They might start to face consequences short-term as well. I've read about hospitals going specifically for non-vaccinated people who got laid off. Getting enough nurses is almost always a huge problem. It's almost like cheating if you can grab other hospital's staff.
They dissappear on the social networks and many places there are lockdowns. It's like virtual concentration-camps where people are sent to die.
Soon it will be Halloween. If you say Donald Trump three times in a row while looking in a mirror, a leftist will pop up and talk about how he always thinks about Trump.
Maybe you missed, but Alec didn't miss.
Good call. This is not how most people think outside the military complex. You could add the military alliance between GBR, USA and AUS as a part of the big picture. AUS for landmass, GBR for diplomacy and USA for their firepower. People hate GBR for moving out of the EU because it has a sway towards EU while being unencumbered by Brussels. The whole point of that alliance is to project military power to a possible threat in Asia.
Because he made the wrong choice, he's no longer the top freediver in the world. Sad.
Thanks for phrasing this so eloquantly. Ulitmatums and soft pressure should make anybody weary. At some level I think that this might explain why some minorities are against the vaccine. Because they recognize thuggery when they see it. Sheltered people will not reconize this. Those who has some experience with the streets know exactly what's going on.
Nurses have it hard. He's probably pulling some night-shifts and working some hollydays. Perhaps he specialized in something while working weird hours. He's lucky there are agencies. But, the agencies came along because the hospitals didn't treat nurses right. Agencies is just omething more powerful than a union.