nelag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden states not a single penny in taxes for those earning under $400,000.00 Sooooooooooooooo FOR THIS I WILL BELEIVE HIM! I,ll show this to IRS when they want my money. The president of the United states said it and sooooooooo it must be true...RIGHT??? He is sick...but i like this one! LMAO

nelag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jill Biden, you need to leave our country! YOU DONT BELONG HERE! You are a embarrassment to all women. As a mother you should be kicking your sons ass and getting him into rehab. As a loving wife you should have protected your aging husband and stopped him from running for president. Clearly he is not in good health. You should have told him,... lets retire and go fishing. I don't like Biden, however I have compassion for the elderly as they age. Your a shameful wife and a typical mean step mother. Clearly you didn't take motherhood as a true mother would. If you did you would not hide hunters crap....you would call it as it is and have gotten him help years ago.

All I can say is you look like you need to get laid. If someone could fill that need of yours... you may then be able to dress as a woman ... a true woman!

nelag 14 points ago +14 / -0

How can we award the children for speaking up? Show the kids they are heroes in pulling down pedophiles. Publicly recognize them for there bravery. EMPOWER our kids. / I know some will say the reporting child would be put at risk... I agree, so lets as parents think it out and find away.... so ALL KIDS ARE SAFE.

Children that speak up deserve a medal as they have helped countless other children. It took one of my nieces 7 years to speak up. She saved herself and her 3 siblings form further abuse of the pedophile. Moreover... her voice saved others we don't know of. Our kids are grown adults now and not one is OK.... the damage is so deep. After the pedophile came the abuse of the state CPS...

My niece should have been given an award for her bravery. She should have been celebrated for her voice. I wish i would have thought of this back then. Instead we tried to council them / love them / guide them.... do everything doctors said. It sll helped...some. But i cant remember rewarding them for speaking up.

Our story is deep and wide....We are a great family. We own companies from medical billing to dog training to construction / we have pilots police officers stay home moms nurses and councilors. I add that here so you can see we are a normal productive family AND ONE PEDOFILE ROCKED OUR WORLD!

This link is to a very armature video I put out there and we mail cards to areas he lives in. However we are not allowed to stock the pedophile because he spent 9 years in prison and according to the law... he has paid his debt. My sisters 4 (now) grown children are still paying for what was done to them.


This video is just to show you, our story is real and I'm not just blowing smoke. And the quality is not professional... But I'm not a movie director or photographer. I am there aunt / a mom/ a business owner / a daughter and a friend to many. And I track and destroy at least one pedophiles life. Thanks to Watchdog.

You have know idea how I feel when I see B---- stroke a child's hair or smell them or pull the child closer to himself...and hold onto them and the parents allow it and laugh it off... ALL ON NATIONAL TV!


Lets fight! I'm all in! I will lay down my life for this country and our freedoms. I will lay down my life for the lives of our children.

Be well you all / have a blessed day and lets take back our country!

nelag 6 points ago +6 / -0

Report to the police I have a sister that a pedophile went after her 4 children. It was 7 years before one was brave enough to speak up. He served 9 years in prison and he is out now. I can tell you after all the counseling we could give our kids... all the love and caring... They are adults now and Not one has recovered. He damaged them to there core. If it turns out it is innocent and all is well >>> be proud you took the risk to ask questions. If it turns out your gut is correct... you will save at least one child.... Please for the sake of the child.... SPEAK OUT!

Let me add my sister should be mother of the year. She is amazing. I met the pedophile many times and today when I look back... I can not think of a single thing he did that put up a red flag or warning / not even a question. He was a good man as far as I could see. Pedophiles are slippery cunning sneaky people. And when adults meet them... they are the nicest people you would want to meet. They are masters at grooming. Please go further / get help / don't take your eyes ears or heart off this child

Here is a link to a video I made. The photos of the children are paid for pictures and are similar to our kids in age and looks. The photos of the pedophile are real. That is Steven Greer.


God bless the children. God give strength to us adults to protect them. Thank you for asking for help