kish-kumen 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder how appetizing most processed snacks would be in 'natural color'?

Hell even NASA things the natural color of things in the cosmos are boring or unappealing. They're always showing planets in false colors or 'color enhanced' versions.

Enhanced orange is fine tho. 🤣

kish-kumen 1 point ago +1 / -0


But to be fair, any product i have tried and decided that is sucks and I won't ever use it again, was at one time tried by me because i thought "hey, this should work/be cool/taste good/function/look nice" and then realized "naw this blows and is bullshit and a waste of money".

kish-kumen 1 point ago +1 / -0

people be next.

have virus x in houston / evanston / chicaho / las vegas?

drop nuke start over

kish-kumen 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know what's funny to me?

Application of rules and laws, when they've previously been ignored, are viewed by people as overreach.

"whaaaaas! You can't do that!"

Um, but only can we. We will. And technically we should have been all along.

It reminds me of kids bouncing between divorced patents.

"but daaaaad! Mom and Sancho let us stay up as late D we want on a school night!"

Sorry sweetie, you're at my house now.

kish-kumen 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's possible they were not authorized to answer at the time.

kish-kumen 3 points ago +3 / -0

It could technically both be true. I wish they had said something along the lines of:

"we know they're ours. Our agency doesn't have clearance to know anything else, like WHAT specifically they are, or what they are doing/researching. But we have been told through proper channels they present no danger."

I would be ok with that. You can have transparency without revealing all the secrets. Oversight is still good though.

kish-kumen 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you work for federal civil service, you're actually working, doing your job, and more importantly you're doing it correctly and as efficiently as possible, you have nothing to worry about. You're a gem, a fine diamond compared to a lot of colleagues. They're NOT going to boot you.

Unless you're a trouble-maker, a slacker, or a general asshole you probably don't have much to worry about. Even the assholes are kept around if they do their job well enough.

I should know. I might have been one of the latter in my previous employment life.

kish-kumen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gotta pay that flat earth tax. 🤣🤔

kish-kumen 3 points ago +3 / -0


I'll throw the religious argument into the mix:

When Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, was the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 fulfilled? Or, did Jesus ride a donkey into Jerusalem specifically because of Zechariah 9:9 in order to demonstrate that his kingdom was one of humility and servanthood?

I contend it doesn't matter. The net result was the same.

In fairness, I'm a non-religious pede. But I see it the same way with Elon.

Future proves past.

kish-kumen 7 points ago +7 / -0

i mean to be fair, SOME scientists warned about this from the beginning.

They were just summarily IGNORED.

Ya know... "no TRUE Scotsman..."

But by the time the dust settles, you won't find a scientist who thought it was safe.

kish-kumen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean... Whatever, it's fine. Ya got a degree about what's important to women, what challenges they face, etc. If it's intellectually honest, you should always have work regardless of the political climate. Because women (just like men) have issues she concerns that affect them but not the other sex.

But intellectual honesty is not why they got those degrees. It was virtue signaling. Most don't really care about women's issues, or the concerns of anyone else outside of presenting their 'woke' self to the community.

People who are truly serious about women's issues, concerns, health etc go into OB/GYN

kish-kumen 4 points ago +4 / -0

"it's our new inclusion, equity, and diversity program. We're gonna call it IED and try to keep it hidden, hope it didn't blow up in our face"

kish-kumen 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one can see what is coming.

But it's not a someone.

It's a something. 🤔🤣

kish-kumen 9 points ago +9 / -0

In my opinion:

They're going to apply AI to the original 1991 consolidated Stargate Project.

Because predictive stochastic algorithms running on (Q)uantum AI and trained on data scraped from social media is quantafiably more accurate than a 'psychic'.


Or... So I'm told.

kish-kumen 1 point ago +1 / -0


I don't think it's THAT "the beast".

It's "da Beast".

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