That is all.


I live in Ohio and I'm absolutely disgusted that the rabid, disgusting left turned out in droves to set the stage via Issue 1 to enshrine abortion in our Constitution. I know we're waiting on "the plan" and Q, but quite frankly there is little to save when 60/40 vote to allow this. BIG GIANT FUCKING ASTEROID 2024. Rant over.


Can't wait for President Trump's primetime address. Who's with me!

I love all you Frens, but.... πŸ—£οΈ VOTING DISCUSSION πŸ’¬
posted ago by libtards_r_stoopid ago by libtards_r_stoopid

.....,but disclaimer, if you post bs not acknowledging the steal, or we'll have the house and can have committee hearings, or any mental gymnastics about how we'll overcome the steal in 2024 or how this really wasn't a red wave, i will call you out on it on your post. Military tribunals or bust. Two elections in a row now of complete evidence of fraud and having an illegitimate government run by commie globalist puppets committing multiple acts of treason daily. Q and GEOTUS have made us promises. Now its time to deliver for ALL to see, not just us. I want my fucking country back.

This sack of shit needs a prison cell ( 🀑 Clown World 🌎
posted ago by libtards_r_stoopid ago by libtards_r_stoopid

Watch this video of him conceding to Fry. Look at his face, his voice, his mannerisms. He undoubtedly is a kid fucker. I'm sure the cabal had him by the balls with all kinds of blackmail.


I haven't seen any posts on it today....


My fellow Pedes, I have converted 2/3 of my cash-in-the-safe saving to silver in the past week. I decided to keep a months worth of income in cash and preserve the rest of my cash savings value by converting it to silver. In fact i consider it an investment at this point. Wish i had the money back in the day to invest in gold when i bought an ounce for $500. But silver is very affordable now and will preserve your savings and if as predicted, at some point increase in value greatly as its been suppressed. I figure when SHTF no ones paying their bills anyways so a months worth of income in cash should suffice to buy available food & necessities for a month or two because i would assume atms and banks will be closed. Cash will be king during this time. I'm not trying to shill for precious metals, I just believe we are very close to the final act. With that comes financial collapse to destroy our slave masters, the Fed/banking cartel. I've read and listened to a variety of people and they all point to this month and the following months as a big period of change in the financial system. The dollar is not backed by gold, we are no longer the reserve currency of the world with oil traded in dollars. At this point the value of the dollar is based on faith and credit in what it once was. I have ZERO faith in the dollar. This is all ending soon and inflation is already cutting into our incomes and purchasing power. I pray that you have already, or are currently, positioning yourself financially to the best of your ability, for what is coming. Because we all know NCSWIC.


What's everyones best guess for a false flag or war or economic collapse to distract the world before the 24th? I'm guessing we have until mid-week next week before some shit hits the fan. Im also gonna fag and say once Ds do what they gonna do then they are going to be taken down shortly thereafter. Thoughts? Opinions? Guesses? Date faggotry?


"August 2021. The best is yet to come." He posted this on his Telegram after the Symposium ended. He knows.


Most of us have been around here for awhile. I'm curious as to everyone's opinion about what still must happen or be accomplished before the great reveal to the public. I feel the pace of everything is picking up. And August is a very hot month. And the Symposium figured in greatly to the overall plan. But i feel like there is still more to happen. Thoughts? Discussion? Debate?

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