I hope Trump gets them all in before oatmeal brain starts WWIII.
Ya know, I wonder what goes on in that guys brain sometimes.
It is isn't it.
Right there with you. Total focus on winning.
That would be just so hilarious.
I remember that the "Ws."
They have 60 days to come up with something else. They are so lame you know it will be cringe.
They were doing a lot of finger shaking I couldn't figure what that was about. 🤣
A snake this guy. 🐍
I like that.
Didn't the US sell our trash/recycling to China back in the 2010s?
That was brilliant.
Can I add one item -> no lawyers.
You should write for a living. So good!
I just flashed on Anderson Cooper, ~14 years ago, calling the Tea Party "tea baggers."
They always accused us of doing what they are doing. 😂
That's so great.
Hi Guys, Godot here to translate-
We feel that Trump will win and he may expose Google and hold us liable for all the election interference and skewed coverage we have given him. I know it's too late to pivot, but we owe it to ourselves to at least try. Godspeed!
Good burn.
Take my updoot.
Does anyone know if this is a bridge that is close to any voting locations? I put nothing past the communists.
Last I heard they said 5” total by Sunday. Very suspicious after this drought?!?
Good to know. I didn’t know how things were going there.
I have people in MI. They detest Whitler.
I voted for him as well. I lost some respect when he endorsed DeSantis for his presidential run against Trump.
Hope he means what he says.