nowabeliever 3 points ago +6 / -3

Let me guess, he again had a long phone call with someone from Q team over an unsecured phone line.

When will people wake up to this lying shill?

nowabeliever 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for stating the obvious! I posted something similar in response to someone about 2 weeks ago. I am more than disgusted to share my DNA with many evil subhuman forms, and I also suggested not to use the wide paint brush against us all.

The most solid and conservative voting block in USA is those of us who escaped Soviet Union after having first hand actual experience with the communist hell. Roughly 95% of us are more than red pilled. Trump has a few on his team, for a reason: we are well aware of communist hell and we are more than loyal, never bending in our believes.

Soros wise, my wife and I always knew he simply assumed Jewish identity to enter USA, no Jew can be so hateful of other Jews. He's as true to his German/Austrian nazi roots as it gets, and I do want to see his DNA test.

Though we do call all of the Hollyweird and Upper West Side Jews "self hating Jews". Or, as Russians say, Never mix up kikes and Jews. Hate to say this, but that's the truth, we are not all the same, some of us do use a brain and fight for what's right for the common good and people. So, yes, some posts and posters here do piss me off sometimes by painting so wide and never assuming there is a difference, a HUGE one, after all.

I can post a really long list of those of us who do make a difference. Really not sure why so many overlook the fact.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

NONE of her requests were followed upon, nor meant anything AT ALL. Trump made all the orders, one way or another, including Declaration of Emergency.

Try to follow the real news.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I agree on the Constitution ONLY describing a sitting POTUS to be impeached, and has no other description of the process, nowhere in the Constitution, nor Senate impeachment rules, does it say that a SCOTUS judge must preside. Look at SCOTUS blog on the matter, they clearly state and confirm this.

It really doesn't matter who presides, according to this same SCOTUS blog, since its nothing more than a "observer" position that has absolutely no input into proceedings. Rules are set ONLY by Senate, and the only thing that counts is having at least 67 critters to vote Yay. VP cannot vote.

You and I can be selected to be a presiding "judge", has no meaning in any way. Its just an "honorary" position, and nothing else. VP cannot preside. Anyone in Senate can, as you can see. Per Senate impeachment rules. ~20 pages long, read it.

Search the board, I posted links to the SCOTUS blog and also posted actual text from their blog.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its the other way around, already discussed and pointed out a number of times in the past. Use Search function.

In this case it was NOT the mayor. An Emergency was declared by Trump with FEMA taking charge, which makes it a de facto government right now. And under FEMA orders UNDER DECLARED EMERGENCY the military can operate on US soil, the only such exception under Stafford Act.

The mayor had absolutely nothing to do with anything in this case.

Read the laws, please.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its always up to the judge to admit evidence, or not. We keep forgetting that part. And while someone like Roberts may not want to sue Lin, Dominion case may be another case altogether with the Giuliani lawsuit. NEVER discount the enemy. A judge already pretty much "fired" Lin last week from another lawsuit, kind of crazy, right? Lin will appeal, of course, but the point is judges are all extremely compromised and also have way too much power to make decisions they should not be. Look at the kook in Flynn's case. Judge's son was caught raping a long time family friends' underage daughter, the whole case was "disappeared", and the judge is still a judge today. If someone like that is, hmmm..., "selected" to preside over Dominion case, how do you think it will go?

Entire judiciary branch must be cleaned up, otherwise what we think should happen and what actually happens may be two very different things.

nowabeliever 7 points ago +7 / -0

Don't know about other things, but I am sure Joven Pulitzer invented the QR code. The guy who helped out with election fraud proof.

nowabeliever 46 points ago +46 / -0

Doesn't matter. WI Supreme Court threw out 200,000 ballots BEFORE electoral vote count, plenty to overturn, and all the GOP legislature did was release a statement promising they will fix all of that in future elections. Never recalling their Zhou Bai Den electors as they should have BY LAW.

Libtards will repeat the process, with impunity. What does it all matter if judges only chime in AFTER the steal.

State judge in KA ruled in December that Newsom has absolutely no power nor authority to force muzzle wearing, nor business closures. Did he stop? And who enforced the judge's ruling?

nowabeliever 11 points ago +11 / -0

They are STILL counting. Its the only House seat still open. GOP candidate leads by 29 votes, and they have spent 3 months now trying all ways to somehow get more votes to beat that.

Stay tuned.

nowabeliever -11 points ago +5 / -16

I predict zilch will happen. If someone like Lin could not get court and FBI act on that tape implicating Pence, Rosenstein and Roberts in carious crimes, then this is a much easier case to somehow sweep aside, or put on indefinite hold as they did with the other one.

Everyone keeps forgetting that its the same DoInjustice that has ignored a lot lately, as well as the Lin case above. FBI did a lot of damage to the whistleblower, including actual beatings and all, and threats against the family, and the guy is still wanting to be a witness. And the case is sill on hold. javascript:void(0); I bet DoInjustice will come up with some crap in Ghislaine's case as well, and I would not be really surprised if tomorrow unsealed "evidence" will be very weak and not really specific. DoInjustice are the ones who "built" the case. "Well, you honor, if you really think this is a weak case, then we understand and dismiss the charges". Some charges will stick, of course. But not the relevant ones. They will all implicate the supposedly dead Epstein, blame it all on him, and call it a day, by having a dinner for all involved. Its the cynic in me talking after seeing all the shit lately.

Let's compare notes tomorrow, I seriously hope my distrust of our illegal system is misplaced. Not saying the case will be dismissed tomorrow, simply saying that nothing coming unsealed tomorrow will stray from the scenario I described above.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Texas and Florida ordered theirs to come home :-)

nowabeliever 12 points ago +12 / -0

It was dead on arrival in the House. 1. It was fake charge. 2. What kind of a trial does not allow a accused NOT to be present to, well, defend himself.

Its all a kabuki show, though I still have no idea what drives it when at no time did Chucky and Turtle had the votes to convict.

Its way worse for them, TBH, its the only idiot crew in history now to try impeachment against same person TWICE, and fail BOTH TIMES. Miserably so.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

Germany tried it a while ago, maybe a year or more?, didn't really do much in the end. They take the money, go home, then come back. Good bidness.

nowabeliever 5 points ago +5 / -0

CDC admitted that over 2 months ago. And immediately changed their "counting" practice, which now counts virus fake numbers among those for flu. Thus, flu deaths vanished, and ALL cold/flu deaths are now counted as one bucket, covid. And all those prior years when flu accounted for $60-80,000 deaths ON AVERAGE AND ALWAYS, now show pretty much ZERO deaths due to FLU, and ALL deaths as covid.

Flu deaths simply vanished, overnight.

Nothing to see here move along, folks.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

DISINFO. DS play against weak minded and ill informed. Nothing new.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, even Portman, openly hating Trump, did not go along. And, interestingly enough, Turtle has not, either. Its most likely his last term judging by the revolt in KY and people already planning a primary.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

My eldest is probably as old as you are. And, you are right, you have NO idea about security. IN LAS VEGAS. On THE STRIP.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mark my words, same as I said for the past 2 weeks, this case will go away, somehow, one way or another. If they can make Lin's whistleblower affidavit against Pence, Rosenstein and Roberts "go away", not only for sex trafficking, but Seth Rich murder and Judge Scalia assassination, then this case is a much easier one to make "go away".

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have not checked yet. Sasse? I am more than happy to hear that only 5 rats crossed, suspected that both Portman and Toomney will do as well, both are "retiring" and probably don't care, and both hate Trump. Though, both do need to go back to their communities for retirement.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

You seriously have no idea what "security" means on the Strip and events like that in Vegas. Believe what you want, it seems useless pointing out the obvious.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

That area has an extremely old infrastructure. Well, 90% of Russia does. Nothing to see here. NY had a huge power transformer blow up a few years ago. So?

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, what I said. Small strip mall right next to the event site, and the place where I would station a few security guards to overlook everything below. Not sure why this is of any surprise to anyone, any security worth their salt would do the same. By the book.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

This case he is discussing today, Seth Rich's murder, was also described on Lin's Twatter account a month or so ago. The case has been under seal for a long time now, with Roberts' help. And also points out the connection between Pence and Rosenstein, as well as black ops and use of MS-13 to do political assassinations, and intimidation. Seth Rich was supposed to be intimidated and memory stick with Killary's emails taken away, instead events unfolded and led to MS-13 guys panicking and killing him. The 2 MS-13 were soon found "dead" in NC, from where they were brought up to do the deed. But PENCE was also involved in all of this, not just child trafficking. Just wish someone preserved Lin's Twatter account like they did with Trump's. Plenty of info was posted there.

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