My 18 year old self who campaigned for Ron Paul couldn’t imagine all of this winning.

You can read all the Q posts, devolution theory etc. you want but there was always that element of me that just needed to see it with my own eyes.

Now that we are here it feels amazing. Dems getting BFTO daily. Trump is just steam rolling mother fuckers and it’s only been 10 days!

It really feels like a darkness is getting lifted. I was dooming hard core after Biden stole the election. Now I realize that was the best thing to ever happen to this country. Unfortunately many of our brothers and sisters lost a lot during that time but long term it was necessary. The American people had to go through the rough and rugged.

All the rats are getting exposed. Hell even Bernie the progressive “hero” got exposed as a big pharma shill yesterday. When Obama goes down I will be popping champagne like I just won the World Series.

I feel so hopeful too. Every time we hire a guy who is Gen Z they all voted for Trump and think Dems are clowns.

Today I was telling my based coworker that there has been so many wins lately I can’t keep track of them all or even tell him what the best win was! And we haven’t really even started yet!


It’s all they’re complaining about. I tell them that Trump plans on eliminating income tax and they can’t comprehend that.


Washington State was the ONLY state in the union to become more blue and every woke initiative other than the natural gas ban (too big to rig maybe I know a lot Dems voted against it as well) passed.

We have the least secure elections in the country. One lady in Bellevue, Washington (my home town) had 16 ballots sent to her address for example. We have mail in voting only. The fraud here is insane and we are going to need federal intervention. We cannot vote our way out or legislate out of this when the fraud is this rampant.

California and Oregon are far more red than us on paper now. Hell Oregon was in play for Trump.

We now have a carbon tax and ridiculous capital gains tax. There are not that many idiots in this state.


My grandfather started my awakening journey when he gave me a copy of the Creature from Jekyll Island my senior year of high school.

He is a naval pilot veteran, former small business owner and All American Patriot. After seeing all his grandkids get married and starting having kids the last thing he wanted to see was the country he loves so much be saved.

I told him there is a lot of work to be done and the deep state is not gonna go down without a fight. But yes this country will be safe and many young patriots like myself, my brother, my friends and all my patriotic brothers and sisters on here will make sure of it.

I am so happy he got to see last night and that he got to see the beginning of this country being saved.

God bless you all and god bless the USA!


Keep a low profile at work and make sure you have like minded coworkers around you at all times. If a TDS coworker or boss emotionally implodes on you have witnesses and record everything.

A lot of these people will act like orcs tomorrow and Wednesday if a Trump landslide occurs. They will mentally implode and break as many are emotionally unstable. Do not talk shit or argue let them implode in front you. Nothing is more powerful than just remaining calm and saying nothing.

Do not give any shitlib manager or HR person any reason to write you up.

Just get through the work day, get home then come join the party here. I’ll be popping champagne, watching the Reddit and Seattle meltdown and conversing with my fellow anons that have endured this living in places like Seattle, Portland, NYC or LA.


Dropped off my pretty much worthless vote by mail ballot. All we have here in WA State as we are owned by Bill Gates and other cabal assets.

For those of you in state’s with somewhat real elections get everyone out to vote.

Washington, California, Oregon and Colorado are mail in only fraud occupied territory.

Selfishly hoping for a contested or canceled election so we can have a real one conducted by the military for the sake of my state.

But regardless for any of you southerners, Midwest folks and those in swing states once this is over I would greet you as a liberator! With the finest Washington seafood, beer, wines, fine cheeses etc.

Ten’s of thousands of Patriots out here sick of being under the thumb of mail in fraud and Seattle politics. Give em hell for us!

Edit: I mean 3 times total. 2016, 2020 and 2024.


Woke up my senior year of high school when my grandfather gave me a copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island. I volunteered with the Ron Paul campaign and became a delegate of his in the state GOP at 18 years old.

As I awoke to more and more truth it started to destroy me. I walked away from God. I wasn’t old enough or mature enough to understand how this evil could exist. I turned to booze, drugs and easy women as a coping mechanism.

I snapped out of it eventually and I remember when Trump first came along. At first I thought it was a joke but then I listened to him and knew he was the real deal. Election Day of 2016 was the most hope I had in my life. From then tell Covid I was absolutely crushing it in life.

Then Covid came. Knew it was BS from the beginning. And as I saw so many people I knew drink the Covid kool aid I fell back into bad habits. Never caved to the vax despite the pressure. Eventually got to the point of only wearing a mask at the bank and at work. I went out of my way to support local businesses defying Inslee’s crap. The local bars and restaurants that turned into Speakeasy’s all survived. I met so many based people over a burger and a beer that year.

Then the election steal of 2020 came and I was dooming hard. I then stumbled upon this website. Where people were not dooming. I started learning about this “plan” and how long game it all was. With the help of you all I came back to Christ. I learned of the spiritual war that we are in.

Now we are at the final stage. The deep state and their minions are gonna lash out but we are ready. While we may disagree on some things I truly believe everyone here is battle hardened and has resolve much higher than most people. We are all driven by wanting to see good in this world and it doesn’t matter what they throw at people like us. It doesn’t affect us we walk right through it. We never cave or accept defeat.

We have one last job though. We must vote like never before and be as loud as never before. Whatever they pull we must call it out online and in real life. We will take back this country and this world. We are ready for this.

I respect the hell out of all of you and would love to hear some of your stories. When this is all over I would be thrilled to have a beer and burger with any of you.


All over twitter, tik tok, instagram etc. I am seeing citizen journalists reporting on what is happening on the ground. I am seeing the awakened American people mobilizing to help these people. Working class people and average citizens without much to give doing what they can to help.

Only celebrity I have seen address this is Chris Pratt.

The blackout from the mainstream media and mainstream culture is staggering. And it’s purposeful. They would rather these people suffer than make the Dems look bad right before the election. This disaster is far worse than Katrina and they don’t care.

It’s God’s side vs the other side and the lines are becoming more and more clear.

And for any lurkers on this site that’s what “the other side” is and how they view the American people. Remember in November.


I don’t run the page but am active on it, submit things and promote it to people I know to get the real local news out. I mostly work on exposing the homeless industrial complex and soft on crime activist judges.

That’s 450,000 Washington State residents fed up with Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson and woke progressive insanity. I remember when the page only had 10k.

Real photos, real videos, real memes and real local news. If you have instagram and live in Washington give it a follow.


Just need to get this off my chest. I am not specifically talking about this board for the most part but other places online and in real life. Some people are dooming about the debate. I am trying to tell them Trump laid it out exactly where we are heading. He said we are heading towards WW3 and a nuclear scare event.

I keep trying to tell people normies will not wake up until this event.

Trump gave us the memo last night of where we are headed. Normies do not take it seriously because Americans have not had real shit go down since the Great Depression-WW2 era. 9/11, JFK assassination, civil rights movement etc. did not affect the day to day life of Americans in droves like the 30’s and 40’s did. And even then WW2 wasn’t on American soil. This isn’t Europe that has had WW1, WW2 and the 30 years war which cause mass destruction and death on home soil. America has had it mostly good since the Civil War.

Normies do not take the WW3 threat seriously because it is inconceivable to them.

I get it I have talked a lot of shit about normies and I have nothing nice to say about any of them. I quite frankly despise them but unfortunately they are on the boat with us.

But this is what only at the precipice means. If we have Cuban missile crisis x10 normies will not care about this shit debate or mean tweets or whatever. They will only care about not getting in a nuclear war. Nothing else will matter to any living person.

None of the other noise really matters until we get there. Nothing. No media psyops, noise etc. Normies do not care about anything other than entertainment and basic needs. They do not deep dive into things because it doesn’t affect them personally and they lack curiosity.

So yes it will take a life and death scare event. That’s what only at the precipice means. You can scream stats and what not until you blow a vocal cord it does not matter.

Trump told us what is going to happen last night. Prepare yourself and ignore the noise.


I have followed both campaigns closely and always felt that RFK was a white hat. That being said I am probably younger than most of you. I am 30 and on that Gen Z millennial border. Though I consider my self a millennial cause I remember 9/11.

Anyways people my age get their news from social media and podcasts. Nobody my age watches cable news. RFK knew this and did most of his campaigning on social media and with podcasters. I listened to all his interviews with Joe Rogan, Theo Von, Tim Dillon, Patrick Bet-David, Lex Friedman, etc.

Young people listen to these podcasts and follow all these people on social media. Guys like Joe, Theo and Tim Dillon supported RFK. RFK has red pilled millions of young Americans about the FDA and how fucked up the food supply is.

My prediction is as things get worse, Democrats gets exposed, major events happen etc. Trump will be interviewed by more of these people and endorsed by them. Trump was already on Theo Von the other day. Again these people have huge followings from normal Gen z and millennials. Not idiotic white liberal women but normal young people. Even Joe who is hesitant will reach his precipice and will either endorse Trump or have him on the Podcast.

They will lose the young vote. I have seen it for myself friends from high school who were Dems have kids now and have changed views. My radical marxist cousin had a child and realized feminism was mostly bs.

By the time November comes childless white liberal women will be some of their only young supporters left. Take it to the bank.


I work at a brewery and if I went into specifics about what exactly happened I could be doxxed. But essentially it was a misunderstanding over $20 worth of product. Not $2,000 or $20,000. $20. Co worker and I are both Trump voters.

Anyways my TDS manager went on a rampage over this incident and made an ass out of himself. Dude reads MSM only and has been emotionally unstable due to all the winning Trump and the supreme court has had lately. This guy has stage 4 TDS.

Thankfully my based manager squashed this nonsense and everyone in the company took our side. And I guess he is getting a talking to today.

Anyways just wanted to share this because I know many of you work with people with TDS. As we keep winning I expect many of these TDS types to implode and lash out. They know the Dems are doomed and will personally blame you. Do what you need to do to protect yourself. Record and film if legal, document any incidents that seem politically motivated. And do your best to just avoid these types at work.


Seattle area for me. God it feels like 2016 all over again. They know Biden is cooked. They know Trump is winning. Seeing the smug and arrogant shit libs die inside is giving me the energy of a thousand suns. One of my managers with full on TDS is full on dooming and I am loving it.

Just wish I could see the look of the environmental limousine liberal dumbass who told me and this lady outside of the Issaquah Fred Meyer we were evil for being against the natural gas ban. Dumb fuck didn’t even know his clothes came from fossil fuels.

For those of us stuck in places like Seattle, Portland, Denver, San Francisco, LA, Chicago etc. this is hilarious.

Pure panic and grief LMFAO (media.greatawakening.win) 😱 MSM PANIC 😱
posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer

Meme pages, coworkers, etc. have no interest in the Super Bowl. People are beginning to see that these playoffs were all a sham to get Taylor Swift and the Chiefs a Super Bowl victory maximizing money.

Jokes on the NFL though. Even some of my braindead normie coworkers see through it. Nobody wants to watch. Everyone assumes KC will be given the game by the refs/NFL. Unfortunately for the NFL if they want to save their reputation they are gonna have to rig it for the 49ers.

Amazing how these normies can see it in the NFL but can’t/refuse to see it in every other facet of life.


One of the most maddening things for me is people complaining about inflation when they supported the lockdowns. No matter how much evidence is presented to them about covid, economics etc. they can never admit the lockdowns were a mistake. They refuse to take responsibility for the fact that their actions led to all of this inflation and lower standard of living.

In the next couple of years it will be complaining about the power grid while they drive Tesla’s. Shit is just so frustrating.


They put out a massive email about how us plebs need to save energy while tech workers driving their Tesla’s get zero blame. Never seen this in my life in Washington State. With the hydro electricity system in the state we have never had an issue with electricity.

And with the attack on all things gas the west coast is speed running to destruction.


I am in Houston for the National Championship game. Dad played for the University of Washington so we’re here for the game.

Anyways. I have only been here for 2 days and am already tired of all the people who don’t speak english and all the advertisements for illegal immigrants. This is America not Mexico.

Had to go down to the front desk of a nice hotel just to get someone who speaks English. Enough!


I am at the local dive bar having half priced wings with one of my buddies from high school after work and Inside edition is playing on two of the tv’s in this bar. This is a MSM trash show about celebrities and it is openly talking about Biden not being physically fit to be president. Showing him bumbling and falling all over the place.

If a trash tv show is showing it then it is coming.

Biden to the bench and Newsom (probably) is up to bat!


My wife is slowly waking up but is nowhere near learning about Q. She grew up in a Democrat household but was never that political. I would call her right of center now. She listens to me more and more. I can explain some things but she is becoming black pilled about the economy and the future of this country and world.

She is becoming hopeless because of inflation. We both make mid 5 figures. We live in a high cost of living area and it’s now really starting to affect us. She is 29 and I am almost 30 and she feels like we can’t afford to have kids. Gas here is over $5.00 a gallon and groceries are insane. Our rent is fortunately not that bad because a family friend is our landlord. But we’re the tier above living paycheck to paycheck. I quit my second job due to burnout and we’re missing that money, it paid for our wedding and now that money not being used for the wedding could really help us. We had a moderate sized wedding nothing crazy.

I just don’t know what to tell her. I know the dollar is gonna go to shit and that there is hope that the good guys will restore our wealth but she has no clue about Q and what not. From her perspective it just seems like everything is gonna go to shit. But I don’t want to lie to her and say things are gonna get better in the immediate when it obviously won’t.


I have been dishing out redpills subtly and I always tell her I don’t expect you to believe me I am just telling you what I believe is happening. Anyways she uses tik tok. I told her about direct energy weapons and eco terrorism pertaining wildfires. She somewhat thought I was batshit insane telling her about this. She then found content on tik tok talking about the same stuff. Her mind was blown. She asked me about the wild fires and I showed her how the average temperature and precipitation in the Western US since when I was in middle school and high school is relatively the same and why I have told her I believe only a small amount of these fires are organic.

She needed to know why so I broke out the wine and gave an explain it like I am 5 great reset and 15 minute city agenda break down for her. We’re both tired as we stayed up talking until 1am on a work night.

Today she texted me today that she thought I was some what crazy but now she realizes that I was just trying to tell her the truth. She listened to the RFK JR episode of JRE on vaccines today at work after I told her to give it a chance. That also went very well. She is overwhelmed but her thirst for truth is there and she wants to keep digging. We’ve all been there when we first woke up. I told her after the wedding on Sunday I can break it all down for her starting with the Fed, fractional reserve banking and fiat currency which is the root of it all.

This wouldn’t have been possible with out this community. I have pulled most of my redpills from here even though I have been awake for 12 years. This site is the best collection of truth the world has even scene.

I am so happy. We’re gonna try for a child after the honeymoon and I’ll be able to give that child the gift of freedom. No vaccines, no government schools, no msm programming and a fat stack of guns and silver. I am so pumped because that’s all I ever wanted to give my child. And my soon to be wife has gone from normie to awake.

This website fucking rocks.


When I woke up 12 years ago when I was 17 I never would have imagined that two independent forms of media would be beating out Hollywood and major pop stars like Taylor Swift.

The globalists are losing control of the average person. People are fed up with their fake movies, fake music and are beginning to see that most things are corrupt and a scam. People sense that what is happening in our society is wrong.

With the power of the internet people can bypass the media and corrupt government to promote real music, real nutrition, real news and real medicine. The globalists can’t stop it no matter how much censorship they do.

Still lots of work to do but we will win. As things get worse and worse people will want answers. And we will be there to provide those answers. God Bless.

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