purkiss80 6 points ago +6 / -0

The DOD's biggest contractor is Elon Musk. This occurred when Donald Trump was in office. Trump essentially helped propel Elon into his position as the richest man on the planet. What did Elon Musk do with the massive wealth he acquired? He bought the CIA-controlled Twitter, and subsequently exposed how they were working against Trump and Republicans. He could have done anything else with his money. But he attempted to save free speech. Listen to what Trump said here: "He's one of our great geniuses. And we have to protect all these people. He's one of our very smart people. We have to cherish those people. Shocking how well...it's come so fast. You go back a year. They were talking about the end of the company and now all of a sudden they are talking about these great things. He's going to be building a very big plant in the United States. He has to because we help him so he has to help us."


purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

Generators and inverters.....Funny enough our grid gas been more stable recently.....We havent had any significant power cuts for 4 months but always keep inverters fully charged just in case....A lot of people have gone solar now.....

purkiss80 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!

We received an unexpected request in the middle of the night to activate Starlink in Crimea in a matter of a few hours from the Ukraine government, but received no request or permission to override sanctions from the US government. Had we done as Ukraine asked, it would have been a felony violation of US law.

We also make it clear in our terms of use that Starlink is a commercial system, not a military system. Use of Starlink for communications, including military communications, is fine, just like the military uses the Internet in general, but if we deliberately engage in explicit acts of war, then we are making Starlink a military system and other countries have every right to shoot down our satellites.


purkiss80 43 points ago +43 / -0

This is why the Deep State fear him. Because he knows their darkest secrets, and aims to expose them!

This is why they have been throwing everything at him since he came down that escalator. Because they knew that he knew.


purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

My pleasure although I'm about to delete because I've just seen another post stickied....👌🙏🏻😎

purkiss80 4 points ago +4 / -0

Damm, I just Posted this, I didn't see ...Its Unbelievable....🤔🤦🏻‍♂️

purkiss80 2 points ago +2 / -0

The highly anticipated appearance on September 10 is the first time Cuomo will testify publicly before lawmakers about his response to COVID-19 and comes after Cuomo sat for a seven-hour, closed-door deposition on Capitol Hill in June.

Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-OH, said in a statement that Cuomo "owes answers" to those who lost loved ones during the onset of the pandemic, especially for the "15,000 families" who endured nursing home-related deaths.

"A true leader owns up to his mistakes and takes responsibility for wrongdoing," Wenstrup wrote in the statement. "That is not what we saw from Mr. Cuomo during his term as governor nor during his transcribed interview."

In a statement released by his spokesperson, Cuomo said in part, "The American people deserve the truth, and these partisan political games must stop because this is a matter of life and death."

The embattled former governor has been scrutinized for his pandemic response for years. After Cuomo's deposition in June, New York Rep. Marc Molinaro said his father died in a nursing home during COVID and he is now demanding accountability.


purkiss80 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Look we just saw Paris during the Olympics just got blacked out. Ain't a coincidence after the opening ceremonies. You need to overhaul the infrastructure around these systems to safeguard us from one of the easier threats our adversaries can deploy against America. And it's also harder to trace too. The sourcing would be much harder on that than say a kinetic operation like a 9/11 style attack. Is there any contingency plans up at the top on if that were to happen?

So there's this thing called COG capabilities like continuity of government and everybody's heard about locations around America I can't really talk about but There's a continuity plan for government to keep going and for enough personnel to be around to make sure we can do all those things and supposedly defend the nation and have the commander in chief and his cabinet secure and do all that. But there's no contingency plan to say if you wipe out the electricity west of Mississippi how are we gonna turn it on It doesn't exist.

How likely is that method of attack do you think from Russia, Iran, Korea, China? Something's gonna happen, if not already. Here's the other thing. The intel community right now is playing catch up on half these attacks because, again, it wasn't a priority to pro preemptively detect them and thwart the attack…

There's so much bad stuff going on right now that our adversaries have collectively kicked off against us whether it's the border whether it's the never ending war in Ukraine, whether it's the war in Israel, whether it's the CCP and what they're doing or going to do in Taiwan, whatever's going on in Africa whether it's Afghanistan and its resurgence of al Qaeda. There's so many things going on and I think an adversary that traditionally might have waited to that opportune day might come in in the interim and say these guys have no idea how to defend what we can put out there right now So maybe they go now Maybe they go in the interim in the next hundred and whatever it is four days or something like that. But…they're gonna they've already done…two things that three things that nobody said would ever happen. Started two new world wars in Ukraine and Israel and allowed China and the CCP to flex their muscles on Taiwan…

Everybody's like that's never gonna happen. Well it didn't happen under Trump. It all happened now. And we haven't even talked about DPRK their new program their rockets. That guy has been having a party this entire time or Venezuela. Right You know people forget about how…bad some of these regimes are for global stability.

How vulnerable are we do cyber threats?

Big time.

What are what are the other vulnerable vulnerabilities? From our adversaries specifically Yes… We talked about everything coming in from the border huge collective threat That's just gonna keep growing and metastasizing. and that includes a lot more of the physical stuff Right The crime, the fentanyl, the narco trafficking the sex smuggling, that kind of stuff The cyber stuff is in a different lane, but could expose us just as much if not worse. And I think we're very very very vulnerable to that. Just look at what happened with Crowdstrike...Did you know that's an American company, run by James Comey's buddy?"


purkiss80 4 points ago +4 / -0

Disgraceful. NBC Nightly News covered the Gold Star families criticizing Harris, but only showed one selectively chosen 15-second clip.

NBC conveniently didn’t mention that the Gold Star families BLAME BIDEN/HARRIS FOR THEIR CHILDREN’S DEATHS.

And as if this wasn’t deceptive enough, they then try to pin the deaths on Trump.

These people are unbelievably despicable.

X- https://x.com/patri0tcontr0l/status/1830621101858132443

"These statements from the families are so incredibly damning for Kamala that I feel it’s worth splicing them up and sharing.

If you watched the compilation from yesterday, it’s basically just gonna be those clips, but easily shareable.

Educate a lib today."

In case you missed the way Gold Star father Mark Schmitz closed his statement to Kamala Harris, it’s worth a listen.👇


Gold Star father Steve Nikoui to Kamala Harris:

“You are a DEI Vice President. And contrary to our kids, the worst that America has to offer.

I will pray for you, that God has mercy on your soul.”👇


Jaclyn Schmitz, Mother of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz:

“Our kids were murdered because of your Administration.”👇


Jim McCollum, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum, with a message to Kamala:

“How do you sleep at night knowing it was you, this Administration, you and Biden, YOU being the last one in the room, are responsible for the death of our 13 kids.”👇


purkiss80 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Well, a DOJ watchdog just found that the FBI CONTINUES to fail child sex abuse victims in the wake of the Nassar case.

What a surprise. The FBI, who famously did nothing about Jeffrey Epstein’s child trafficking ring for years, fails to protect children again."

purkiss80 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mr. Cohen-Watnick is known to be hawkish on Russia and China, believing the intelligence community needs to take a more aggressive approach in countering their activities. Both countries conduct wide-ranging espionage in the United States that targets commercial and government secrets. Mr. Sessions is broadly viewed in the Justice Department as lacking expertise in the area.



purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mr. Cohen-Watnick is known to be hawkish on Russia and China, believing the intelligence community needs to take a more aggressive approach in countering their activities. Both countries conduct wide-ranging espionage in the United States that targets commercial and government secrets. Mr. Sessions is broadly viewed in the Justice Department as lacking expertise in the area.



purkiss80 9 points ago +9 / -0

Never forget why the media have to make us look like crazy racists...

So Normies won't hear the message...

So they can't see the evil...

The war right now is for the narrative...

We are winning...

Anons are different....under extreme pressures we grill out and create memes...😆😉😎

purkiss80 2 points ago +2 / -0

"This is the worst case of election interference that anyone has ever seen in our country. They do this in third-world countries. They do it in banana republics. But now, this is the United States.

When it came to Hillary, they subpoenaed her, and she used bleach bit on everything. Broke the phones. Broke the computer. Broke everything. It was so terrible. And I had to decide: do I want to do this? Do I want to put the wife of a President of the United States in prison? I didn't want to do that. I'm trying to unify a country that really was badly broken.

Then, when I get out, it's amazing, actually. It's such a bad precedent. It's very sad, actually. But you know the good news? It's so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Who ever heard that you get indicted and your poll numbers go up?

It's such nonsense. They put people in the DA's office. Fani Willis and her boyfriend met with them for days. This is all coming out of the Department of Justice to get their political opponent."

purkiss80 6 points ago +6 / -0

"“This is going to impact your friend, Kamala Harris, who's running for president.”

Black Democrats are finally realizing that Democrats only care about giving freebies to illegals

They should vote for Trump. He's not going to give them handouts, but he will dismantle the system that's been plundering the community for centuries."

purkiss80 8 points ago +8 / -0

“2 days ago, my colleagues and I published the 1st batch of internal files from the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, which show US and UK military contractors working in 2019 and 2020 to both censor and turn sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics developed abroad against the American people. ‌ Many insist that all that we identified in the Twitter files, the Facebook files, and the CTI files were legal activities by social media platforms to take down content that violated the terms of service. Facebook, X, formerly Twitter, and other big tech companies are privately owned, people point out, and free to censor content. And government officials are free to point out wrong information, they argue. But the First Amendment prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech. ‌ The Supreme Court has ruled that the government may not induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish, and there's now a large body of evidence proving that the government did precisely that. ‌ What's more, the whistleblower who delivered the CTIL files to us says that its leader, a quote, unquote former British intelligence analyst, was, quote, unquote, in the room at the Obama White House in 2017 when she received the instructions to create a counter disinformation project to, quote, stop a repeat of 2016.”

purkiss80 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Democrats and Independents: This is a major reason to vote for Donald Trump. Kennedy says Trump and his relationship is thriving and they will work together to solve major existential issues.

I watched it on TV and three hours later I was talking to him. He talked about the idea of working together and I flew out to Milwaukee the next day and had a meeting with him and then we had a series of meetings after that by phone and then a long long meeting at Mar a Lago. And he outlined that the issues that were sent to the issues that got me into the race Ukraine war, censorship and chronic disease, that those were all issues that he was totally committed to. We decided to form a unity ticket where I would join him. On the issues that we agree on we will work together that and we could still criticize each other on issues that we don't agree on. And that's been a very very you know good arrangement for me and it's been a very good relationship. So I'm you know very happy with it. I'm very confident that he's gonna keep his word to me. And that I'm gonna be able to work on those issues in the White House and make sure we solve them."

Crowd cheers

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