The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled


Canada boasts one of the world’s highest assisted-death rates... However, this suicide program increasingly resembles a dystopian replacement for care services, exchanging social welfare for euthanasia.

Disability and other advocates have been warning us for years that MAiD puts people at risk. They warned that the risk of people choosing death — because it’s easier than fighting to survive in a system that impoverishes people, and disproportionately does so to those who are disabled — is real.

Indeed, last year, Jeremy Appel argued that MAiD was “beginning to look like a dystopian end run around the cost of providing social welfare.”

In Canada’s most populous province, Ontario, a recipient of disability support receives about $1,300 a month... Ontario Works — the province’s welfare program — pays a current maximum of $733 a month. Meanwhile, rental costs for a one bedroom apartment routinely push toward an average of $2,000 a month in many cities. In April, in Toronto, a one bedroom apartment averaged almost $2,500 a month. ... In 2022, Global News said the quiet part out loud: poverty is driving disabled Canadians to consider MAiD.

... it is plainly indefensible when state-induced austerity and mismanagement leads to people choosing to end their lives that have been made unnecessarily miserable. In short, we are killing people for being poor and disabled, which is horrifying.

Article goes on to show how advocates for the disabled were warning FOR YEARS about this, even before MAiD was legalized. And the Trudeau government continues to ignore it, even when the data is plainly shown to them.

"Culture of death" is a very good expression.


Canadian euthanasia doctor gushes about how much she enjoys killing people


In the recently released BBC documentary Better Off Dead?, disability rights activist Liz Carr interviewed Dr. Ellen Wiebe, Canada’s most notorious euthanasia doctor. ...

... It is interesting that so many people were so uncomfortable by the glee Wiebe expressed about her work. Even many who support euthanasia felt that she should be more solemn and thoughtful about it, somehow. But why? If euthanasia—killing—is healthcare, why should she not cheerily dispatch her patients? Perhaps the discomfort in her cheery demeanor—the fact that she finds ending lives rewarding on both ends of life’s spectrum—is because we know, deep down, that there is something profoundly wrong about the normalization of medicalized killing. That discomfort just might be the conscience speaking. We should listen closely.

Yes, maybe that is peoples' conscience speaking.

Loving your job THAT much, when your job is MAiD, is super creepy.

But it is good news that people are starting to realize that.


As Carbon Dioxide Grows More Abundant, Trees Are Growing Bigger, Study Finds


Groundbreaking! Yale University has just discovered photosynthesis:

Trees are feasting on decades of carbon dioxide emissions and growing bigger as a result, according to a new study of U.S. forests. ... “While we’re putting billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, we’re actually taking much of it out just by letting our forests grow,” Sohngen said in a statement. “We should be planting more trees and preserving older ones, because at the end of the day they’re probably our best bet for mitigating climate change.”

Seriously: the fact that a top level "woke" university is admitting this is actually significant. Thin edge of the wedge in displacing the cult of environMENTALism.


The Anti-Woke Counterrevolution Is Spreading | A gradual move back to normalcy has become apparent


...As progressive-provoked excesses multiply on campuses and well beyond, many ordinary citizens are saying “enough is enough.”

Article goes on to mention as examples:

  • growing Catholics interest in more traditional liturgies
  • serious Protestant denominations growing as more liberal/mainstream ones decline
  • donations to "woke" universities falling off (along with a sharp decline in admission applications)
  • Bud Light / Disney

I would add the following as other hopeful signs:

  • Harrison Butker
  • rise of "clean your room" self-responsibility launched by Jordan Peterson
  • falling support for Big Tranny nonsense, especially "trans kids"
  • rise in "Freedom Movement" type resistance to unreasonable government regulations (Canadian truckers, Sri Lankan and Dutch farmers, "gilets jaunes" in France)
  • rise of MAGA and Q movement

But, wisely, the article says:

...I am not predicting a dramatic move to the right in this year’s election. This is a gradual, long-run move back to normalcy, where traditional values largely prevail over radical interference by forces on either the left or right.

It took decades to get to this point; it will take decades to crawl back out of the pit.

But it is worth taking note of the fact that we ARE better off now than we were even 5 years ago in terms of "the Great Awakening."


Gen Z's Gender Stalemate | Young men and women are increasingly divided


...Strikingly, however, the divide between young men and women is greater in the richest Western economies with more egalitarian histories. ...

... Still, the trends described by The Economist, which have been replicated in other surveys, reveal a deep and ominous mistrust between the sexes. Figuring out dating and marriage norms that acknowledge contemporary women’s interests and achievements while also respecting men’s has proved immensely thorny; we’re probably not going to discover answers for such a problem soon.

The article goes on to mention mistrust and exasperation on the part of both men and women with respect to each other.

There is a distinct lack of respect and trust--without which a marriage bond simply cannot be formed. You can't marry someone you don't trust and don't respect.

How did THAT arise?

The leftist/progressives who want to cull the population benefit from declining marriage and birth rates and, lo and behold, they happen to be the ones controlling pop culture, pop psychology, social clubs like (Boy) Scouts and (Girl) Guides, and the school curriculum.

The left create and nurture that distrust and disrespect when they highlight to one sex all the bad points of the other; "see, you don't want to get involved with THAT do you?"

Would love to see some statistics on the political differences between young men and women who were home schooled or who went to private schools vs. those who went through the public system. My hypothesis is that "divide" would be minimal or zero in those environments as they do not foster the same level of distrust and disrespect of the other sex.


Air Force Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ Amidst ‘Worst’ Recruiting Crisis In Modern History


...In September, the Air Force announced it missed its FY2023 recruiting targets by roughly 2,700 airmen, while the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard each experienced a 30 percent shortfall in new recruits, according to the Military Times. ...

But to all the haters saying "cause/effect":

... So-called “journalists” and industry “experts” have regularly dismissed the notion that the military’s embrace of DEI racism and radical gender ideology is contributing to its recruiting crisis. Instead, these individuals have ... blamed the crisis on factors that predated the embrace of DEI policies, such as obesity rates and fluctuating labor markets.

This should be provable one way or the or the other with surveys and statistics. I'm sure they exist, but would take some FOI requests to dig up.


More US Youngsters Are Turning Away From Climate Alarmism


This decline is most pronounced among the younger demographic, with only 50 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds viewing it as a very serious issue, down from 67 percent in 2021.

This shift could show a growing skepticism and a reprioritization of immediate concerns such as economic pressures.

The poll also notes a decrease in support for government action on ‘climate change’, with 59 percent in favor of more federal intervention, a drop from past years. ...

This stable trend suggests that the decrease in perceived urgency and importance among the American public, especially younger adults, may be influenced by an observable lack of escalation in the direct impacts of climate change.

That "an observable lack of escalation in the direct impacts of climate change" bit is probably why we are seeing so much media hysteria around normal weather events like warm days in the summer. Around these parts, we were continually being drummed about 2023 being the "hottest summer on record" in a year where we didn't need to turn on the A/C even once!

Graphs in the main article give a bigger picture over all age ranges. Support for "government action" on climate has fallen for everyone except the 55+ boomer crowd, for whom it is holding steady.


Oregon Middle School Lesson Plan Asks Students to Compare Trump to Hitler


...The latest controversy erupted after an education watchdog posted to X a TTSD lesson plan comparing former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. ...

The lesson plan asked middle school students to pick quotes from both Hitler and Trump and match them to the correct person. ...

The lesson plan also compared Nazi book burnings to the current removal of overtly sexualized, age-inappropriate material from American schools and libraries. “It all began with a book ban,” said the lesson, darkly.

Textbook (pardon the pun) projection!

Shows the importance of getting involved in school board politics and keeping tabs on what is being taught in schools. Every single institution of civil society is corrupt to the core, as the Liberal/Progressives have been eating into them fore decades now. It will take a lot of concerted effort to weed out the rot.

Even if you don't have children, get involved. Someone else's children will be pushing your wheelchair in the old peoples' home in a few years!

Give (regularly and generously) to good local private schools to make it easier for parents to avoid the public school system.

Give (regularly and generously) to support home schooling:

USA: Home School Legal Defence Association: https://hslda.org/post/donating-to-hslda

Canada: Canadian Centre for Home Education: https://cche.ca/donate/


How Bad Was Learning Loss During the Pandemic?


The authors carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of learning loss over the first two-and-a-half years of the pandemic. ...

...students typically progress by about 0.4 standard deviations per school year, which means that school closures reduced learning by the equivalent of one third of a school year (a whole term). The authors characterise this as “substantial”.

... Existing research on teacher strikes in Belgium and Argentina, shortened school years in Germany and disruptions to education during World War II suggests that learning deficits are difficult to compensate and tend to persist in the long run.

If you have kids who were affected by lockdowns, seriously consider getting them Kumon or some other enrichment program to make up for what they lost. Mention why you are doing this to the kids themselves, so they know how badly the government screwed them over.


New Study From Czech Republic Confirms Covid Vaccines Have Around Zero Efficacy Against Death


In 2021, we were flooded with visuals showing us how effective the mRNA vaccines were against death from Covid. ...

Much of this was an illusion. Back then, they did not display comparable graphs for non-Covid deaths. If they did, we would have seen that the vaccinated also fared better on non-Covid mortality. Of course, no one expects these vaccines to prevent death from cancer, heart disease, stroke and so on.

The pseudo-effectiveness of Covid vaccines against death from unrelated causes is not a new observation. The same kind of pseudo-effectiveness was discovered long ago for the flu vaccines. It is called the ‘healthy vaccinee effect’.

For various reasons unrelated to the vaccines, people who are vaccinated have better background health on average than people who are not, and therefore they are less likely to die from ‘anything’, including flu and Covid. Vaccinated or not, they would have had lower Covid mortality than their unvaccinated counterparts. ...

A recent study from the Czech Republic has made significant contributions to the scientific literature on Covid vaccines and the healthy vaccinee effect.

The main article (linked above) is good background reading. The actual scientific article is here: https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(24)00046-8/fulltext But read both: the main article explains a lot of the statistics in the scientific article.

Good material to circulate.


Why Trials Like Trump's Must Be Televised


...The CNN commentator reported that Daniels had done a great job holding up against the incompetent cross-examination of Trump's lawyer. The Fox News commentator reported that the extraordinarily effective Trump lawyer had totally destroyed Daniels' credibility. Who were you to believe? ...

If the trial had been televised, the dominant color would have been gray. Perry Mason cross-examinations rarely occur in real life, and witnesses like Daniels rarely emerge unscathed from cross-examinations even by mediocre lawyers.

We, the American public, however, have been denied the right to judge for ourselves how the case against the once and possibly future president is going. We cannot judge the credibility of witnesses, the fairness of the judge or the effectiveness of the lawyers. We must depend on the subjective and generally biased accounts of often partisan "reporters."

...The result of making us rely on partisan secondary sources rather than our own direct observations is inevitable distrust in the justice system. If "Sunlight is the best disinfectant," lack of visibility is a major source of distrust.

Good points.

The unintended fallout from the extreme "Trump Derangement Syndrome" of the prosecutors is that they are undermining confidence in the very legal system they are working for.

It has become more and more obvious over the last few years that every. single. social. institution. is deeply, deeply, corrupted and needs reform from the roots up.


How Christians are fighting back against the EU’s radical left-wing agenda


The article is about the EU context and how one organization is fighting on the pro-life/pro-family side within it. However, there are some good, tactical, lessons that can be drawn from it.

...Van Schothorst began his fight against the international left after working as a staffer for a member of the European Parliament for seven years beginning in 2000. During his time in Brussels, van Schothorst became acquainted with the “enormous power of the unelected bureaucratic elite,” especially the European Commission.

Lesson 1: He understood how the bureaucracy works. To fight the entrenched Liberal/Progressive ideologies in the bureaucracies, one has to know how the mechanisms work and where to apply pressure.

The pro-life/pro-family groups in Canada are not all so savvy; Right Now is pretty good and understands how to work the system, but Campaign Life not so much.

But back to the article:

...Seeing that no one was fighting the liberal agenda of the U.N., van Schothorst thought through what he wanted to see accomplished and decided to establish the Transatlantic Christian Council in 2013.

...All the while, van Schothorst began applying for consultative status internationally, seeing that the only way to win the court cases was by implementing his objectives. Once he received consultative status, he could enter the U.N. headquarters in New York and the premises of other international institutions to lobby and promote his objectives.

So, Lesson 2: He worked through existing channels that had legitimacy within that bureaucracy.

...Van Schothorst recalls that the push for LGBT ideology from the U.N. and other organizations began almost a decade ago with a resolution at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. He says that that organization was chosen because it was smaller, having only 47 member states and the members “rotating” every three years. ... After failing to stop the resolution in Geneva, van Schorthorst went to New York to try and convince U.N. member states to vote against the resolution, warning that the adaptation of LGBT issues in law is a Western phenomenon and that they should look to their own laws and constitutions regarding the issue.

The final vote resulted in 84 countries in favor, 77 against, and 16 abstentions.

He was not successful in preventing the passing of that vote, but has some good observations that the Liberal/Progressive side has been working very strategically for YEARS to line up all their ducks to get things through.

Lesson 3: Our side is definitely playing catch-up. We have to focus our efforts and be strategic and solid. But we're wasting a lot of effort and money. I read an article recently about how a lot of the lawsuits launched post-covid about how unfair it was to fire/punish/etc. the unvaxxed ended up going nowhere because the legal arguments were so weak. People had donated a fair bit of money to these various efforts, but the funding was wasted because the efforts, though well meaning, were not well executed and strategic.

...van Schothorst speaks about the irony of how non-Western countries are upholding Christian values while the places directly formed by Christian civilization are not. For van Schothorst, the Bible is a “standard” that “applies to everyone and for every policy.” To look at the scriptural commandments, van Schothorst notes, is to know right from wrong, good from evil, and that we can use this lens to examine resolutions and treaties.

Lesson 4: Never forget, the battle is first and foremost a spiritual one. We fight not against flesh and blood--our political opponents are not our enemies. We fight against principalities and powers--our enemies are the demons that inspire the evil ideologies. Our political opponents have been "captured" by the enemy, but can be "rescued" from evil. Always, always, always pray for a change of heart.

Link to the 48 minute episode is within the article.


Flemish Left Meltdown Over Vlaams Belang’s Pro-Family Policies | Increased assistance to young mothers framed by media and socialists as ‘forcing women to have children’ and ‘return to the 1950s.’


... In the past ten years, the number of live births in Flanders dropped from 1.81 to 1.53 children per woman....

Vlaams Belang party proposes a relatively generous "baby bonus" to encourage births.

... The newspaper quotes socialist Vooruit MP Freya Van den Bossche, who in a recent interview decried the “very conservative revival” our time is seeing, in which “more and more voices are calling for sending women back to the hearth.” She labeled as “creepy” the Vlaams Belang proposal to grant women who opt to have “many children at a young age” more financial assistance, i.e., doubling the one-time birth premium (from €1,200 to €2,400) when the mother is younger than 30 at the time of her child’s birth.

In its party program, Vlaams Belang notes that “encouraging earlier births is a legitimate objective as it corresponds to biological reality, and thus contributes to the health of the woman and child.”

The article goes on to describe protests by the Green Party including dressing up as characters in Margaret Atwood's Handmaids Tale.

A study done in Canada (fertility rate 1.4 children per woman, thus even lower than that listed for Flanders) found that women actually wanted to have more children (the desired number being 2.2) but for a variety of reasons including feeling the need to save money and not having a suitable partner (see https://www.cardus.ca/news/news-releases/backgrounder-she-s-not-having-a-baby-why-half-of-canadian-women-are-falling-short-of-their-fertility-desires/ )

It can be argued that the idea of the Government (rather than civil society) rewarding births is perhaps problematic. Back in the day, when a man's wife had a baby, the man's boss gave him a raise. This was to recognize that (a) he probably needed more money and (b) having children is a net benefit to a society and he was being compensated for that. So the idea of a "baby bonus" is not groundbreaking in itself.

The left is very anti-woman and anti-fertility.


Climate Scientist Calls for Mass Depopulation to Fight ‘Global Warming’


... Professor Bill McGuire argues that a “pandemic with a very high fatality rate” is required to wipe out a large portion of the human race. According to McGuire, a mass depopulation event is “the only realistic way” to “avoid a catastrophic climate breakdown.”

...A backlash to the comments quickly ensued as social media users blasted the professor over the comments. McGuire responded to the blowback by deleting the post. In a follow-up post, McGuire claimed that people were deliberately taking his words out of context.

...McGuire is also not the first radical globalist to suggest wiping out the human population to “save the planet” from “climate change,” however. Members of the unelected World Economic Forum (WEF) have long been pushing this anti-human agenda, as Slay News reported.

The Switzerland-based globalist organization recently revealed details of a so-called “Noah’s Ark” that will supposedly “save the elite” during an event that would wipe out most humans on Earth.

...Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s 1972 pro-depopulation book “The Limits to Growth.”...argues that most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.” During a 2017 interview, Meadows claimed that genocide of 86% of the world’s population is “inevitable.”

They are being very open about their agenda. We are aware of this because we follow those things, but normies are not. Publicizing their words will help convince the normies of the global rulers' evil agendas.

But we also have to push back against the "climate change" narrative which is being used as an excuse, because that one has sunk into the public conscience very deeply after 40+ years of propaganda.


La Leche League Erases Mothers | The charity that taught me how to breastfeed is eliminating women by calling it ‘chestfeeding.’


The La Leche League is/was a "mother to mother" group that provides breastfeeding training to new mothers.

But it's gone woke:

... Meanwhile, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, a guidebook by La Leche League that’s been around since the 1950s, is being rereleased in October under a new title: The Art of Breastfeeding—erasing the word woman entirely. So here we are, in the run-up to Mother’s Day, watching an organization that once celebrated motherhood cave to political correctness.

When I asked La Leche League if they would explain why they’ve made these changes, they declined to comment. ...

The comments are a good read, too:

... institutions can be captured by a small but vocal minority to the determent of the majority. ... Yes, but they can be taken back by larger and more vocal majority. See Vox Day's "Corporate Cancer" for a blueprint for how to do that: https://arkhavencomics.com/product/corporate-cancer/

One mother who was a member complained about this and:

... I then was kicked out from the group, but only after receiving a warning from a leader which stated “This is an inclusive group. Transphobia is not allowed. We are happy to support you in your journey, but this group may not be the right fit for you.” They also stated I had engaged in hate speech and bullying. ... This is about women abandoning women, throwing us to the wolves for not complying with their games, forgetting why they are there in the first place. Lactation support isn’t just about milk supply and latches and weaning-it is about seeing one another as fully actualized women who are integrating the female experience. In inviting men into that space, La Leche League is turning their backs to real women who need the witnessing required to work through hard motherhood moments.


How Motherhood Liberated Me | ‘My daughter doesn’t care if I’m exceptional. She just cares that I am hers.’


A bit late for Mothers' Day, but an essay by a young, bright, ambitious woman discovers that motherhood is measured on a whole different metric:

...It was disorienting for a twenty-five-year-old who’d spent more than a decade trying to prove I was exceptional. I had defined myself by what I believed would make me valuable in the markets where I competed: college admissions, job opportunities, the dating pool. ...

... I knew that providing my baby with milk was the most useful, necessary thing I’d ever done in my life—but it made me feel the opposite of extraordinary. ...

That is, until my daughter turned six weeks old—and she did something that changed my world forever: she smiled at me.

That smile blew all those traditional status markers out of the water—better than a million Instagram likes, an Ivy League acceptance letter, a competitive job offer—even though making my baby smile was one of the easiest things I’d ever done.

All this makes me so glad that, despite all my attempts to distinguish myself, I’ve ended up like every other mother....

Motherhood isn’t the only path to accepting this, but for me, it was my daughter’s love that freed me from my delusions of grandeur. It liberated me from the tyranny of trying to prove myself.

The reason that traditional society did not want women out "in the workplace" was not because women are not capable of being diligent and responsible workers. Daily experience has shown that they certainly can be.

But rather the reason traditional society did not want women out in the workplace is because the work of a mother at home raising her children is a far more valuable contribution to society as a whole than anything she could have been doing in the work-world.

The contribution an office worker makes through their office job to "society as a whole" pales in comparison to the contribution a mother raising sane, mentally healthy, members of the next generation.


In Pakistan, Non-Muslim Children Are Brutalised and Forcibly Converted to Islam


... Pakistan has an endemic of abductions, rapes, forced conversions, and forced marriages of minority children and women. The Associated Press reported in 2020 that, each year, nearly 1,000 non-Muslim girls are forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan, largely to pave the way for underage marriages that are non-consensual. ...

Happens in other Muslim-majority countries, too. And the Left is all over it: because both Islam and the left are founded on a core of hatred for Jesus Christ.


Female darts champion refuses to compete against male, withdraws from tournament


A world champion female darts player is being praised for taking a stand against wokeism after forfeiting a match against a gender-confused man at the Denmark Open last weekend.

Deta Hedman was born in Jamaica 64 years ago. She has been a top-ranked professional darts player in the United Kingdom since the 1980s. Over the past several years, she has aggressively pushed back against LGBT incursion into her profession. ...

Good to hear she's been pushing back for some time; glad she is now getting recognition for that.

When women EN MASSE push back, it will be over.


George Washington University Now Begging DC Police for Help as Student Protesters Start Calling for the BEHEADING of School President and Trustees (VIDEO)


... They allowed this situation to go on for too long and now it’s completely out of control. As you’ll see in the video below, these students are actually chanting ‘Guillotine, Guillotine!’

And this hot on the heels of reports of mass-conversions to Islam: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1k7QU0R/cosplaying-student-activists-inc/

As they say, "that escalated quickly."


Erasing Christianity in France


... Blame laïcité, the militant secularism that has been official French policy since the revolution and tries to confine religious expression strictly to private life. But the missing cross on the Olympics poster isn't quite analogous to France's current ban, for example, on wearing a crucifix (or a hijab) to class at a state school. It's the deliberate alteration—and thus, falsification—of an image of an existing cross, one that the French government itself permits in the interest of historical accuracy and architectural integrity. A closer analogy may therefore be the Stalinist practice of airbrushing out of photos of the Great Leader any subordinates who had fallen out of favor.

... How to account for this?

Article floats a number of hypotheses, but offers to solutions.

There will be no getting out of the social mess we are all in without an overwhelming repentance and turning back to God. This is more of a spiritual battle than a political one.


Cosplaying Student Activists, Including Feminists, Seem to Be Converting to Islam


... Notice anything? Notice that all of these young feminists are perfectly fine being herded to the back for prayer.

Jordan Peterson comments:

I predicted exactly this all the way back in 2016 and paid a reputational price for it, commenting on the insane and incomprehensible alliance between "feminists" (those resentful harpies) and Islamic fundamentalists. https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1786960397808853374

Lots of other good comments and links to Twitter.


To Be Happy, Women Must Do The Opposite Of Everything Secular Western Culture Tells Them


This is a very review of a very interesting book: if you know a teen girl or early twentysomething women, they might be interested in this:

How to Build a Better Life


From the book review:

While our culture may not offer either men or women good counsel about how to create a fulfilling life, author and life coach Suzanne Venker does. A longtime Federalist writer, Suzanne has expanded her writing career into coaching so she can get right in the trenches with women. ... Her overarching theme is simple: To be happy, women have to do just about the opposite of what secularized Western culture tells them. ...

What does it mean to swim against the cultural current? Suzanne lays that out in her chapter titles: Live an examined life, prioritize marriage and family over a career, unleash your feminine power, date with purpose, don’t not have babies or not stay home with them just because you’re in debt, change your definition of work-life balance, learn the truth about daycare (that no one ever told you), and love your life, not theirs.

Suzanne regularly points out that women often clue into the importance of these feminine ways of life so late that it causes them some big regrets.

The author of the book review points out that daycare has been routine for about 50 years; today's young mothers are themselves "daycare kids". They know nothing else, they had no role models, they have no clue HOW to be a "stay at home Mom". They need someone to show them "how to be the Mom they didn't have."

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