ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're in this shithole coz we did not but BUT chill!

ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I would very definitely like to believe that... Proof is in the pudding and so far nothing has happened. The time for 'sitting and waiting' and 'hold the line' is long over. We either do something very big and drastic NOW to get us out of the hole we put ourselves in by 'sticking to the rules' or they're going to pour cement into the hole and finish us off.

ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we constantly keep fearing being rounded up etc then we'll never get anywhere. We'll forever be on the back foot, forever defensive, forever at the mercy of whatever rules they set for us, and do not have to obey themselves.

Look back at any war or revolution ever in history... How many of those were won by 'being the better man' or playing by the rulebook? None. Every single win ever was obtained by saying 'fuck this shit' and winning through absolute superior firepower, then becoming the one to write the rules.

If you want to fix the rules, you have to BE in the position of power first. Getting that position does not ever come by trying to play by them in the first place.

ks212 2 points ago +3 / -1

Its only an uphill climb coz we choose to try to take the high moral ground. We really should not have bothered. Setting the rhetoric at gunpoint works just as well.

ks212 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or a myth, depending on who you ask.

ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're proving beyond a shadow of doubt that the only correct response to these morons is full automatic fire... and maybe a few speeding vehicles at 100mph or more. The sooner everyone realizes this the better off the world will be.

ks212 2 points ago +3 / -1

Then we're just going to have to make sure we have enough ammo for them too.

ks212 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, and my point is if you look at the playing field its far far too one sided to even be called a war. One side absolutely controls everything. The only way to even things up at this point, if any serious inroads are to be made SOON, is probably to go start taking over things like media companies and tech companies.

Otherwise, there's no way 'starting your own' is going to work. The moment a new fledgling tech becomes remotely a threat the entrenched big boys will dogpile it and shut it down like with Parler... and there is no legal recourse either as the courts will say absolutely no crime was committed.

So what can you do? Its going to go way past 'cyber warfare' IMO. Only way to silence the one sided rhetoric from the MSM is going to be to start putting gun barrels to heads and making very clear threats to STFU or pay the price.

ks212 7 points ago +8 / -1

Question is how does this proof actually be 'proven'? Look at the circumstances surrounding this entire fraudulent shitshow where absolutely EVERYONE ignored the law and all evidence.

If the goddamn SCOTUS is ignoring law and evidence... Your 'proof' will never be enough no matter what. The only way to force it to be accepted under these circumstances is at literal gunpoint, and they're going to call it a military coup then.

Damned if you do damned if you don't. There's a damn good reason why I believe the ONLY path ahead is now literal war, coz there is absolutely no more room for talk whatsoever. The other side has silenced all possibility of any sort of reasonable discourse and/or reason itself.

When one side absolutely refuses to be reasonable and continually calls white black... the only thing you can do is convince them with superior strength/firepower that they are wrong.

ks212 -3 points ago +4 / -7

This is the only problem and the reason why any thoughts on 'military intervention' or the military arresting PedoJoe isn't going to happen. If it was going to happen it had to happen BEFORE he was sworn in as Pedo In Chief.

Now that he is officially THE top brass of the military, its TLTFL.

ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be a downer here and I'm legitimately asking coz I don't know... but isn't it too late by now? I thought if any arrests are going to happen it has to be done BEFORE His Fraudulence is sworn in as Prez/CiC.

Once the swearing in is done, he's officially the boss of the entire military and its too late? Or is there some caveat somewhere that lets the military go against the CiC's commands?

ks212 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same. I was hoping above anything else that Piglosi and Mcconnell were going to get arrested by the military. That's the only expectation I actually had.... and bleh.

ks212 10 points ago +10 / -0

A pawn can be promoted to any piece if it makes it all the way across. 9/10 you'd choose a queen coz... well why wouldn't you? On occasion you'd choose a knight coz it may be just what you need to checkmate from an odd position... but other than that anyone who gets a pawn all the way over is going to pick a queen.

ks212 0 points ago +1 / -1

Biden isn't doing a single god damned thing. Since when does a puppet move of its own accord? The ones behind the steal are the entire corrupt Demonrat party, the Clintons and that fucking Kenyan reject Obama.

Just for utter lulz the one thing I'd love to see is the ENTIRETY of the swamp gutted and cut out, but Biden left alone. He alone will be untouched simply coz there's no point arresting a literal sockpuppet.

I'd like to see what he does then, aside from 'absolutely literally nothing'... maybe drool incoherently here and there.

ks212 1 point ago +3 / -2

Believable. There's no way 100% are on Trump's side... stats are showing what? 85% or so? Pretty much a given that 10-15% aren't but if they're stupid enough to actually try anything, its probably going to be the world's shortest backstab.

ks212 13 points ago +13 / -0

Spoken like a truly strong woman. Respect.

ks212 18 points ago +18 / -0

"Sir, our transgender brigade needs reinforcements!"

"But we haven't even engaged the enemy yet!"

"They've already taken 41% casualties!"

ks212 7 points ago +7 / -0

Looking at allllllllll those mugshots publically available... Its hard to believe that any of them literally weren't loads that should have been either swallowed or spat into the toilet bowl.

Just sayin'.

ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

If true, why would broadcaster be criminally liable, and almost in tears, if a feed is not allowed to air?

Caught between a rock and a hard place. Their leftard bosses will be demanding they push THEIR agenda, but the side that actually will ship em off to gitmo is saying no, you don't get to lie anymore this time.

On one hand you'll lose your job, the other hand you'll lose your life, pick one. I'd cry too if in that situation.

ks212 11 points ago +11 / -0

Pretty much this. With how blatantly the MSM are literally lying through their teeth every single broadcast, the only way to get them to air the truth anymore is the closest equivalent to gunpoint, or a guarantee they're all going to hang if they don't.

ks212 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is fake as fuck by one simple piece of logic: AF1 is NOT AF1 if POTUS is not on board. Period. Full stop. Fucking end of story.

ks212 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think of ways to ease tensions, hrm... I don't suppose me sticking the word 'cope' onto cans of coke and handing em out will help much eh?...

ks212 4 points ago +4 / -0

Personally, if Black Lies™ rioters show up outside my house with actual intent to destroy my property and/or break in and cause harm, I will expend a minimum of $1000 worth of AR15 ammo, create exactly $0.00 worth of meat piles and give exactly 0.00 fucks.

Just sayin'.