jairus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you see what I mean by straw man? You're not focusing on anything important I said. You only went at the on the shit that can easily be argued, like a joke. That's the same as me saying "oh you're so cool with third Reich as a name. You're not edgy, and I'm sure you actually stand for something."..when I know you dont. And then you feel like a dumb, sad little boy, because I made fun of your ridiculous name, but never argued anything you said. I'm busy, you worthless, sad little faggot. Lmao. I literally can't respond after this one. Hope you learned something.

jairus 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have enough people questioning senselessly about things we have no answer for right now. And you're white knighting it. We have enough of that shit. Don't be an NPC, don't be a bot, don't be a soyboy. We need to go on the offense, take chances to get closer to a revolution. Not ask ridiculous questions that if anyone reads, they can't answer, and it can only affect their morale negatively. "Will anything come of it or is he controlled opposition?" Is not a question someone asks when they're trying to have a conversation. It is a question on 2 complete opposite sides of the spectrum. Yes he will do something of course or they wouldn't have gotten all those doctors together, and spent all those resources. No he's not controlled opposition because why would all of these grown men have a televised event spending millions on all of these Doctors' and Scientists' time. It's a troll question. They still haven't even come back to see if someone responds. That means they never wanted a response. They had an egenda. Don't whiteknight for someone just to do it next time. I can only respond to this because I have the time right now. So if you respond, I won't be able to. But I'm sure you will with a straw man, subversion, or something very basic like misspelling or something, but I suggest you take the L and move on. Have a good one.

jairus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I want them all dead. Not the sons. The sons come later.

jairus 1 point ago +1 / -0

You and your blackpilled cult need to shape up or ship out. And by ship out, I mean in a very short amount of time, you will be dragged by your hair to a fence for the firing squad

jairus 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was absolutely wonderful. They've changed the world for the better with this meeting.