micetoneraccount2 0 points ago +1 / -1

How about don't set goalposts? Trust the plan. We think we're clever with all of this analysis and hopium, but we're not in on this. We're merely watching it unfold.

It should ease your mind that you don't know what's going to happen. Because that means the blackhats probably don't either. I know it's frustrating to be in the dark, but it's more than necessary.

micetoneraccount2 2 points ago +2 / -0

You say that, and you're right, but the establishment has recruited a large swath of useful idiots that they use to antagonize us. They are henchmen, complicit in the unethical actions and crimes of their leaders by default, enabling them every day. We can't deprogram them by ourselves, so until they stop attacking us and start to think rationally, they are just as much an enemy as their uniparty politicians.

micetoneraccount2 24 points ago +25 / -1

It's so weird.

I've noticed a lot of people here seem so eager to doom. Even the tiniest snippet of news that they don't like results in them being convinced Q is a larp or a psyop. I realize having faith isn't easy, especially in the face of adversity, but that's exactly what Q has asked us to do. Have faith, trust the plan.

This is a huge operation they're trying to pull off.

micetoneraccount2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just wrote to Cassidy (LA, my state). I'm beyond ashamed of that POS.

micetoneraccount2 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you propose we get rid of the DS in the scenario that Trump wins in a landslide? Should he just arrest them for trying to steal an election? And you think the MSM and the normies that follow the narrative would just go along with that?


It's called the Great Awakening for a reason. The purpose is to expose everything beyond a reasonable doubt. So much so, that even the most anti-Trump, pro-government sheep will see the truth. Trump doing it himself will only widen the divide. Secession isn't the solution, either. If that does happen (I don't believe it's anything more than a pipedream), it will be swiftly reversed by any means necessary (e.g. military force) creating even more divide among citizens, and possibly leading to civil war. That's not winning. That's destruction.

We're not making something new, we're taking back our country.

micetoneraccount2 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's not defamation, though. YT puts disclaimers like that under any video that mentions Q, positive or negative. They did the same for covid and the election fraud. But I don't mind the outcome in this instance.

micetoneraccount2 7 points ago +7 / -0

What a fucking retard. How is he just as naive as the NPC's he got to vote for him?

micetoneraccount2 1 point ago +1 / -0

And this is just what civilians have gotten access to somewhat recently... The C*A and others have had this tech for decades.

micetoneraccount2 10 points ago +10 / -0

One of my favorite parts of the last 4 years: literal retards ranting about how Trump slashed their tax refunds, not realizing that means they payed lower taxes. What a big meanie.

micetoneraccount2 12 points ago +12 / -0

Trump is their job security. They would literally be unemployed if it weren't for him, so they're not gonna just stop milking it after he "leaves".

micetoneraccount2 21 points ago +21 / -0

Wow, so wait...

During this "pandemic" democrats got everything shut down. No more opportunity to fill the news with "guns r bad mkay", since there aren't any huge gatherings... EXCEPT for the massive "protests" that were obviously coordinated all fucking year.

So instead of false-flagging schools, they incited riots across the country, filling the news cycle and blaming Trump while condoning rioting. THEN the ONE "riot" or whatever you want to call it done by "Trump supporters" is an "attack on our democracy" and results in Trump being impeached a second time.

It's stuff like this that makes me hate figuring things out. Sickening.

micetoneraccount2 10 points ago +10 / -0

I always love/hate when people (often foreigners) argue for national mask mandates using "the seatbelt laws" as an example despite there being no such federal seatbelt law. It's an unprecedented, and more importantly, unconstitutional move.

micetoneraccount2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah these graphics are leagues better than the random arrows going from Q drop to article and back with no order. More of these please.

micetoneraccount2 13 points ago +13 / -0

I just worry that a Patriot Party would be rife with pandering to Trump supporters, but either can't get a foot in the door politically or won't follow through on promises. Maybe it's the decades of political abuse from the GOP, or just my inner skeptic. I do hope it pans out though.

micetoneraccount2 23 points ago +23 / -0

What is it with Democrats looking like they are from another planet???

I think you answered your own question.

Inter-dimensional lizard people.

/s just in case.

by Evspra
micetoneraccount2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same lol seems like we're getting closer to making it a reality every day. There are people that actually believe Biden is the most popular president in history, that he's coherent enough and has enough energy to do the job better than Trump. Thankfully some are waking up. Hopefully more will come around soon.

by Evspra
micetoneraccount2 8 points ago +9 / -1


This is such a pet peeve of mine. Idiocracy is a MOVIE. The word they're looking for is IDIOCY. I guess it's ironic at least that they want to call others idiots while being retards themselves, but it's just a shame what the education system has done to these fools.

micetoneraccount2 21 points ago +23 / -2

Where is this pic from? The books look so out of place that I'm convinced they're shopped in.

micetoneraccount2 4 points ago +5 / -1

Hopefully military courts have

micetoneraccount2 7 points ago +7 / -0

Pretty sure it's from World of Warcraft actually, but it gained popularity on 4chan for sure.

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