magachudd 10 points ago +10 / -0

This article just says that 9-11 was Islam attacking the West, but many here would say that is not the whole story.

by Quelle
magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Both of you guys are welcome to state your opinions and I am glad you did not have an adverse reaction (that we know of), but it doesn't take much research to connect the dots who is behind this vax rollout and all of the horrible things going along with it. TOO MANY red flags. From my perspective it would seem there is either confirmation bias coming from your end since you took it and don't want to be wrong or you simply can't see the pieces so clearly laid out about this agenda. I see it as clearly evil, malicious, and a sign of very dangerous times.

If you find it hard to say something pro vax on this site, then its because there is a fundamental difference in what you are seeing and what we are seeing.

You shouldn't get attacked for open constructive dialog, but just don't be surprised when we pushback against your narrative because it too closely aligns with the enemy and we aren't interested in entertaining that. Good luck to you.

magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel like it will get closer to that than not. Cabal against the ropes and nothing to lose.

magachudd 21 points ago +21 / -0

Its all a game of chicken. People will not wake up until their way of life is interrupted.

magachudd 0 points ago +2 / -2

I dont see this as doom. Nor do I feel like too many specifics are in order as a member of this forum. I appreciate your sentiment fren, but most here know what is implied by the post and a word of hope and encouragement does my soul a bit of good. It helps to know I am not alone in these dark times and I dont need long-winded explanations and links to receive that hope:)

On another note, we should be vigilant in the spreading of verified info, but I believe this post is different in nature.

Peace to you, anon!

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Either way we should use archive.is for these sites. Appreciate the post nonetheless. Thanks anon.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Scene 1:

Christine is pounding Anthony from behind on bed with fear porn playing in the background.

Anthony: "Oo! Ouch! That reminds me. I needed to discuss a potential ethics violation around some data that was submitted for the Pfizer FDA approval. You know, the one I mentioned before I lied to the public on CNN again?"

Christine: Breathing heavy, starts to have confused face.

They stop and Anthony turns awkwardly to look back.They start laughing together in BigPharma.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

The hard thing here is that I dont believe anything I read anymore. So many lies and disinformation.

Certain sites like GWP seem to be on our side, sure, but who is Emily Miller (can't see her twatter profile because I don't have twatter)?

Realistically this makes me very angry, but eliciting any emotional response is a double edged sword.

DS and Cabal want more war. We just want the DS and Cabal stopped.

What to do here? I'm stepping back from news like this and choosing to think logically.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

It appears that may be the case. They are going to regret it when that cytokine storm comes by.

magachudd 7 points ago +7 / -0

For this reason I dont get into tit-for-tat arguments with triple vaxxed Karen zombies. They won't listen. Post the info and move on.

magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agreed 💯

magachudd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, many will wake up still. I believe that and will continue to spread information.

My point is about the tit-for-tat arguments with Karen's. We must pick our battles and those people are usually just looking for their daily dose of confirmation bias. They are energy vampires and are great at sucking up your energy that can support the greater effort in better ways.

When Ms. Karen TrplVaxxer on FB says you are danger to society and are spreading lies and demands evidence I don't go digging up links or finding evidence that I don't already have. If I have something handy, great, I'll post it, but I won't be sticking around for her next reply. Not waiting for her 'aha' moment. Best thing for me to do is just move on. Interaction complete. There will be new news and lies tomorrow. My kids need me to prep for that extra week of sustenance and protection and some other person on some other forum may need that link to wake up soon, albeit not in real-time like popcorn.

That's my point. Not sure why I got down voted, but so be it. This isn't my first rodeo. Been doing this for 17 years (literally 17 haha).

by Quelle
magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers to you, fren. Gob bless 🙏

magachudd 5 points ago +7 / -2

At this point it is wasted energy, fren. There is no link, video, or report from anyone alive that will change Karen's mind. Until Karen loses access to basic survival items she will not wake up.

She will deboonk everything you send her. Wasted energy. You told her the truth and she did not have an ear to listen. Share out the truth, but don't waste your energy or time in tit-for-tat BS.

Take care of your family and hold the line with your Patriot frens. We WILL win in the end and when people come around they will beg your forgiveness, if they survive.

There are no times in history that can compare to these, so know one really knows what to expect. Hold the line 🇺🇲🙏.

by Quelle
magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

True. Can't trust ANYTHING these days. Lies, lies, lies. Everywhere.

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