You're welcome! Also, this post is a gold mine
This is the third book recommendation I've got so far and all of it sound like fun to read
it's not deliberate, I'm autistic and I suck at proof-reading
Amen brother! I like you.
Solar storm.
That's an unconceivable coronal hole. It rains ions and heavy metals because the magnetic containment is broken. That's why the sky flouresces as described in the text.
The waters become physically pollutes and men develop radiation sicknesses in the worse struck areas.
The impactors are from the final flare that ends the solar storm.
Massive coronal mass ejection.
That's why it sounds is
I don't get that impression. He seems like a loving, but stern father. Like he loves you, but he also wants you to get off of your ass and make something out of yourself by living a life truth, justice, service to your community and charity to the unfortunate.
It's commical when I read the other comments that insist this is not the Father.
This is the Father. The Father is the great One above all, no one could read the chapter 15: the voice of god and walk away without the clear understanding that the message is truly godly.
That is god. Love, truth, justice, understanding with eye towards progress and visions of improvement that extend into infinity. No human flaws are present in the Father. The Father is the god of the burning bush, YHWH is something else.
The god of the Kolbrin does not like war, does not approve of war. The god of the Kolbrin considers it to be an offense to make war in his name, or even to do anything in his name other than charity, which he advices you do as his employee from a mental standpoint to remove the stain of self-interest and expectation of devine reward.
The God of the Kolbrin wants you develop spiritually so that you come to do what is right because it will be in your spirit to do it, not in his command or recommendation.
He wants you to work hard, he wants you to build character by facing challenges head on and pushing through the pain of hard times. If your spirit is the iron the world is Gods anvil and hardship gods hammer.
You may not understand in your mortal life, but he is still with you and he is crafting you into a thing of beauty even as we speak.
It's a history book, not a prophecy book unfortunately
But if you want to read about Jesus before he was a man, there's a section on him at the beginning of the story of creation, he's not called Jeses then, but it's a perfect 1:1 of what I've always been told Jesus is supposed to be
No, the final story of the Kolbrin is Pharo chasing the Jews lead by moses accross the red sea
It's a historical text, not a prophetic text
The only "prophecy" contained in the Kolbrin is not a prophecy at all but a statemment of fact:
"When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens. Their ways change, there is movement and restlessness, they are no longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies."
This pertains to a cyclycal solar event that creates apocalypse level conditions on the earth temporarily at intervals in time that are long enough that we always forget that it's possible when it happens.
"These are the signs and times which shall precede the Destroyer’s return: A hundred and ten generations shall pass into the West and nations will rise and fall. Men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the seas as fishes. Men will talk peace one with another, hypocrisy and deceit shall have their day."
So it's telling us we'll have airplanes and submarines and travel to a fro like nothing by the time it happens again. The author isn't predicting the advent of flight. He's predicting the return of flight.
It's very clear reading the Kolbrin that god doesn't place much value on the material development and technological level of humanity and so it's not mentioned very often, but if you read the stories you get hints here and there of some of their technologies.
Some of the devices mentioned in the Kolbrin remind me of advanced science fiction. It's increadible.
Here's a man of God.
Let's stand for God together my friend.
God is great, he is not plagued by evil and pretty human emotions.
God is love incarnate.
Tarnish not the great One above all with slander and blasphemy of hate and cruelty.
It's not my place to correct you, He will
Monotheistic Christian Egyptians, though the texts are far older than the last transcription.
The bronze books were recorded in Heiroglyphs and are literally made of bronze. It's a corrosion resistant recipe and and then they were sealed in a specialised boxk that uses a bi-metal strip to hold the lid. Completely air-tight and designed to last thousands of years.
Survived the catloic church burning down the abbey it was contained in.
The language of the heiroglyphs is called Heiretic (heretic lol) and one of the last chapters is an account of the pharoe chasing the jews accross the red sea
It's an interesting read, because by the time the apocalypse of the tale of Moses hits, we've already read about 4 other separate apocalypse level events.
One was a comet or asteroid that destroyed a second moon that we had and the fallout from the debris and exlposion of it. The other 3 were solar superstorms that culminate in a gemagnetic jerk so intense that it changes the position of the stars in the sky and causes the northern lights to shine in the middle of the day at the equator, coupled with earthquakes, superstorms and St. Elmos fire sweeping accross the plains and starting cumbustion fires.
Exactly, since when does "very good" mean absolutely perfect and unchanging into enternity?
Why can't perfect mean, perfect for life? Couldn't perfect be interpreted to mean that the life he created was perfectly suited to it's prupose rather than being man's twisted and delusiional definition of "perfection"
People fall into these traps of concrete and become set in their interpretations not realising that there is always more of a story to be had
the kolbrin is very specific in that there is much science and information that god struggles to convey to us, not for his lack of ability, but for ours
it actually says that there are concepts and things about the natural world that are just outside of man current ability to understand
it says that one day we evolve our ability to sense the spiritual realm will develop in our brains and we will be able to converse directly with god "i.e. walk with god" during our mortal lives
that time is not here, but it is coming
until then
God says we will have to do the best we can with veiled truths and twisted knowlege because the only way to access the full and real story of the truth is to talk with him directly
He is extremely clear in the Kolbrin that even the Kolbrin itself is a poor representation of the truth because it written through the limited abilities of man to recieve
"Fools despise wisdom and instruction" proverbs 1:7
God actually addresses that "imperfect" argument in the book lol.
To you the tapestry of time is a long series of events happening one after the other.
For God it is as though the entire tapestry of time is layed out before him.
Man sees the world about him as constant and unchanging, but it is ever changing through the tapestry of time. Always progressing and moving towards God's plans and design.
Make no mistake, evil is brought into the world by the fault of man for there truly is but one God and it didn't come from him.
But that's not because creation is imperfect, it's because creation is an ongoing process.
Well have to agree to disagree
Let God explain why that's a twisted lie of man and blasphemy against him by his own logic and reason. Read chapter 15 of the Kolbrin on the voice of God.
What you just said is blasphemy against God that is recorded in the Bible.
God of a a Godd of love. He not a God vengeance, he is not a God of war, he is not petty, he doesn't need your worship and he doesn't need your sacrifices.
He is God and he is great and complete unto himself.
Nothing you can do provides anything for or to him and nothing you can give him will add to anything he has.
He loves you, truly and fully. His love for you is complete, total and all encompassing.
He is emotionally secure and mature.
He isn't some violent and selfish toddler, or tyrant king.
He is God and he is above all things.
I suppose you've read this book cover to cover like I have then?
I'm not going to argue with you. You're like the others who don't read and insist they know.
If you took two seconds to read the book you would understand that this is a Christian book that isn't clouded in Jewish mysticism. Plain and simple.
But you'd rather hate wisdom, such is the way of man
Maybe, the kolbrin seems to imply that it's because of a mix of genetic factors to do with the mixing of different species of sapien as well as a permanent change to our environment after one of many solar driven cataclysms that shortens or life.
I read it for free with my free trial on my new e-reader the current society that safeguards the bronze tablets has made the stories available to everyone
Go read the kolbrin, seriously I'm an pointing you in that direction. I am telling you where to look
It's the first and only time I've ever read a religious book as a science nerd and was blown away
I can't recommend it enough
Oh you almost got me crafty troll I actually almost replied to that.
Good one lol.
Here's my take, yes we have evidence, we have 2,500 year old writing that says they existed and we lived with them.
If you discount the first evidence you find because you don't already have evidence then you will never get any where.
Why would they lie about that? Furthermore how could they lie about it? How would they even know to lie about it?
What about the bugs in the carboniferous? Why would they lie about living through the carboniferous?
Here we have a first hand account of a confirmed geological time period and we're going to incredulous because it seemingly conflicts with our flawed dating methods?
You need to read the Kolbrin
You will understand immediately why the books were preserved by being transcribed on corrosion resistant bronze plates and why the Catholic Church worked so hard to destroy all the evidence
Don't trust me, trust God and his word. The firmament is the foundation of the material universe, not a bubble barrier in the sky
The girl wanted the vaccine, she's afraid of needles, she made them do it lol
Sauce in Twitter comments
Yep, I really don't see where the planet X nibiru assosation comes from. The guy literrally lied on the cover of the book pertaining to it's contents.
The book litterally says that because of the laws of nature that govern the function of stars that they become unstable and produce violent solar storms for a short period of time and that this solar storm cycle has a regular periodicity to it.
Not anything outlandish like aliens or anything like that, just a long period solar cycle.