Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing.

Let freedom ring.


Steel is bad now... (www.sciencedaily.com)
posted ago by kish-kumen ago by kish-kumen

...but I don't want that "raw, uncut" hopium.

No, what I'm looking for is that ultra-refined, high potency, purified, pharmaceutical grade, 40x hopium extract.

Something that comes in a small package, pills, or drops, that just hits super hard.

Anyone know a good supplier?

... The FBI should send in a few African American school shooters.

Nothing gets white people in a tizzy more than a few black men toting firearms.

They'll vote the 2nd Amendment right out. Why haven't they done this yet. Sacred cows?



No reason. Just am.

Literally awakened this morning after 4 hours of sleep after the 'night job' with the lyrics to ONE by Metallica ear-worming itself into my brain.

Today, I don't care if humanity spirals the drain and burns itself out in a fire of nuclear hell.

I hope tomorrow I awake to find I'm red pilled again. Because frankly, this sucks.

That is all.


[TL;DR at bottom]

Greetings patriots and pedes (and even the handshakes and glowies). Good day to you all.

This started as a response to a comment that Jesus never dressed like the devil. I was going to day Jesus dressed like the devil in disguise. Because, you know, the devil tricks people or something.

As my response grew longer, I came to realize I was conducting a "Gedankenexperiment" - a thought experiment. Religious, metaphysical, philosophical? I'm not sure. I'm serious, by the way - I'm not trolling believers. I'm looking for answers. Anyway, I present it below.

Thought Experiment:

The Devil/Lucifer/Satan/Shaytan desires to fool a normal person, and present himself ss an Jesus/God/Angelic Being.

This normal person is neither particularly pious nor an unrepentant mortal sinner. Normal Joe. Goes to church. Pays his Taxes. Helps his senior citizen neighbor take out her garbage. Likes beer. Sometimes drinks a little too much. Has a bit of a bad temper. Feels guilty when he has occasional lustf thoughts about some of the attractive female coworkers, but thinks his wife is hot and awesome and is totally faithful. Etc, etc.

So, the devil appears to him in the guise of a holy being. Telling him whatever the devil tells people, asking him to do whatever the devil asks people to do. Tempting him in whatever manner the devil tempts people.

How does this person know whether the being with whom he is communing is the devil, or Jesus, or an angel, or demon, or a messenger from God, or a trickster?

What methods allows him to discern the intention of the otherworldly being?

What steps can be taken NOW to reveal their purpose? What steps can be taken before-hand, or after the fact?

How does normal guy discover the true nature of the situation?

What guarantees does normal guy have that the method and steps taken will provide correct information?

What protection does he have against being deceived and led into darkness?

(end thought experiment)

I must add that in NO way am I seeking to incite drama or contention. I am not religious myself, but I'm a seeker. There really is more to this world than meets the eye. And I'm looking for concrete, real answers. You won't get a "but science says this" from me. Yes, I trust science (not "the science") because it makes a lot of sense and explains many things. But it didn't explain everything.

It doesn't explain my coworker who's going through a hard time, and she starts singing a song that's WAY older than I am, and then later that same day, hearing that same song on a 19yo kid's playlist - at the EXACT moment I'm thinking and worrying about said coworker. Synchronicity? Coincidence? I just know there's more.

My task is to walk in darkness. I do so without complaint and for the greater good. And I'm happy to do it.

But lately I feel lost. Lie the fireflies say, when lost in the darkness, look for the light.

That's all I'm looking for folks. A little bit of light.

[TL;DR how do you tell God from the devil if devil tries to trick you?]


As Paul said: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

A time to sow and a time to reap.

Sometimes you must walk in darkness to bring shadows into the light.


They're always pulling everyone down!

...I'm show myself out.


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord...

And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh lord...

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord?

Well, I was there and I saw what you did,

I saw it with my own two eyes,

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been,

It's all been a pack of lies.

There is something afoot today. I can almost discern it. Moves, false moves, and pieces being sacrificed. It's like a Morpheus splinter in my mind, driving me mad. What am I not seeing today?


Here's the relevant article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/07/220705162200.htm

So... am I reading this right? Get infected with covid, and your own cells (which the virus hijacks) makes super-villain spike proteins that are more capable than those found on the base virus?

Then... what about the vax/jab? From CDC.GOV:

After vaccination, the mRNA will enter the muscle cells. Once inside, they use the cells' machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein.

So then.. putting two and two together, doesn't that suggest that the vaccine causes your body to make better/enhanced/more flexible spike proteins, which would then make coronavirus more effective/dangerous? My field of study does NOT include Virology (at all).

Somebody help me out here. Opinions welcome.


Marcus 2dyppt3 Tang, to Booth Redmay stage and stand

Kibitz / Basque2 Black|Brutus Transposition / Kings Hunt to Troitsky|KR1 Rook Lift / Tarrasch rescinded.

Mek'leth: You can't tarnish a rusted blade. Bowie: Lowell has better manners than Bob Dylan. Jambiya: T. E. Lawrence was late to Damascus. Shashka: No scabbards in Brovary.

Films of the day: Andromeda Strain, Good Will Hunting


I knew President Biden would get to Putin! Battleship Vlad is no match for the Joepedo!

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