by G-Anon
libtards_r_stoopid 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its clearly because we need taxed harder and controlled more.

libtards_r_stoopid 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ship their asses back to the middle east and tear down the mosques. They cannot live in our country which was founded on the Christian faith. Their religion and beliefs are incompatible. They gotta go.

libtards_r_stoopid 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol, missed that detail until you pointed it out. So fucking ridiculous. Next thing we're going to find out is she had her mayors car pimped out.

libtards_r_stoopid 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bitch is oblivious to who her audience is and it is obviously ingrained in her to throw the race card immediately when adversity strikes. Turns out black and brown people also do not like their tax payer money wasted. I guess she is lucky to be here in the US of A because if this wrre a third world nation she may not like what they do to rulers that fuck them over🤣 You can always tell when the race card is immediately played that whoever is using it is either guilty or wrong.

libtards_r_stoopid 13 points ago +13 / -0

Im confused by the people downvoting this. Listen to whatever you want. Dave can be entertaining, but to act like it's not the same stuff day after day, week after week, month after month for the past few years is being disingenuous.

libtards_r_stoopid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh i agree. We ain't seen nothing yet.

libtards_r_stoopid 3 points ago +3 / -0

Suggesting a delta? Most on here have been strapped in for years🤣

libtards_r_stoopid 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well however GEOTUS checks out of this world, at least he spent his years on earth doing good and surrounded by beautiful women and not butt ugly, man looking trash like this whore.

libtards_r_stoopid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except WE dont do that. It wasn't a Trump supporter. It never is. It's always the dirty ass rat bastard D's that violate laws left and right especially when it comes to elections. I do not tolerate them. Im not polite to them but i most certainly will ignore their dumbasses. The rino "play nice" shtick they conned us with through the years got us to this place. Not interested in playing nice with the commie D's.

libtards_r_stoopid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im not mad at you and you are not a troll like we get on here, but porn is not good. Ive been down that road. Its bad. Im all about freedom, however the damage that's been done to our society and culture is not something thst can be fixed by the "to each their own mentality". We are too far gone for that. You can see the damage in all the young kids being sexual at seemingly younger and younger ages. We are not fixing this ourselves without uncle sam putting them back into the shadows like it used to be.

libtards_r_stoopid 13 points ago +14 / -1

You love porn that much youd vote Democrat, huh? You think conservative overreach is bad, have u seen the demonrats lol This porn crap is part of their plan to destroy the west, destroy families & marriages and destroy men (females to a degree to). Im not for government overreach either however all things marxist must be removed from our culture in order to restore this nation.

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