kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I do want to make perpetual motion, I believe it's possible. The universe should be nothing, but instead something exists.

Existence is proof that something came from nothing at some point.

We exist therefore something can come from nothing, the conditions are just very special.

The universe itself is in perpetual motion. So to me that's proof perpetual motions is possible.

Just need to come up with clever conservation of energy scenarios that take advantage of environmental conditions to generate a benefit.

But the holy grail would figuring out how to tap the potential energy that exists between quantum vacuum particles. When someone figures out how to benefit from the potential energy of the matter anti-matter pairs as they travel to self-annihilate.

They have potential energy and they have real effects like "the cassimir effect".

Just because the particles annihilate and the net matter increase to the universe is zero, doesn't mean their motion didn't have effects that are persistent.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

Buddy you literally wrote

Voltage means nothing

Then I responded to that because that was nonsense to me and I quoted my college textbooks and gave you a page number and told you the edition to make my point

Then you got mad at me because you didn't bother reading the rest of my post series where I talk about your specific question of power in great detail.

Then you're mad because what I'm working on right now isn't what you want and I can't just snap my finger and magic poof devices from thin air.

I'm not the genie dude, grow up.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a whole machine I'm working on I already said that I'm going to use it to accellerate the collection of atmospheric electricity, I'm making youtube videos and I've even shared stl files for some of what I'm working on.

That's my free energy project for the moment. I came up with an electrostatic model to test on chatGPT while trying to think of how to explain my thought process to other people.

I'm going for the low hanging fruit first. Atmospheric electricity.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

Literally no, voltage and current are both equally important in calculating power.

That like saying there's no power on the high side of a transformer because the amperage decreases as the voltage gets stepped up...

P = VI = IR^2 = V^2/R page 89 - Pearson Electronics fundementals eigth edition

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

See question 5 to read the AI criticising the conclusions, then proof checking itself and proving itself wrong lol

kekistani_prince 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm going to on my youtube channel. Right now I'm working on providing electrostatic forces to accelerate atmospheric electricity collection.

My generator can currently produce 154 KV but my design voltage is 208 KV, so I'm working on my insulation and prints so I can get my design voltage. Then I have to make a motor mount motor. Afterwards I can do some full power p-in, p-out measurements.

If you like real science and you want to see my current experimentation you can check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQiYFfV8Eoc where I used a spark gap and capacitors to measure the current production on my generator when it's 29 KV capable.

Nothing happens fast, I just finalized what I think should be the final revision of my inductor plates and they take 32 hours on the printer each lol.

I've been printing and designing for a month straight.

Here's an example of my current voltage capacity https://www.youtube.com/shorts/glt50pgpPM4

kekistani_prince 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol, I like your poke at my spelling, it's really bad today, I wish I could at least edit the tittle, I normally read and re-read and I takes me like 20 proof readings to catch all my spelling mistakes normally.

So imagine you have a capacitor sandwich with three plates, 1, 2, and 3. One of the outer plates (plate 3) and dielectric dividers are 10 cm removed from the other two plates (1 and 2) but it's connected to plat1 with a wire.

The plates are then charged with an external power source to 1000V and then disconnected from the source with plate 1 being negatively charged and plate 2 being positively charged.

The middle plate (plate 2) is physically drawn from plate 1 towards plate 3.

Plate 1 has a large initial charge and plate 3 has a smaller inital charge since it is further from plate 2. There is a force of attraction between plate 1 and 2 as well as plates 2 and 3.

As plate 2 moves to the middle point between plates 1 and 3 and electrical energies diffuse between plates 1 and 3, plate 2 reaches a null point in the forces of attraction between plates 1 and 3.

After it passes the null point, more electrical energy will be in plate 3 than was in plate one because of the force balance and distances, now, plate 2 will experience a net attractive force towards plate 3 and further motion towards plate 3 is assisted by the force of electrostatic attraction.

At the same time, the electrical energy differential between plate 1 and 3 at the beggining of the motion was larger than the kinetic energy to complete the motion by a factor of 3840 J / 4.455 x 10^-4 J = 8619528.62.

So I think we can handle some losses lol

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah, now that I know it isn't even a fringe science I can stop worrying about alot actually. It frees me up to be more open about what I'm researching.

I also, had the thought that maybe I still have some part to play in bringing people free energy because almost no one except people reading the journal of electrostatics will even know that this is a field of research.

I'm actually somewhat pissed off because the fact that they knew this entire time that these machines have COPs means that we've actually had access to the technology for unlimited free energy for over 300 years and it was hiding in plain sight.

kekistani_prince 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shouldn't hit any one in the head. Nevermind kids.

We used to play pink belly, red-ass, blue balls, and give each other indian burns for fun. A pink but isn't so bad.

Like I'm telling you I was hit with a spoon and spanked and I'm okay with it and wouldn't have it any other way because it worked and I deserved it.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

...Yeah, if she's using that on you as a teen she's going overboard...that sounds more like beating or abuse...

My mom stopped spanking me when I laughed at her the one time and told her it didn't hurt and I was too big for her now.

Then she started giving me lecture and guilt trips, she would talk at me for 30 minutes to an hour at a go and it was basically torture.

She did it to one of my friends once when he was supposed to stay at our place. He didn't show up till 9:30 at night and he was curled up on the bed holding his stomach like someone was kicking it.

Told me it was the worse thing he ever experienced in his life. He was used to being yelled at and belittled, he wasn't used to being punished through my mom contrasting his behaviour with the ideals she knew he had for himself deep down inside.

I can attest, it's the worse feeling in the world.

Those were words. Made me wish for the spanks.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's another with the circuit you specifically requested in full. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpg77RD_fEI

I even used my kids tablet so I could record the oscilliscope at the same time as the digital multimeter.

  • 648 picofarads of capacitors
  • full wave rectification
  • 2010 ohms of resistance
  • oscilliscope on 10 ohm resistor
  • digital multimeter in series with resistance
kekistani_prince 2 points ago +2 / -0

No I did not see that, I've been obsessed for over a month straight. Can you link me? That sounds really cool.

Isn't it funny how if you're primary goal is to heat a location, you could use a wood stove which is condsidered to be up to 80% efficient with modern ones or you could use resistive heaters like baseboard units, which are also considered to be ~100% efficient or you could use a heat pump and freeze one location while simultaneously heating another location and relocate >1.8 times the amount of energy it took to spin the pump.

Somehow people think that isn't free energy... even if the primary goal and intention was to heat a specific thing, a heat pump could be used to give energy to endorthermic chemical reactions.

People say, well the heat wasn't created, the energy came from somewhere else, but so did the energy in the wire for the electric heater, that's kind of a cop-out argument.

I think that free energy is a proven reality and has been since the first heat pump with a coefficient of perfomance over 1.0 has been made.

What's your thoughts on my way of looking at that?

kekistani_prince 2 points ago +2 / -0

I edited my previous response, I guess I'm feeling more sensitive and tired than I realised. I haven't slept much since I started on electrostatics and designing generators.

I appologised to the other guy.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're probably right, I'm running on fumes, I haven't slept much since I started learning about electrostatics.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, he litterally said that I'm lying until electroboom does it.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

All in time, I'm still trying to improve my insulation so I get my design voltage of 208 KV.

Then I need to make a rectifiying circuit with some high frequency diodes and get high voltage transistors and make the voltage sentitive timing circuit to fire the transistors to draw off the power and all of that will need to be sealed in epoxy.

I'm not even done making the generator yet lol

kekistani_prince 3 points ago +3 / -0

Electrostatic machines give you current, they don't supply voltage, they supply current, they will increase the output voltage until something short out internally or until the current being pushed out of the generator matches the current being produced by the generator.

I can run those same outputs with a 2.4 cm spark gap with a humidity level of 38%, which means I get a breakdown voltage somewhere in the viscinity of 20 KV/cm and I am rounding that to 50 KV.

It still produces the same current level, but it produces it at 50,000 kilovolts in order to cross the spark gap.

So that means that I can provide that current at 50 KV.

If I put a 1 kohm load, then I will produce pathetic power.

If I store the power in a capacitor, force the machine the reach it's maximum output voltage and then draw of the power as pulse DC provided at that voltage, then I produce 125W.

kekistani_prince 1 point ago +1 / -0

Edit: Sorry, over-sensitive at the moment.....

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
kekistani_prince 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's an amazing piece of work, especially considering that they are not making overunity claims.

The other thing is that people criticise the plasma cosmology movement because, even though experimental proofs are easy enough to do, they haven't been properly done.

Safire is supposed to rectify that situation in regards to electric sun theory. Some people criticise the team because they don't like the credentials of the engineers working on the project and they think the whole concept is stupid. I find that situation rediculous, like how dare people get mad and ask for proof and then get more mad when people try to find it.

Now they are just making fusion claims that requires fuel and give you energy in proportion to the expenditure of fuel.

Some people might be incredulous about their power-in vs power-out since it is orders of magnitudes more efficient than other methods of performing fusion, however, breakthroughs in science and energy are typically called "breakthroughs" because they are leaps in scientific advancement, i.e. some barrier has been broken or circumvented.

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