Sorry but the striped wallpaper is from Obama until Trump did makeover in August 2017: Please don't fall for this shit until doing a 1-min search first.
We're making ourselves look delusional or gullible... or BOTH!
Striped wallpaper is from Obama until Trump did makeover in August 2017:
CORRECT! Striped wallpaper is from Obama until Trump did makeover in August 2017:
"Trump handpicked the wallpaper for the Oval Office, according to House Beautiful. He chose a gray damask print. Previously, the room had yellow striped wallpaper. NBC reported the administration spent $5,000 on wallpaper during renovations."
We're making ourselves look delusional or gullible... or BOTH!
Site owner is "hidden" but maybe a Trump supporter (or more likely someone who just wants to laugh at Trump supporters) trying to tie antifa to biden, first with and now with These redirects are total nothingburgers so let's encourage our "side" to drop this particular conspiracy theory like a hot potato!
It's simple for domain owner to redirect however they please:
I listened multiple times... sounds more like "good looking marines" than "salute the marines" to me. Hope we don't put too much weight on this, although it could be meaningful that they didn't salute him? This is such an insignificant event that I'm not going to spend more time researching proper Marine protocol or looking for videos with Trump and Marines to see how they interacted. Would appreciate anyone having that info at their fingertips sharing it with the rest of us...
I listened multiple times... sounds more like "good looking marines" than "salute the marines" to me. Hope we don't put too much weight on this, although it could be meaningful that they didn't salute him? This is such an insignificant event that I'm not going to spend more time researching proper Marine protocol or looking for videos with Trump and Marines to see how they interacted. Would appreciate anyone having that info at their fingertips sharing it with the rest of us...
ok... this pic shows that it does say "Holy Bible" on the binding:
Still strange to use 2 bibles...
Thanks... I found this confirmation as well:
Actual election results are still speculation since it's never been properly investigated, but I think this statement is one of those that conveniently leaves out the details to make it more favorable to a particle viewpoint, in this case to the point of absurdity.
I believe it comes from the (fact?) that Trump won the IN PERSON election day voting in 49 States, which completely ignores all early and mail in voting. I do think Trump won in a landslide but this makes us all sound extremely gullible and insane!
I agree... not only "full global martial law" but also "global military via U.S. military will shut down all media..." Sounds extremely unrealistic! Hoping like crazy it happens at least in the U.S. but hard to take seriously such farfetched claims that these things will happen on a worldwide basis...
She'll be our first "mainstream convert" if only two elements of her article come true: 1) Biden is NOT inaugurated due to his arrest, capitulation, or otherwise; and 2) Trump uses at least EBS (not necessarily GBS) to announce widespread "corruption" while presenting some type of irrefutable evidence (such as one or more confessions that are impossible to claim are "deep fakes"). All the better if such "corruption" includes any elements at all of pedophilia and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse, and even more so if his EBS message starts with, "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us..."