kanabiis 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dan Rathers reporting made it sound like Gates had been shot. What a cuck.

No motive for this cowardly attack.

Fuck off....

kanabiis 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yea, Mike Flynn at the 11th hour on a nationally broadcast interview is going to admit that there is a plan in motion.

A career intelligence services general is going to spill the beans for some upvotes on the internet.

kanabiis 7 points ago +8 / -1

Clearly the ramblings of a lunatic who believes the truth will set you free. What a crazy person.

She should have made a instagram video where she cried like a bitch and just made stuff up.

Then people would obviously take her seriously.

kanabiis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tom MacDonald, based music no liberal shit, positive messages and red pills.

Should be on your must hear playlist.

kanabiis 2 points ago +2 / -0

The lack of a response to the 'gunshot' is the most out of place thing in all of the footage.

Gunshots are incredibly loud in a confined space, and the percussion causes actual air displacement, even seasoned shooters have to have active mental concentration when they are next to a firearm being fired to avoid the involuntary flinch. Not a single person was thrown into involuntary panic when the shot rang out. Not one person.

That is not natural.

I don't know if Ashlie Babbit is a real person alive or dead, but that footage is not of an unorganized crowd who just witnessed a person being shot.

kanabiis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those guys are not US forces, that is a NATO joint strike force insignia.

Most SF guys here in CO are long hairs, but they mobilize quite often so HnT is not the norm.

kanabiis 2 points ago +2 / -0

91E welder/fabricator 4th ID Ft. Carson

kanabiis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next flight of Ospreys I will be sure to take a pic, just for you.

kanabiis 1 point ago +1 / -0

You didn't serve shit nice try though. Ospreys are not used by force recon, they use MH-60K's.

Go back to Google you twit.

kanabiis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fully aware of who and what are stationed at Carson lived on that base for 18 years. We have always had a SF attached division at Ft. Carson, you clearly do not have any understanding of special forces units, as Army special forces ARE the green berets so claiming that army SF may be training with the GB is hilarious since Army SF ARE the GB.

Ospreys are marine aircraft, period. Now had you claimed that army SF may be joint training with Marine Recon, the SF special forces of the Marines that may have given you some credibility, but the fact that you did not know that army SF are the green berets and claimed that they are 2 separate entities shows that you have watched 1 too many movies written by liberals who know nothing about the military or their unit designations.

All that said, IF the ospreys were flying over COS as some sort of training with the Army at Ft. Carson they would NOT be flying out of Peterson AFB, as Ft. Carson has its own fully capable air field called Butts Field.

Don't blow smoke up my ass I have 18 years of actual experience in these matters, you are some guy that used Google.

kanabiis 4 points ago +4 / -0

COS pede here, live across the street from the runways at Peterson AFB. Ospreys been up all day for the last few days.

We do not have a marine base anywhere near us, Ospreys are a treat for us to see as they are so rare. Not over the last 2 weeks though, they have been taking off and landing day and night.

kanabiis 0 points ago +1 / -1

A politician with no power is not a politician.

If Q is the only thing that drives your political support then that's your choice. It's foolish and no different then a liberal who votes just for BLM activists with no regard for any other issue.

If you are a one issue voter and Q is your issue that is fine. Dismiss all the other issues that MTG is a firecracker on, abortion, government accountability, term limits, 2nd Amendment, all causes she not only still supports but doubled down on.

If you choose to die on the hill that is Q that is your choice, foolish, but your choice.

kanabiis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone in here disavowing her have no skin in the game.

I guarantee any one of you who claim she has sold you out would disavow Q in a second if your boss called you into the office and hung your job over your head.

It is one thing to claim you would never do it, and another to actually be placed in that position.

Your family's future or your allegiance to Q, NONE of you have had to choose the roof over your head and the food in your kids mouth over some anonymous postings on the internet.

kanabiis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because he had the right skin color.

You think Eminem could have taken over the chaz LOL.


kanabiis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why is that guy carrying a guitar case? Are they setting up a band?

kanabiis 10 points ago +10 / -0

All this edge of the seat is crazy.

Like all week everyone has pretended that nothing is happening, even the MSM but everyone feels it, the entire world is watching.

kanabiis 6 points ago +6 / -0

They claimed to be oath keepers themselves. And had a pretty long social media history of claiming to be.

Its all in the affidavit. One chapter in Ohio that got all independent and planned their own operation. Of course they will use it to blame the entire militia because the media will never call them a fringe sect but just Oath Keepers.

We all know there were several actors in that day, Antia, BLM, AND some right wing groups that are not really MAGA people, but obviously supported Trump by default political lines. This just happened to be one of those groups. AND they were stupid enough to boast about it on the internet and literally were LARPing. Op Sec was not really their deal lol Some paramilitary group, all planning shit on social media.

kanabiis 15 points ago +15 / -0

I don't know about Kodak Black, but Lil Wayne refused to speak out against Trump.

All of a sudden Lil Wayne gets some gun charges.

I'm sure that's all a coinky dink

kanabiis 16 points ago +16 / -0

Has Assange been convicted of a crime? Is Assange in custody of the US?

Trump pardon and commute powers only extend to individuals convicted, or are in current custody of the US government.

This Assange shit is insane, he CANNOT pardon, or commute Assange. He could 'force' the DOJ to take action, but that is a crime.

kanabiis 5 points ago +5 / -0

LOL so funny, get fucked deep state. There are people with tons of information on how you work about to go enter the anti-deep state employment.

He never ceases to make me laugh.

Looking forward to how this ends.

kanabiis 5 points ago +6 / -1


It's all making sense now.

They never saw it coming, hell neither did we.

Why would Kansas change his twitter banner to a picture of him stepping off AF1?

The plan even we did not see till the very end.

You will never believe how this movie ends, you will never believe who is talking to you.


kanabiis 3 points ago +4 / -1

Watch the whole video, Alex Jones is trolling.

If you only watch the first minute and turn it off saying Alex finally sees the light then you are a fool.

Jones is trolling, and it's going viral like he just adopted Q. LOL


kanabiis 18 points ago +18 / -0

Either they greatly underestimate our peaceful movement or they know something we do not.

NOBODY in MAGA is going to riot. That is now how we roll. We have jobs and families and shit to do. If they swear in China Joe we will NOT take to the streets and burn shit down. WE WILL act, locally in our elections, by county in our elections, by state in our elections. We will be active, we will pour money into our MAGA candidates, we will flood our legislatures with letters and phone calls.


So who are they planning on arresting?

BLM/Antifa? It would be a suicide by their cause to RIOT and PROTEST the swearing in of a party that will literally hand them everything they ask for on a silver platter.


kanabiis 27 points ago +27 / -0

Called Florida?

Liberals are clueless, low IQ suckers who can't even keep a story straight. Hey grandma, time to take your meds, it was Georgia moron, read a propaganda paper.

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