with one of his legions. He maintained that he did so to restore Rome's liberty from the tyrannical and unconstitutional senators. https://youtu.be/XDVCU5cIPhY

CaptainChrisPBacon 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing we ever get in the mail is an advertisement. Not that it is bad because occasionally we use the pizza coupon or car wash coupon. But with social media today that is an obsolete way of doing business.

CaptainChrisPBacon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hyundai has already invested Billions in Georgia with a new car manufacturing plant. It is about ready to start up. It was supposed to build EVs but now it will be gas and hybrid as the EV market has crashed.

CaptainChrisPBacon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hyundai is finishing up a major plant in Savannah Georgia. Originally it was supposed to build electric cars. It changed now to Gas and Hybrid as the EV market has dropped off so poorly. We have Koreans flooding the area and driving up rent payments and Americans are moving her driving up the Home sales prices. My home has doubled in value in about 3 years. I am not planning on selling we love our neighborhood it has been very nice from the start 25 years ago. My next move out will be feet first into a hurst.

CaptainChrisPBacon 20 points ago +20 / -0

Elon taking the Red Pill lock stock and barrel! One of the leading liberals has learned liberals are violent p.o.s. They could care less who they hurt because their fe fes has been hurt.

CaptainChrisPBacon 32 points ago +32 / -0

The first arrest was Donald J. Trump.

CaptainChrisPBacon 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am a firm believer in the American right to peacefully assemble. It is a protection in our United States Constitution. You do not have any right to hurt anyone impede traffic or business. You do not have any rights to damage or steal property.

CaptainChrisPBacon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Being a Nazi is an ideology, not an ethnicity. You cannot be born a Nazi you become a Nazi.🙄

CaptainChrisPBacon 10 points ago +10 / -0

Jamaal is in for a big fight with the richest man in the world. Who can afford to take him to the cleaners. Jamaal is not going to have USAID or any other Tax Payer cash to defend himself.

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