We have been discussing the elimination of the Federal Income Tax on the board for several years. If you look deep enough, you see pieces of that plan stirring together to become reality. Eliminating the current tax system is a must! It feeds the Cabal by taxing Americans on a mountain of national debt.

Getting back to the points I made in the title. I truly looked for the new TV ad but I couldn't find it online. Here is Politifact saying she made this claim during her acceptance speech.

"Former President Donald Trump "intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax ... that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year"


Here is a liberal site confirming the quote.

Former President Trump Proposes an Up to $3,900 Tax Increase for a Typical Family


Last year my wife and I paid $22,000 in Federal income tax. If I get to keep $22,000 by paying $3900 in higher sales tax, I think that is a good deal. This is how Trump can promise a skyrocketing recovery after he returns to office.

Trump Drops Bombshell Proposal: Allegedly Suggests Eliminating Income Tax in Favor of High Import Tariffs During DC Republicans Meeting


Elon: I can’t wait. There is a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that needs to go. Trump is reportedly eyeing a plan to involve prominent business executives, including Elon, in auditing federal agencies to identify programs to cut.


Lin Wood: No Taxes!!!


Jan 2023: Republicans to Vote on a Bill that Would Abolish the IRS, Eliminate Income Tax


Ron Paul: By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don’t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing.


U.S. Congressman Introduces Gold Standard Bill as Inflation Spirals Out of Control




Let us start with this.


Eight months earlier on Feb 8, 2020, Pompeo gives the Governors a warning:

Pompeo discusses China at the National Governors Association

Start at the 3:30 mark.


In the closing statements of his speech, Pompeo gave the Governors a way out. He said if you find yourself in a situation involving China, come see us and we will instruct you on how to deal with it. The question today, who took the advice of Pompeo and who went for the money?

Pompeo also mentioned a Chinese institution called the Confucius Institute.

Their stated purpose is to promote and teach Chinese culture and language around the world.

They spend billions per year buying influence and have invaded all of our colleges and universities. Not just in the USA, they are invading universities around the world.

You see, our Dept of Defense pays grants to universities to do research on a whole host of subjects. If you had a Chinese spy partaking in these research projects, much of the resulting data gets sent to China before it gets sent back to the DoD. In essence, China is getting free research into cutting edge technology paid for by the American taxpayer.

China can also make recommendations on the professors that are chosen to teach at these universities. Ever wonder why our universities have lost the reputations they once had? Many of them could be teaching your sons and daughters the benefits of Marxism, Socialism and Communism, creating the backwards leftist ideology we see emerging today.


Just a few examples I remember:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. had a Chinese spy working for her for nearly 20 years.

Rep. Eric Swalwell D-Calif had ties to a Chinese spy named Christine Fang.

We learned recently Tim Walz has traveled to China some 30 times.

I'm wondering if Walz will be used in the near future, what not to do when selling our country out to the highest Chinese bidder.

Looking at the names on the above Q post, names are from CA and NY. Q told us to watch CA and NY. My guess is the arrests will start at the bottom and work the way up the top, gathering evidence along the way. This China connection ties into battle ground states as well as I will explain.

Sept 3rd, 2024: Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government


Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government, including deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and deputy diversity officer for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Here is another story from today,

New York City government raids:


Who's been targeted?

"Three brothers connected to the embattled mayor were targeted by the FBI on Thursday. David Banks is chancellor of New York City schools, appointed by Adams. He is in a romantic relationship with First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. The pair’s home was raided and their phones were seized early Wednesday morning."

David Banks investigation makes sense if he was taking money from China so they could infiltrate the New York school system. What about below, Phillip Banks who was the deputy for public safety?

"Additionally, Philip Banks III, the deputy mayor for public safety, had his home raided and his phone confiscated that morning. A third brother, Terence, recently left the Metropolitan Transportation Authority"

Remember the story about a Chinese police station in New York? This is speculation but I would have to imagine someone had to be paid off with Chinese money to allow this to happen.


Here is the best China connection:

Donald Trump tweet 7:16 AM · Jun 22, 2020



Taking the time of Trump's post leads us to this interesting article: https://qanon.pub/#716

Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring


It seems the NSA was involved in this. Here is a quote from the article:

"The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future. The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people."

Please read the rest of the article, it is very interesting.


So, what if the NSA then collaborated with Elon and asked Elon to dig up the personal messages from the people they built relationships between?

Ivan Raiklin predicts Elon Musk will release "The Mother of All Twitter Files" soon, revealing shocking truths to the world


Ivan talking about new Twitter files: "It will prove and showcase everything that Mark Zuckerberg admitted to"

There is so much more I wanted to add here but the wall of text is getting too long. Save some for another day.




This is a wonderful speech, it highlights the fact the liberal government is our enemy. It also highlights the growing concerns of many Americans, chemicals in our foods and vaccines and RFK's promise to work within the Trump admin to eliminate these bioweapons from our lives. If you go to the 1:06 mark, he begins to explain the intentional chemical poisoning of the American people. At the very end, he speaks how it will be his and Trump's legacy to eliminate the biohazards from our lives.


Back when people were questioning Trump's connection to the covid vaccine rollout and trying to place blame for the mounting side effects, I saw what might be the shit hit the fan moment we all needed. You can't tell them, you have to show them.

I predicted the covid vaccine disaster would take us in a direction that saved humanity. We were being poisoned and we were poisoning our children, we needed something to slap us across the face and wake us up. Autism rates were creeping up very slowly, slow enough it didn't cause societal concern. However, each year the epidemic of Autism slowly and steadily climbed. This is the legacy of the current FDA, NIH and vaccine industry. Trump's legacy will be that he brough the temple down on their heads.

Here is my post from Jan 2022. RFK's speech today gives me hope for our future. I can stop worrying about my children's future and the ever-encroaching chemical soup they will be exposed to.


A big thank you to RFK, President Trump, the Q team and anons. Exposing the evil was the first step, makes cleaning it up that much easier.

God Bless!!


First, lets start with this question: Where did it go?

On August 1st the DOW was near 40,000, 2 weeks later (today), after a couple weeks of losses and gains, the DOW is back at 40,000 however, my 401k is $5000 less than it was on August 1st. Can anyone explain this? Is there any better example of a pyramid scheme? It is like they are constantly skimming of the top.

I would love to pull it all out of the market and invest in some gold but I figure I would take a $50,000 loss after paying taxes and early withdraw fees.

I assume the market it going to take off like gangbusters after Trump gets back in office. Perhaps it would be best to leave it in the market and hope for a good run over the next 4 year under Trump.

That birngs me to my second question. Where do you think people should be invested with this upcoming economy under Trump? What sectors do you think is going to give the best rate of return for the next 4 years?

I have aprox $200,000 in my 401K. It is in a 2030 retirement fund. I plan on retiring in 5 years. I have been putting aprox $1500/month into it. Rate of return for the last year was 12.3%, 7.8% return over the last 3 years.

Here is a breakdown of how my 401K is allocated.

Domestic Stocks 49%

Foreign Stock 18%

Bonds 23%

Short Term 6%

Other 3%

I could move my 401K to a 2050 fund, take the risk with some with riskier investments and if not, what is your advice.

Thank you.


Look at the opening caption here:

Laura: The media is trying hard to protect Kamala





Kim Cheatle: Biden taps PepsiCo executive to head Secret Service


Kamabala Harris sister, Maya Harris, is married to Tony West. Tony is a attorney and works as general counsel for PepsiCo.

Tony was also Associate Attorney General of the United States under Obama.



I think the body cam footage is from a local swat officer. I saw the edge of his shirt sleeve at the 1:04 mark (black short sleeve shirt) At the 2:14 mark you see another officer wearing black short sleeve shirt and it says SWAT on his back. Everyone else is wearing camouflage and is says police on their back.

He is initially taking cover standing behind a township police vehicle. He then talks to fellow officers in the area calling them out by first and last name. I doubt a secret service agent would know these officers by first name.

At the 2:46 mark you here an officer on the radio stating they need an ambulance for someone injured in the stands near the yellow crane.

You then hear sirens from the ambulances in the background.

At the 3:25 mark you hear a second officer stating they need an ambulance at the VIP tent.

At this point it seems they are all on the same radio frequency. This is where it gets interesting.

At the 8:55 mark the swat officer says, "I saw him on the roof, I dropped down and was calling out. Are we not on the same frequency?"

I wonder if someone had a radio jammer blocking radio transmissions in the area for a short time. Is this why Cheeto said they didn't have any radio communications?

If there were officers on the perimeter who were engaging the shooter (calling out on their radios) and officers at the rally who were all on the same frequency, they should have removed Trump from the stage.



First off, the border around Walz head looks like green screen to me.

Stop the video below at the 14 second mark, use your cursor to scroll back and forth watching the top of Walz head. You see the sign behind his head create a huge triangle divot in the top of his skull.

Also, at the 18 second mark, look at the left lower corner. Black guy sitting behind Walz, his face appears to be in front of Walz suit.



Opened my computer tonight, saw an article about the Olympics, I opened it, I scrolled down to see Galatians 6:7 mentioned. First thing I said to myself, I have to go look that up!!!


I have never been an extremely religious person but I can feel something building inside me. People in my circle are getting more outspoken with regard to faith. Seems like it is growing in intensity.

I was at work a couple weeks back, several coworkers and I were talking discussing the fate of our nation. I didn't know these people to be religious in nature but I spoke out at one point and said our country resembles Sodom and Gomarah and they all immediately agreed.

I read a post from here earlier where someone said their faith in God has been born again from partaking in our GAW community.

I see liberals talking about the Trump assassination declaring his life was saved by God Almighty.

I find myself getting caught up in reading Biblical verse when doing research and it is hard to stop. My wife went to bed at 11pm last night, I told her I would be coming to bed soon. It was 5am when I closed my computer. Reading Revelations and contrasting our world today.

I hope what I see is a true Awakening, God's people banning together, uniting to fight the forces of evil. Q said it would be Biblical. I think that statement goes much deeper than I expected. I feel a revival of spirituality rising up.

I think the uncertainty, anxiety, worry has people seeking the word of God. A God-fearing nation is what we once were. I think we may be going back there.

God Bless you all.



Article here from July 12th, 2024: The leader of the Patriot Front Group was found innocent, charges dropped, although 22 of the men he was with got charged with conspiracy to riot.

This centers around the incident with a Uhaul bus in Idaho that was pulled over and they unloaded 33 Patriot Front Group members.

22 people were charged with a crime but the leader was let go? Does this not spell FED?

Caught Up in a Fed Setup: Charges Dropped Against Patriot Front Group Leader Thomas Rousseau after 22 Duped Recruits Were Found Guilty in Court


Here is a post from couple years ago I put together explaining how this Patriot Front Group operates. They spread fake racism because there is not enough organic racism for the liberals to point to. They are most likely funded by NGO's and organizations like Arabella Advisors. The link below goes into much greater detail. It is a great reminder how the liberals work to spread fake issues and blame the MGA crowd for their propaganda.



PDF Protocols of the Elder Zion


The Elders protocol highlights all the actions the Zionist will use to destroy Europe and the USA. They will use race mixing, illegal immigration, alcohol, pedophilia, pornography, financial slavery, spreading racism and the use drugs and guns through rap music. The list is very long but you get where I'm coming from.

Go to page 8 above, look for "The Symbolic Snake of Judaism", read through to the end of page 9. " conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake"

Go to to page 16, look for "The Symbolic Snake and its significance". In the first paragraph,

"There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vise."

Europe is under the Zionist grip, now they are trying to put the USA under the same grip.

Trump reads "The Snake" poem. He says, "I thought of it having to do with our borders and people coming in, and we are going to have problems" The snake symbolizes the Zionist and their effort to destroy the USA.


Ever wonder why the Pope's Audience Hall has a head shaped like a serpent?


The sculpture behind the Pope has Jesus at the center. So, we see Jesus between the fangs of the serpent (Satan).

Zionist want a One world Government with One World Religion, they have commandeered control of the Vatican.


How do you fight the cabal? Fight fire with fire! Think of it as a psychological counterinsurgency.

The Cabal has indoctrinated our society through a nonstop psychological operation over the last 50 years. Inching us toward a place in history where a portion of society is accepting of perverts teaching our kids about trans sexuality. Normalizing LGBT, forcing gay pride month on us and changing Easter to Transgender Day of Visibility. Building the ever-increasing security state out of fear from terrorists. Pushing the idea we need to send our men to die in a foreign land to protect democracy. Accepting Satan worship because it somehow fits into the protections of the first amendment.

They turned 3 skyscrapers into rubble, killing thousands to justify the Patriot Act and overthrowing middle eastern countries that led to the decimation of Europe through illegal immigration.

How many false flag shootings at schools/theaters/shopping centers have we lived through in effort to overturn the second amendment?

How many times has the media reported white on black crimes while ignoring the black on white crimes to push the fake epidemic of racism and white supremacy in an attempt to divide us.

We just lived through a simulation where they renamed flu as covid and tried to mandate MRNA vaccines that were never tested in any clinical trial.

They pretend abortion is a form of women's health and force us to embrace the idea of murdering children.

The Cabal has turned our society into something that resembles Sodom and Gomorrah.

I see some who are dismayed by the prospect that the white hats would use a psyop to awaken our unconscious society. Attempting to push the indoctrination in the opposite direction. Give us reason to praise God for a miracle. You were told "It would be biblical".

Forcing evil into the light. How do you make people see the truth? I am not trying to underestimate God's power. I know he is capable of much greater things than swatting away bullets.


The cabal has used many shocking, evil displays to sway public perception and create the immoral world we live in. Sometimes you need an equally shocking event to reverse the indoctrination, they need to see it.

The "shot heard around the world" was predicted 6 years in advance. A series of many mistakes, security failures, bumbling DEI agents, cops looking in the opposite direction who were alerted to the shooter on the roof and then failed to convey the threat over the radio, forgetting to move the President to safety, conveniently created an opportunity for the shot to take place. So many coincidences or was it part of the movie? Let people believe God saved Trump's life, that is good, God likes praise, and we need more of it. However, we should recognize it when we see it, we were warned.

This event was not meant for us, this event was for the people who have supported the investigations, trials, indictments, raids, impeachments to stop Trump's reelection, which ultimately led to the assassination attempt. All of these 3 letter agencies seemed to have collaborated against one man standing up for we the people. It will make it easier for the sheep to understand why mass arrests are taking place, why people are being charged with treason, why traitors are being executed.

We should be considering what other scenarios we might see to further this awakening process and be ready for it. I am thinking we need a reason for our society to fully understand why we need a strong border and why the Second Amendment is vital to our safety and freedom. We may experience something scary that unites everyone.

Accepting millions of illegal immigrants looking for safety from climate change (lol); looking the other way so we don't look like a racist nation, very dumb idea. The constant attack on our right to bear arms must be confronted with an event that solidifies the second amendment for centuries to come. Combining these 2 notions while we are continuing to show the people, leads to a situation where these war aged men infiltrating our society will form an uprising against the idea of mass deportation.

When? Around election time. Keep people from heading to the voting booth. How widespread will the revolt be? Will it be another psyop? Who the hell knows. What I do know, if it happens, do not fall in line with the sheeple and scream "Oh my God, what are we going to do!" < and that was my whole point of this entire post. We were told there would be a scare event just like we were warned about the shot heard around the world. Maintain your composure, use your brain, realize you were warned, expect it.





What if the impression we have been given about Crowdstrike has been disinformation. What if this is a "think mirror" situation.

We assume many entities in this movie are playing reverse rolls in effort to infiltrate enemy lines, collect evidence.

We know Crowdstrike investigated the DNC server hack and passed their findings to the FBI, "Russia did it", no questions asked. Why was Crowdstrike chosen?

DNC thought they could shield their criminality and keep sensitive evidence hidden from investigators by using Crowdstrike? Using Crowdstrike also kept evidence out of Intel databases which could prevent any leaks from bad actors. Remember, behind the scenes there was a massive sting operation being conducted, they didn't want to risk blowing the operation open to early.

Crowdstrike was painted as a bad actor for covering up for Hillary Clinton, what if the opposite is true? Remember this is all speculation.

Lets look at some of the Crowdstrike founders and executive team. The first person helped establish the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force and all the rest worked for McAfee!!! What is McAfee famous for in the Q realm?

Who is Shawn Henry?


Henry is the president of CrowdStrike Services and its Chief Security Officer.

Shawn Henry retired from the FBI in 2012. During his time at the FBI, he helped establish the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF).

“I believe the cyber threat is an existential one, meaning that a major cyber attack could potentially wipe out whole companies."

“We have had a lot of success with cybercrime investigations. We’ve made arrests, we’ve had some impact,”

“I think there are a lot of investigative techniques the FBI has used over the last few years that have allowed it to infiltrate these organizations, to use intelligence to better identify who the players are within the organization, to get a full scope and understanding of the infrastructure of the organization,”


He seems like a based individual, looking to protect the national security.

Who is Dmitri Alperovitch?


Dmitri Alperovitch is an American think-tank founder, author, philanthropist, podcast host and former computer security industry executive. He is a co-founder and former chief technology officer of CrowdStrike.

Alperovitch is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Russia. (Coincidental we assume Trump, Putin and Xi are behind the scenes allied together fighting the NWO)

Most interesting part, look at the career section in the above link, Alperovitch worked for [McAfee] in 2008.

Who is George Kurtz?


Kurtz is an American businessman. He is the co-founder and CEO of cybersecurity company CrowdStrike together with Dmitri Alperovitch.

He was also the founder of Foundstone and chief technology officer of [McAfee].

Who is Gregg Marston?

One of the founders of Crowdstrike.

Marston had been the CFO of Foundstone, an IT company Kurtz co-founded that [McAfee] acquired. (a division of security software maker McAfee.)

Foundstone was an anti-hacker software, prevented penetrations into critical data and alerted intrusion detection.


Who is Michael Sentonas?

He is President of Crowdstrike.

Prior to CrowdStrike, Mr. Sentonas held multiple leadership roles at [McAfee], serving as Chief Technology Officer


Remember the story about McAfee giving free computers to US politicians and later threatening to expose them?

‘I’ll f**king bury you!’ McAfee vows to expose corrupt US officials & CIA agents if ‘disappeared’


And, McAfee has made a reappearance recently through some social media posts.

CrowdStrike, the company at center of recent worldwide tech outage?

CrowdStrike is an American cybersecurity firm based in Austin, Texas. Since being founded in 2011, they have made a name for themselves as one of the top firms providing protection; the company says its customers include 298 Fortune 500 companies, eight out of the top 10 financial services firms, seven out of the top 10 manufacturers, six of the top 10 healthcare providers and eight out of the top 10 food and beverage companies.

I read from one of the anons here say that all the ant-hacking, penetration protection software for these companies had would have been disabled during this outage. Were all these companies hacked during the outage? Many of the big corporations have hijacked, bribed, influenced and taken control of our government, pushing DEI, trans, rainbow, BLM bullshit down our throats for many years.

Perhaps a mass hacking incident just happened. By who? I know Space Force is controlling and monitoring all of our satellites these days and Crowdstrike runs on a cloud platform. It is just something I thought was interesting. Have a good day.



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