So it occurred to me that theres two kinds of trannies and they are very different.

Transvestites change clothes but do not mutilate themselves, and therefore can still have sexual pleasure. In particular, the men could sexually assault someone with their penis and get pleasure from it. Drag Queens fall in this category.

Transgenders have removed their ability to do that. They don't have a real penis and probably can't have orgasms, so I imagine they aren't raping many people, especially since most of them are just confused and abused children.

But these two groups are both represented by T in the acronym. I think this is tactical. Use the second group to create empathy and concern for children, then use the first group to molest the kids. Then tell the abused kids theres something wrong with them and throw them in the second pile.

Quite sinister really. What a disgusting demon they've summoned...


Seriously, why is it called pride month when it seem like the whole month is about sex?

I don't think it's an accident. Things don't just become month-long holidays by accident. I think there's something about the pedophilia or homosexuality that involves arrogance. Like people feeling big because they're manipulating a child or defying their biology. And the inferiority complexes and traumas that creates the superiority complexes.

I dunno, maybe we should have a month for each vice, then we can really become acquainted with our demons. Have sloth month with parades where we sit on couches and watch tv. Or maybe envy month, where we tell each other stories about how we're victims and everyone is oppressing us. Oh, and vanity month, where we all have to use instagram or stare in the mirror for several hours a day. Or gluttony month where we eat fried food till we're about to puke everyday. Lust month can have free porn for everyone.

Actually it will never work, the West already does all of these things every month. The holydays would go by and we probably wouldn't even notice.


Just say the meme out loud, works great over text too. The lgbt narrative has turned in our favor but dont let up until the enemy has fully left the battlefield.

"Sorry, I don't celebrate pride demon month"

Btw this nonsense has spread across the world, dubai, us-influenced asian countries like japan and thailand. Rainbows and disney seem fun, its a good marketing campaign.

Anyways, only terrorists would try to own the rainbow. It belongs to everyone, like the sunset and the aurora.

I wonder, after the CIA coup in Iran in the 1960s (?), did the average Iranian know they were being governed by America? Or did they think it was someone else?


I dont know who needs to hear this, but most of the surveillance state is electronic. They are basically blind if you guys start organizing offline. And by offline i mean do not bring any cell phones or other internet connected devices with you. Airplane mode does not cut it. Dont have candid conversations with devices around. Use the mask thing against them. You can even take domestic flights without ever taking your mask off. If you absolutely must communicate online leave as much information in the context as possible. So not "lets meet at walmart on main street", instead " lets meet at our favorite place".

And a simple, useful counterintelligence technique is to put a false set of interests on facebook, something like "i like xyz" when you dont actually like xyz, but its something kind of unique. Then watch who appears in your social circle that also happens to like xyz. This is how they build rapport, thru fake shared interests. You can also experiment with telling strangers unusual things and seeing what other "unrelated" mouths it comes out of.

And listen deeply. Theres always 100 different ways to express the same thing. Why did they choose that way to express it. These choices are influenced by our unconscious mind. If you know how to listen the right way, people will unconsciously announce their intentions to you. But you must know yourself deeply before you can hear deeply. And for that, you must be totally honest with yourself.

And finally, be vigilant about fear mongering. Fear is a powerful weapon in the hands of the gov, it causes your higher cognitive functions to disengage. They love to spread rumors of their omnipotence.

That's all for now frens. Be well.


"Let's play dress up and act like women" is stealing women's culture. I'm literally shaking


And make it illegal to deny a trans person sex.

That's what these alphabet people want. It's that bad.

Here's the "legal" argument. Suppose "LGBTQ+ phobia" becomes illegal. They've already made the argument that not dating (denying trans people sex) trans people is transphobic. They will extend that argument to the + (the pedos) and say that speaking out against child rape is "literally violence" and that you should be put in jail for it.

Sorry to be dramatic, but I really think it's that crazy. Some kind of demon infestation. Someone must have left a portal open somewhere.


Someone should start posting pics from James Alefantis' Instagram on Twitter. That will be the real test. Baby coffins. I <3 children tshirts. Kids taped to ping pong tables. Baby dolls with $50000 price tags.


Trying to boil this down even further, but its like that Jack Black movie about the invention of lying. Some people seem to think authority figures cannot lie.

Can we shorten this somehow to get it on a bumper sticker?


I see a lot of people here confused about crypto. Some of this is shillery, some of this is justifiable skepticism, and some of this is outright lazy thinking.

Let me simplify it. Stop making metal compete with crypto. Both crypto and metal have advantages and disadvantages. Both of them can be used to protect yourself from inflation and thieving governments. One of the main advantages of crypto is it is invisible, so you can walk across a national border with a billion dollars in your pocket and nobody has a clue. One of the advantages of metal is you can still use it if the power goes off.

We are used to having technology be used against us, like Facebook, Google, facial recognition, surveillance tech, etc. We need to consider the possibility that we can use technology to our benefit (think 3d-guns). Whoever leaked the Bitcoin project online (probably some whitehat NSA researcher) probably paid with their life to give us this tech. I think Bitcoin was never supposed to be open source, that only banks would be able to mine it and make wallets. Instead, now anybody can make their own currency with just a little bit of programming knowledge. Crypto is open source, meaning, anyone can read, copy and modify the code.

Think about it, do you think the ATF created 3d printed guns to control us? Would you give your farm animals the ability to create their own currency when you control them primarily thru central banking?

The feds desperately don't want the survivalists to start using crypto. I've personally been threatened by the feds for telling rich people how to get some of their money into crypto.


Stack metal AND Buy crypto

And buy guns and homeschool your kids and grow your own food and filter your own water and stop watching TV and stop using Facebook and all the other good stuff you are already doing.


We need to reclaim the rainbow. Its beautiful, it is 100% natural, and 100% free. It belongs to everybody. Anybody trying to own the rainbow is a fucking terrorist.


I get so mad when I see masked children. If we want to salvage our children's future, if we want to salvage any credibility we may still have with them, we need to end this masking immediately and get on our knees and beg for forgiveness.

These kids are dumber, sicker and have more mental problems because of these masks. We haven't saved even one life with the masks. Shame on every parent and teacher who puts masks on kids.

I can't be sarcastic about it anymore. I'm this close to being violent when I see it. So. Fucking. Angry.


So I have this idea. The blockchain is open source, but the cabal want to use it for their vaxpass. The EU is doing grants for projects like this. So here is the plan.

  • Make up a blockchain company, maybe call it blockvax
  • Write a grant application, using all the fancy WEF buzzwords
  • Work hard to make the system, but put some fatal flaw in it that isn't easy to notice by non-technical people
  • Either exploit that flaw later secretly or publicly

Just do controlled opposition back at them. What do you think?


I read somewhere that years ago there was an investigation looking for an Is ra-eli spy in the US gov, code name Mega, and they narrowed it down to two people, one of whom was HRC. Then, according to the story, the investigation was shut down.

Any way to substantiate this?

That's why she won't read the intelligence reports.

Spread it far and wide



Was just reflecting on how MKULTRA mind control relies on drugs and how the big pharma marketing tactics seem weirdly similar to the mind control techniques of gaslighting and breaking the psyche thru abuse.

Its like there's some weird tag team going on, drugs for mind control, mind control for the vax.

The old sites I used all got taken down? Just want somewhere with all the q drops and a "download all" button.


Emotional conditioning is usually pretty superficial and can be bypassed by simply renaming the topic at hand. People are conditioned to react with disgust and incredulity at anything that sounds like a "conspiracy theory", so pre-emptively frame your red pills with the new term "organized psychopathy". No one denies that psychopaths exist, and no one denies that sometimes humans organize. "Of course organized psychopathy is real, haven't you heard of organized crime?"

Bonus points if you can think of ways this tactic is already getting used against you.


This is the equation that the zookeepers are focused on. You can reduce the population by reducing births and increasing deaths.

Reducing births thru feminism, gender warfare, homosexuality, castrating children, etc.

Increasing death by putting poisons in the food, water and air, increasing depression with the TV, war, crime, etc.

Their actions are easy to understand thru this lense.

Be sarcastic online to let the humans know what you really mean while avoiding the censor bots

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