Link to article about shooting:.
Something's weird about this, but it seems more about gun control than anything. Maybe he went crazy cause EGT (experimental gene therapy), but his guns had already been confiscated by a court, which means it's likely he was "already known to the FBI", which seems to actually mean that he was groomed and activated by the FBI. He was wearing a bullet proof vest, had multiple firearms on his person, and he shot one dude, fled in a U-Haul, then had a shootout with police. Interestingly, even after being shot in the neck, he survived.
I think we're going to see this and other similar cases, as well as "rising patient violence in hospitals" used to justify military presence at hospitals (and "quarantine" camps, once they get those up and running). It will also be used to take our guns, or at least to try and convince the public that it's necessary to take some people's guns.
You're right that there are other websites and forums, many of which probably have mostly real humans as their user base.
You're also right that real people are saying some heinous shit. I've personally watched several friends become basically different people after succumbing to the brainwashing.
However, I was replying to OP's specific mention of YouTube and Reddit. I think it's relevant to point out the many bots that populate both platforms. Not everyone online is a real human. The only way to be certain you are getting a human individual's perspective is to actually talk to another human face-to-face. This is exactly the kind of interaction they are trying to deprive us of and we should seek it out whenever we can.
Many of the commenters on YouTube and Reddit are bots, so keep that in mind. Part of the plan seems to be that we lose our human compassion for one another, and empathy for those we consider "other" or "on the other side". We can't let this happen.
Just something to think about before you get lost in a dark place.
Been feeling hopeless lately; this perked me up. Thank you, fren.
Thank you! I've been really curious about this cause it seems so strange. Tell your dad thanks for what he does. It's much appreciated.
One question: does he know what happens to the cargo after it's unloaded at the dock?