malarcanery -2 points ago +2 / -4

Trump was lucky to catch the global cabal unprepared in 2016. He had four years to do what needed to be done. He wasted his only chance - our only chance of restoring the balance of power. He chose the wrong people, deep state people like Bill Barr, as his close confidants. Trump didn't know Barr's history? They were undermining him all along. His presidency ended predictably - they were ready for him in 2020. Now, even his future as a free man is in jeopardy. They will never let him back in that office. I have to wonder if he's part of the circus. He was either stupid - which I know he isn't - or he is playing a part. Remember Lin Wood? That guy was probably just psy-ops to make sure Trump's base was riled up enough to create the January 6th situation. How can Trump NOT be in on it? If they wanted him dead, they could have done it. Seems like it's all a show at this point.

malarcanery 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hmm, a series of polarizing votes - right before a major election. An extremely polarizing ruling that could have happened any time in the last 50 years, but no. Now. Just in time to maybe - I dunno - get one particular side fired up enough to bring out the vote? Maybe? I dunno. Wake up people - left and right - this is calculated political theater and all these actors party together backstage. They play us like a fiddle every day, making us think there are really two teams. We're like kids watching WWF thinking it's real.