I refuse to gift anything to any dem. I will buy the towels and send them the bag it came in and maybe the receipt (name redacted)
Why? What's the point? I have zero interest in anything in or about that white house. The last thing I want is to hear any of their voices ???
✝? be careful...the best is yet to come!
isn't it true that if its declass its out on the net anyway?
I went to cash, looking into possible metals...gold after the dust settles a little
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.?
no theories! questions...catching up! reading all night, eyes burning!
some patriots are still learning but love DJT and this country!! patience.....
British shilling? I have them....
that would be too quick for them
everyone knows msm lies....they are part of the problem, bye bye DS could use holograms to attend events?
from what I read... "This video was in Lebanon..... Please don't spread false information. Check your info". true or false flag?
Nov 5 2017??
Agreed. Lindell is good people and he was getting cancelled. it sound like a plan to me...what address ? 1600 PA Ave?