Like someone else told me here: “if you want to talk to a robot, talk like a robot”
Because they desperately needed a picture that Joe isn’t the most elderly and frail looking, so it was worth the risk of killing grandma.
Fuckin incredible. MSM shills have been trying to push the idea that there was massive election fraud and that Donald Trump won bigot as “the big lie”. We’re taking the narrative back and laughing their faces with ildonaldotrumpo
Add to the list:
George W Bush
John Kerry
Barack Obama
Twitter commie guy
Susan Rice (can’t forget a very deserving woman in the mix to not be accused of muh sexism)
I definitely don’t think Charles Brown is a white hat. I think this was just a Trump “wink” at the anons letting us know that everything is ok and the General had no clue what was going on.
Also, most 3 and 4 star generals are swamp creatures because they are a political role at the point. Notable exceptions being Flynn and Rogers.
This was the first proof I discovered outside the boards or anything posted here and I haven’t seen it posted since. POTUS specifically emphasizes “Q”
Definitely relevant. Nice work patriot
You can flip this back own NPC’s. Accuse any environmental cause they are programmed to repeat “environmental racism”.
Oh, you want to block the oil pipeline? I didn’t realize you were SUCH A HUGE ENVIRONMENTAL RAYCIST!! What minority groups are most effected by high gas prices?!
Is rounding up pedophiles and human traffickers a bad thing?
Trump has paid all his taxes...
These people are so stupid. We don’t care about your genitals! Or your race! We just want to have a government that is for the people of AMERICA. This virtue signaling is beyond annoying
All Black Lives Matter including unborn black lives
What about the black boom? The other intern holding that boom would have had to put it between bidan’s hands and body...
“ the boom holder said it’s a fake and anyone who disagrees is stupid!! Omg” -NPC’s
Entire tab for “POC” haha they will never understand how stupid they are. Psaki and Biden and the entire Democrat party are “racists of low expectations”. According to Biden, black people don’t know how to get an id to vote and don’t know how to use the internet to get a vaccine just to name a couple.
Keep the faith pede and keep pursuing truth. No fat lady will sing on that
Just realized you didn’t indicate you were on the book either. Whatever chat you are talking about, keep up the good work
Keep up the good work, pede. I’m not on the book cause it’s so toxic by the NPC’s, but really admire the patriots on that front. Thank you
Just do yourself a favor and watch this clown for the first 45 seconds. Such a dipshit.
Because they haven’t learned yet. He didn’t say 2024 because he wasn’t talking about 2024... media does all the bullshittery to provide the smoke and mirrors for what’s actually happening
Media: “yawn”
NPC’s: “so presidential. He doesn’t tweet mean things til he does and then it’s justified, just like this bombing that we would have thoroughly condemned if that PIECE OF SHIT ORANGE MAN REEE AND JUDGING SOMEONE BY THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN IS RACIST YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! All we want is unity ?”
Great convo! Thanks for the thoughts and I agree, the red pilled masses could ease into the idea of not being woke, but instead awake by feeling comfortable in their “liberal” label bubble but attaching Trump to the front. I understand it is very difficult to get people to just switch sides after demonizing Trump supporters for so long.
Let’s take it back. It’s a subtle way of fighting back- they aren’t going to control everything including language and basic definitions from now on
Great response ??