True but I feel lile it's important for when they say that "nobody is advocating for mandatory vaccines". When not only is it a blue checkmark, its a former top govt official. He is testing the waters to see how a small group of the left will react to it. If they approve we will see more figures start to repeat what he said "Its dangerous, its treasonous. Freedom isn't getting to choose the vaccine, its the warm feeling knowing you saved grandma."
In case the commie later regrets posting this:
Robert Reich @RBReich · Mar 8 Almost one-third of Republicans say the they “definitely won’t” get vaccinated. This is not libertarianism. It’s not freedom. It’s more like refusing to drive in the right lane. It threatens everyone.
No, he makes a good point. That whole list of statements all read like when Democrats say "expand voting rights" or "end racism". Sounds good but we won't like what they truly mean.
"Balance personal rights with social duties" is literally the smug European and Covid doomer "haha American freedumbs. Everyone knows true freedom is mixing personal freedon with duty to community."
"Leave room for nature" is Agenda 21, move everyone out of the country and into the cities, worry about food and housing later
I know the video makes a bunch of movie references and Benji was a movie from the setting it takes place in. Just something about Comey's tweet and Bush Sr hiding in a "dog" named Benji caught me off guard, especially knowing how much Trevor Moore (the "main" guy from Whitest Kids You Know) is into conspiracies.
as I like to say, "why would God put us on Earth if we are suppose to be in heaven the whole time?"
Earth is a mix between Heaven (Good/Light/Clarity/Peace/Love) and Hell (Evil/Darkness/Confusion/War/Hate) where both angels and demons can visit. It is up to us to choose which vibrations to tune into and focus on and which to tune out and ignore.
I was just trying to refute point 1 in the OP. Too many people feel shamed for engaging in sex and I wanted to share what I have learned through prayer. I would "shout from the rooftops" (not really) a similar post if it was an LDS poster who made a point to never drink alcohol.
I don't see how Romans 10:3 or 10:10 apply here though.
I couldn't have said it any better. Almsot thought I replied to myself for a moment because our stories are so similar. I think one problem is that too many people see their interpretation of God as the only one allowed, when God speaks differently to each person.
On a side note/rant, I got a little heated with a YEC the other day because he accused me of thinking God is worthless simply because I believe that genes pass down through procreation and that if too many people affected by something die, they won't procreate and therefore that gene will slowly disappear. I was very calm and listened to his opinion, well, he couldn't explain himself so he just played a Kent Hovind video making jokes about people coming from rocks (from dust were ye made), and he almost wouldn't let me get a word in. He said I must be worthless since there will be a human better suited for his environment in the future, to which I (not too proud of it) threw a gotcha back "well then God must be worthless since the devil roams the Earth even though the bible says one day he will finally be defeated." That's when I got shouted down with "Nu uh thats what YOU BELIEVE" I realized then we were probably never gonna see eye to eye because, honestly like those lefties on Reddit, he twisted what I said into what he believes people like me believe in order to prove to himself that I believe that ridiculousness. It reeked of cognitive dissonance and was honestly like trying to debate an atheist who only argues in bad faith and who takes counter arguments like personal attacks.
I finally got to explain over his shouting how, if anything, I think God is more glorious for setting in motion all of the events of our universe and he said "well you should have just said that in the beginning", you know, when he kept interrupting me and subtly accusing me of blasphemy.
Basically I would say the same to many on this board of what I said to him, "don't go around accusing people of heresy just because they see God in a different way if they have an equal level of faith as you." Matthew 7:22 probably applies there, it's worthless to declare God and Jesus as one's savior if they then go around doing the devils work of dividing the church to make themselves feel superior.
I could never find God and also I never wanted to call out his name in public, the way people were telling me how to find him.
Someone told me you can call out his name and ask for guidance in private. I loudly called out for him when I knew no one was listenting. I won't go into details but the guidance was almost instant. I quickly knew the answer to my problem in a way I had never thought of. If I ever go out into a stressful situation I now know that I can always call on God and he will keep me comforted. I still have to deal with my problem, but I can feel his presence like a suit of armor or a cloud of love as if to say "you're not alone, you're never alone."
Because I was allowed to call out to him in private, I feel way more confident in talking about him in public or asking for his protection aloud.
I've prayed on the problem of mastrubation and sex and can say with confidence that the answers I receive have been that, just as with anything fun or tempting, don't let it become an addiction that drives you away from God. Same with alcohol or marijuana.
Eventually I got the understanding that it displeases God more for me to do something harmless like masturbate and then beat myself up with feelings of shame rather than to just do it within reason. I have been made aware that most porn isn't to be trusted and is made by evil people, but that's more of the addiction part and less about the sex part; it is brainwashing.
edit: downvoted for praying
It's a new account from a lurker. I agreed with his past mod actions and yes he could have handled it better. I'm sick of mods making one petty thing blow up a whole community and then blame the community for reacting poorly. Over on Reddit it happened on PCM which was my favorite sub.
They really believe it's the bubonic plague, or at least they so desperately want it to be for "I told you so" points and an "I lived through a plague!" tshirt.