nowabeliever 7 points ago +8 / -1

INJECTED. Try using the CORRECT word. Its not a "vaccine" of any sort. INJECTION.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +4 / -1

Currencies used by the criminals, on large scale.

Soros is paying Navalvy in Bitcoin after Russia found Navalny's MULTI MILLION $$$ account in Swiss banks, For a man who never worked a day in his life. So, Bitcoin to feed the deeds now. As one example.

And all the child trafficking now will also switch to digital currency as well, for same reasons. All drug deals are mostly same, for a while. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY.

nowabeliever -1 points ago +1 / -2

Its right in front of your face. Instead of asking and posting why not first spend some time to familiarize yourself with the site. ALL of Qcards are posted and listed. Right hand side, one of the Resources links.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

Both she and Bannon came from Breitbart at the time. She's very sharp, of course, but I have no idea how she lives with the snakes in the house. Even my wife has been asking me this for a long time, from a woman's perspective.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

When was she "Chief of Staff"? I do not recall that. Adviser, yes, as was Bannon at first, but not chief of staff of anything.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

NOT arguing with you, just providing a bit more "background".

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

They audited BALLOTS, and proved to the WI Supreme Court they were fraudulent. How is that not an "audit". Not a complete audit, but an audit by definition. All taking place prior to Jan. 6 electoral count, easily giving Trump the state.

They also ALREADY audited a few Dominion machines in state of GA, in a very conservative county, proving that they were rigged to throw the votes to Zhou Bai Den. They fed 100 ballots each for Trump and Zhou Bai Den, and time after time Dominion counted 87 for Trump and 113 for Zhou Bai Den. They also proved that ALL Dominion machines were hooked up to internet via WiFi modems, Chi-Com made.

How is that not an "audit", either? What do you think an audit is? There are different levels of depth for an audit, but all of those were still an "audit", one way or another, and ALL of them easily proved election fraud.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anything that treats malaria. One very surprising thing these azzholes dd not account for in their plan. It came as YUGE surprise to them that none of the homeless communities in major cities were affected by the "virus" in any way. When it was investigated last year they realized that all the intravenous drugs are usually cut with a specific medication, which fights malaria in Asia and Africa, thus protecting drug users against this "virus", by default.

So, yes, HCQ cocktail definitely works PRIOR to injection. No one yet knows if it will protect the body after an injection. Only one way to find out, have some on hand, just in case, or actually take it now. Takes 5 days for complete cycle (3x times daily). But look into other malaria fighting drugs, they may be a solution in some yet unknown ways.

nowabeliever 2 points ago +2 / -0

State of WI already did that PRIOR to electoral vote count on Jan. 6. WI Supreme Court threw out 200,000 fake ballots, easily giving Trump the state.

Can you please remind us how that was the "it" so many here keep on pointing out. I see some sort of a "this is it, guys!" posted here for weeks now. Once the audit concludes and the results prove that Dominion machines as well as printed ballots were fraudulent, what do YOU think will happen?

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am in same boat, a few relatives already and eagerly took the shots despite all I could say. These shots, by many accounts from some top medics, are nothing short of DNA modification, which makes perfect sense in how the mechanism is used to have your own immune system to attack and destroy itself and internal organs.

Don't think there is a solution to reverse the damage at this point, nor am I aware of anyone actually working on one.

nowabeliever 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm giving it some more time. Per Monkey Werx, and it makes all the sense to me, both AF1 and Marine1 are always "refurbished" by the incoming admin, not only for some "personal touches", but also to sweep for any and all listening devices and such by prior admin.

That said, it should not take this much time to do so, but I am common sense realist and willing to give it more time before buying into any theory. Though not sure how much "time" at this point seems reasonable IF Trump was brought in for the inauguration in 2017 on AF1, IIRC.

What is "reasonable time"?

nowabeliever 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sadly, not sure you may be able to. The injection resets how our body cells work with proteins, main mechanism used to then attack organs in Round 2.

nowabeliever 7 points ago +7 / -0

NO. Read the other post today, I posted a link to the microbiologist professor who explains the mechanism of "vaccine" Please STOP using word "vaccine", its an INJECTION, but NOT a vaccine by any medical definition.

Link, again: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/professor-of-molecular-genetics-issues-chilling-warning-on-covid-mrna-vaccines/

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since the 2002 when I back traced it last year. The final "game plan conference" took place in NYC on October 15, 2019. Included Chi-Com and WHO members, alongside same Fauci, Gates and Soros.

Our tax dollars are actually paying for this crap, via WHO contributions.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

The next one is based on having most "vaccinated", main reason they are trying to distribute and inject as fast as they can. Listen to the molecular biologist professor explain how the shot they claim is "vaccine" trains your immune system to attack your internal organs the NEXT time it encounters the "culprit".

Listen to her explain the mechanism: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/professor-of-molecular-genetics-issues-chilling-warning-on-covid-mrna-vaccines/

The entire hoax of last year was a ruse to force panicked sheeple to take the injections, and get them ready for the "final solution". The injections are bad enough by themselves, as we all can see by now in how they seem to trip up weaker immune systems already, but will effect the devastation once they release the next "virus".

The only upside I see so far in this clusterfark is that libtards are BEGGING for the injections, some are even stupid enough to pay bribes of $20K to move up to the front of the queue.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

REALLY sorry to hear about all of that, must be devastating. We're dealing with autism, and its beyond bad, cannot even approach comprehending your daily life.

Not an anti-vaxxer, but advising everyone I can to delay vaccinations, especially the MMR, until their kids are older than 2, preferably 3.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reported by CNN? aka Communist News Network. We have no idea what transpired. And I keep telling people for the past few days, READ THE SENATE IMPEACHMENT RULES. Its a short read. Clearly states that SENATE, and ONLY SENATE sets the rules and procedures. Meaning there is no way in hell anyone on Trump's team will be able to stray even an inch from the Senate rats' agenda with the only charge being discussed, "incitement for insurrection". No one will get even a minute of time to discuss anything else.

Still have no idea what the strategy will be, but maybe its time to turn to the 2 Constitutional attorneys that even libtards won't have a choice but listen to: Jonathan Turley and Dershowitz. Both have already pointed out more than one law broken and ignored by the House and Senate rats, and at least Dershowitz offered to take them on.

Turley had a good overview today of the A14 issue Senate rats may now turn to instead of DOA impeachment. Censure over an insurrection, precluding anyone to hold an office. Simple majority, which rats will have what with Romney, Murkovksy, Sasse, Collins and Toomey onboard.

nowabeliever 2 points ago +3 / -1

Did they also openly throw their hats to the ground as well?

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