For those who have played the game HALO, or have seen the 2 Season tv-series: HALO, have perhaps encountered the images of the ship Bodegraven.
So what, you say?
- Well it just so happens that this is a human trafficking ship, and kids go missing. Some of the locals where the ships land, are implicated in abduction. Interestingly, the whole series is about child abduction, programming and augmentation/transhumanism.
- It just so happens that
is the name of a Dutch town in the Province South Holland: - This town is riddled with accusations of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse, implicating not only the mayor, but also high ranking civil servants:
Interestingly, when considering this case, Joost Knevel is being picked on. Even the laying of flowers at graves is being prohibited, and actively dissuaded/ prosecuted. As soon as some attention is going there, the system responds like a nest of killer hornets.
I have no more accurate knowledge to share, just to point to these cohencidences between a tv series and real world occurrences.
Another year has passed in this Great Awakening Plan.
And we are well on the way. I often think on these words: stay with me, deplorables. You'll love the way this movie ends.
May your resolve be undiminshed, and you love for Freedom, supported by your love for virtue be shining bright!
From the Netherlands, with love!
There are a couple of things I am considering that makes my spidey senses go off:
15000 Jihadi' s overrun 200.000 Syrian defense forces. They, the latter just melted away, while before they were able to resist a jihadi onslaught by ISIS-groups for years on their own. And perfectly knowing well that ISIS is bad for business. It seems like orders were given to not only Not engage but also the melt away.
The ISIS-born Jihadi: Abu Mohammad al-Jolani all of a sudden in CNN-favorite.
The whole affair is presented as a surprise. Like October 7th 2023 in Israel. Yeah .... no one in their right mind is convinced of that.
Russia simply says: I have some other engagements, just don't touch Latakia. (and they can: Areshnik proved they can perfectly kill infrastructure with one shot)
The day of the cease fire truce with Hamas/ Hezbollah, Israeli forces move into the region beyond the Golan Heights, while Doug Macgregor is preaching the moral defeat of the IDF.
QATR again, is making moves in the background, like with the first Syrian Proxy war.
The rabble rousing ISIS reborn forces, are fighting amongst themselves ....
As Q would say: reconcile ....
It seems to me, that this is a trap for the DS mercenary armies. Bring them out, let them show their hand, logistics, command and control structure, etc, spread them thin, and stick a knife through the heart.
It reminds me of a ploy the British deployed in the WO-I in Arabia. Let the Arab league hold Damascus and let them infighting become weaker and weaker.
My fellow Goats, Pedes, Pepe' , Anons:
I woke up today to two things:
- Bitcoin over 73K
I knew Trump is the President Elect. And indeed, 2. Projected over 300 EC and winning the popular vote. 3. Flipped the Senate Red. 4. Potentially the House too.
Dudes and Dudettes: Thank you and Congratulations.
What a road it has been these past 20 years, especially these last 10 years.
Whatever happens next, it will only get better. Now that we are awake, our work has not finished. There is too much blue. I guess we still have a lot of minds to free.
Two: there is still a pesky commie country like CCP that needs resolving. And of course: Deep State Central: EU needs a smack down.
I am honored to be on this road with you.
Again: thank you!
While I was reading Tacitus description of the German Peoples I came away with a couple of interesting things.
The several communities of the Sitones 266 succeed those of the Suiones; to whom they are similar in other respects, but differ in submitting to a female reign; so far have they degenerated, not only from liberty, but even from slavery. Here Suevia terminates.
There are three types of "government" depicted: a government consisting of freemen with a limited in power: executive; a government by Monarchical male, or Monarchical FEMALE.
Of course, Tacitus was accustomed to a form of slavery that showed a plethora of debauchery. In the German context, it was like a tenant on a piece of land, paying for the privilege with a percentage of what was produced, had his own house, wife, children and could do quite well for himself.
Interestingly, this practice is still reflected in the Frysian Law. 800 AD. This is a degeneration from de Frya Tex according to the Oera Linda Bok:
He who robs another of his freedom, even though a debt is owed, must be showed around on a leash by a female slave [...] and his ashes buried 30 feet under.
I can only regard as free he is neither slave to his appetites nor someone else.
He who sells his freedom has bastardized blood.
It is interesting to contemplate the description in the Ura Linda Book with of this ideal of the human potential, and the degeneration from it, as described by Tacitus in the above quote.
But there is a fourth: And really, it is anarchic:
The Fenni live in a state of amazing savageness and squalid poverty. They are destitute of arms, horses, and settled abodes: their food is herbs; their clothing, skins; their bed, the ground. Their only dependence is on their arrows, which, for want of iron, are headed with bone; and the chase is the support of the women as well as the men; the former accompany the latter in the pursuit, and claim a share of the prey. Nor do they provide any other shelter for their infants from wild beasts and storms, than a covering of branches twisted together. This is the resort of youth; this is the receptacle of old age. Yet even this way of life is in their estimation happier than groaning over the plough; toiling in the erection of houses; subjecting their own fortunes and those of others to the agitations of alternate hope and fear. Secure against men, secure against the gods, they have attained the most difficult point, not to need even a wish.
I would make a recommendation in terms of reading an article:
Of special note here, are the remarks of the writer of the article concerning the image Tacitus painted about Germans in general:
- strong families
- absolute high regard for women
- having babies enrichment and social stability.
Below is his conclusion, which consideration I entrust to you in closing:
A thoughtful Roman audience might even ask itself; did Germanic ferocity in war mirror that of Rome’s early founders before this had been blunted by the riches of empire? Had not Rome’s forefathers lived a more simple, naturalistic, and noble life, in stable family groups, unadulterated by intermarriage or foreign luxury? Long before the Empire, wealth and material goods had distorted the moral compass of her citizens. Rome’s early ancestors had once shunned adultery, childless relationships, and casual divorce. Like the Germanic tribes, Rome’s early founders had not been weakened by indolent addiction to entertainment or a reliance on money, luxury, or slaves. Not unlike the Germans, had not the early Romans once spoken freely in assemblies, protected from the worst excesses of tyranny, or dare it even be thought, emperors? In moralistic terms, Rome’s early forefathers had once practiced a simple, wholesome, and warlike existence not unlike some aspects of the early Germans. At least this is how Tacitus seems to be thinking and this is the deeper message he transmits through the Germania. We should be aware of its potentially distorting effect.
Tacitus: a modern image reflected in a etnography of old.
2 movies recommended to see:
Cult of ultimate evil: Order-Followers:
link to the announcements:
List the items Trump is stating .... What does that sound like? Accussations or an indictment?
As what is Trump making these announcements? CIC? What is the function of CIC?
Relevant Q-posts:
Ofcourse, this all pertains to National Security. Logically, right?
Think about that .... Thank you Mr Soros. .... He, the old fucker, is playing right in the hands of the WH.
The WALL means more than you know. The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more. Q
Hence, my point: the meaning behind these announcements ... It seems to me that Trump is announcing Kamala's indictment and .... he references facts. She has been judged. She is now on death-row.
Of course, the vogue of the day, monumental as it is, and I refer to the RFK teaming up with Trump and Vance, continues to exert tremendous interest.
In the interest of further broadening our knowledge base, and beyond the highlights, politics and finance have always been intertwined, and those who have tried to divide it, have been killed.
Q mentions two important elements:
- Free Masons.
- Central Banks.
Corporations move in and out of existence by mergers and acquisitions on the one hand and selling of parts no longer requires. Special purpose vehicles can be used to ease bank balances and move toxic debts off books.
To get a much clearer picture of this intricate world of finance and politics, I would recommend this series to read:
I would recommend to at least print2pdf this thing for saving it offline [on your destop: CTRL + P, choose pdf)]
From the Q posts you already have gleaned that there is an intricate relationship, or network sustaining a system to take out opposition:
- the shrinks maintain the lone wolfs
- the handlers pass on the commands
- and the rest is history.
All in the interest of maintaining power for its own sake.
when reading this series, pay special attention to the position of each American Founding Father,and where they stood on items such as Federalism, Central banking, Overseas engagements.
Why is it worth your time?
Adrian Verbrugge asks very poignant questions on the quality of the Ukranian and Russian military, and it gives you a perfect insight in what is going on on the ground.
It was something Q wrote: Sum of all Fears
There are a couple of relationships here: North Korea, of course, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Europe.
Of course, all these relationships are framed within the context of U1, and potentially, the threat of Nuclear detonation[s].
For those not having seen the movie, please, do. There are a many things to learn from it.
For the moment I would like to draw your attention not to the THREAT itself, or rather, the point where the actions of miscommunication leads to almost an nuclear exchange, but the events leading up to it.
There is a party scheming to incite a devastating war between the US and Russia. Why? Because the Europeans are treated like children without the good night chocolates.
There is a quip about a state running to bill Clinton to protect her maidenhood .... Even more apt with what we known now.
So, there is a scheming central axis of the story... In the story it just so happens to be .... NEO NAZIS. ...shocker. And although she would vehemently deny it, Von der Leyen would perfectly fit the bill. Especially, the bill of " subgroup". But so the the House of Orange, the WEF, all.
In Russia, the situation is explosive. Engaged in a war, the political situation is fragile. The President is an old drunk, who is slurring and diminishing by the minute.
In the US, all seems fine. In the analysis sections of the CIA, close attention is payed to the mental, physical and emotional health of the Russian President.
The question I got from the debate night is this: what country do we look like? A strong confident one, or one that is disintegrating under the dumbing down leadership of a minimally exceptional President?
What were the circumstances in which the schemers would feel safe enough to traffic a nuke, and place it somewhere, where it could deal damage, enough to trigger a response?
And before that, an attack on Grozny was performed without clear authorization from the civil leadership. Ryan speculates it could have been a rogue element, trying to weaken the incoming new Russian President.
Turn it around and look at us. Does not the events leading up to the scare event, look like a mirror? When in the movie we look at Russia, are we really seeing us?
What about the schemers? Well of course, spec in the middle ...Europe. Europe is incapable of supplying it's own energy. It is totally dependent on the constellation of power of third parties. O yes, there is the Leviathan gas field, eyed by Turkey, in the Med. But given the current events, I doubt, EU will soon be capable of drilling there and delivering any gas. Remains the vast reserves of the North See around Norway, England, Netherlands. Vast, yes, but not enough for to keep the lights on without inflation. So, there is this dependence. And what do you know .... Ukraine has lots of it!Crimea has lots of it! So, get the gas, play a role on the world stage.
And what is the role the of the EU association talks with Moldova? Transnitstria, of course. ...
And what do they want? Do they want Russia to Nuke the US? Or do they want the US to nuke Russia? Or rather, to blame the US for nuking Russia.
If you listen closely, you will hear talk about crossing a certain line and then certain places are considered fair game. But on the whole, the major targets are in EU. At least, Putin does not fall for the ploy, for now.
There is talk the U-war will escalate within 6 months or so. Interestingly, that would put us in December/ January 2025. (Elections on nov 5th, inauguration on jan.20 12:00). And the EU is pushing for Ukraine association with EU. Full membership!The Dutch in a referendum called it rubbish and denied the right to association.
Could a newly elected President be destabilized?
What do you think?
ok, so after a long time of negotiating after the elections, a new administration is now a fact. Who will be the premier minister, is yet to come out.
The parties negotiating are:
- PVV: party for Freedom of Geert Wilders
- VVD: Party of former PM: Mark Rutte aka Pinnoccio, now represented by Turkish Yesilgöz (her voice sounds like a trauma trained chick)
- NCS: New Social Contract of Pieter Omtzigt (former CDA)
- BBB: Caroline van der Plas (with a lot of former CDA members)
Of course, everything sounds quite nice, until the agreement is read. One of the items in this agreement gives witness to the deplorable state:
They intend to request permission of the EU commission to deviate from the previous immigration Pact (Pact of Morrocco)
Just let that sink in. As a beggar with hat in hand they want to appeal to the EU commission, the unelected bureau-and technocrats in Brussels to do something. This is exemplary for how much sovereignty already has been conferred upon these unelected bureaucrats.
Also, NSC, in typical CDA fashion, tries to level a constitutional argument, yet the 300 pound gorilla in the room remains left untouched: for instance, When Omtzigt commented on the administrative agreement, he referenced the ways in which the previous administration had run roughshod over the rights of the Dutch people, but left the Covid-measures out of the discussion.
The new administration wants to level crisis-management as a tool to ram through certain changes. In my estimation, this signifies only tinkering around the edges. What is more, Yesilgöz mentioned that the war in Ukraine remains fully supported.
I smell a rat. I would project the VVD to pull a fast one if they electorally will benefit from it. Another thing is that this woman hold dual citizenship, and is by definition a stranger to our country. Her being in such a position, with potential trauma programming, is concerning.
The outcome, policy wise, will not change a lot, except a few niceties as temporary reduction of taxes.
added: The Netherlands is the world second largest exporter of agricultural products and hold the reigns were it concerns the production of chip-making machines.
Further: As it looks now, Mark Rutte will move to Secr. General of Nato.
I would request your help in finding an image of a all sars-cov variants and their cleavage site.
Interestingly, you can see the stepping pattern. I have a hazy recollection that Vanden Bossche and or Del Bigtree showed it on video.
If you have it per chance, or know where I can find it, please, post the link or let me know below
You might consider this post as non-Q-related at face value. But appearances, or rather, your initial framework of reference may be quite deceiving.
First, I will provide you with the links:
Second: a warning. If you want to stream it, use a VPN.
Third: the title is utterly misleading. First, because the English title mistakes a means for the purpose. Second, it obscures thereby the intriguing deeper issue of what freedom actually is, especially within relationships or social communities.
The official title: Bones of Saint Hildegard in and of itself is quite intriguing. Who the F was that? I leave it to you to investigate. But, you' ll be amazed at this genius from the 12th century.
At any rate, the movie itself is set somewhere in The Netherlands, a region to the east called: " Twente". It pictures the typical easy going between the original people. But the movie largely is sporting: Twents, the local language.
The central question of the movie: how to regain a new sense of purpose while living in a hyper controlled environment? How do you pick up yourself by the shoe strings and take standing?
And here is the link to Q, as it requires a freedom of mind. However, not divorced from moral considerations. One could say: I the end God wins.
This movie is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise totally perverted woke movie industry. I highly recommend it!
I was listening to Kinesis: Andrew McGuire on his latest podcast on Gold.
It is interesting to listen to this particular one as he divulges some of the information he got from among others, his Chinese Liquidity Providers.
- First thing to keep in mind: Gold has once again become a First Tier Asset for central Banks, and no longer is the old relic, as Bernanke, the former FED chairman had put it. And right on cue, before 01-01-23, the BIS cleared all it's positions on gold' s price decrease
- Together with the back door inside the COMEX Casino, meaning the speculative paper market, gold has become a competitor on the currency markets once again.
- We are in the process of seeing a Glasiev commodity / Gold back currency system, where Russia pushes the direction, and China plays a supporting, yet very important role, as liquidity provider (6 trillion dollars in foreign exchange currency!).
- The FED continues to bet against gold. And there is more and more distrust about the quality of the declared 4000 tons the US claims to have.
This together is sparking of course further de-dollarization. But take note of the SIZE of it. China and Russia together: an estimated 80.000 tons of gold. At the same time, this is the perfect setup to re-value Gold at a moment' s notice.
Remember that claim of mrs Halper, concerning those 650 plane loads taken from the Vatican? Who would take it?
- 1775 saw the establishment of Benjamin Franklin' s Post-Office in Philly.
- Only then a sovereign debt of 1.6.Million Gold Louis was commenced.
- Then the CONTINENTAL Army was created (NOT US ARMY!)
- Then the US Federal Government was created by the Articles of Confederation and superseded by The Constitution for the united States of America in 1791 and THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in 1871.
So, question: Who did take those 650 plane loads of gold?
I leave that question lingering, for now. But let' s go back to the Fed. As said, the FED is continually promoting and engaging in paper-gold-price rigging while at the same time being subject to multiples of ownership claims on the gold they claim they have, yet, when it comes to inspection, the actually make it impossible to see it, and reclaiming 300 tons of gold, like Germany did, took 10 years to be perfected.
Let this sink in a moment. You go to your bank, you want your money, and the bank says, "Thanks for your order, go home, and wait for our call for delivery. And you have to wait 10 years. How would you feel about the quality of such a bank?
In reality, if you now try to withdraw certain totals of Federal Reserve Notes, you have to:
- give advance notice
- divulge the reason for needing such a sum
- potentially have a suspicious transaction notice glued to your ass
- wait for days or even weeks.
What does that tell you? And Federal Reserve Notes can simply be printed!!!! Compare that to gold!
Let' s discuss one of the more famous Q posts:
Can you see a picture emerging? What shall destroy the FED? Gold. But how? Of course at the current paper price in Federal Reserve Notes, that would not do. You would need a revaluation. How would 5.000 US Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes sound? Or 30.000? When as a speculator you are on the wrong side of the deal ... meaning, you are betting against gold. So, you bet that your gold price goes down, and for every $ the price goes down, you pocket the difference. What happens when the other way happens. What happens when the price rises suddenly?What happens to your equity? What will happen to the wrong-footed FED?
Now, what might trigger such re-valuation?
According to other reports, there are at least 24 central banks hoarding this old relic. And the BRICS group is growing. Could such a revaluation be put into gear in order to put an opponent a cog in the wheel of the opponents economy? Would it cause such a domestic disturbance, that effective military adventures cannot be persecuted?
Take a look at the gold graph here at Plot a vertical line at 01-01-23 as that is the NFSR compliance/gold 1st asset line. Compare to 2008-2011. What do you see? Remember, this is still the speculative Comex Casino run by the FED and & Co.
So, what happens, right before an event?
The we have another question" Who is the opponent?
Perhaps an historic guy from the 14h century puts some perspective on this question:
Nicholas of Oresme warned of the consequences of inflationary state financing "If, on the other hand, the prince has the right to make a simple change of coinage and to make some profit from it, he may also have the right to right to make a greater change and make a greater profit; and to do this more than once and again to make a still greater profit...And And so the prince would eventually be able to take almost all the money or wealth of his subjects and enslave them. And this would be tyrannical, indeed a true and absolute tyranny, as the philosophers and the history of antiquity history of the ancient world."
So, what is the incentive to take control of the money supply and manipulate it? What is the advantage of the make belief that paper means something? Who is benefiting?
I' ve deiced to add some markup. The basics for markup on this site are here:
Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening; Digital Soldiers and Keyboard Warriors of this 5th Generation War for the soul of humanity — We are quickly approaching The Storm of Storms, the Darkest of Nights, that Abyss that threatens to engulf our very way of life. We know this coming happening by many names, but perhaps most prominently we may refer to it as THE PRECIPICE.
A day is coming very soon when the sun shall be eclipsed upon the land of America. For a season it will seem as though the sun has truly set on The United States of America, never to rise again. This shall not be the case, but the narrative film that is playing out across the world will make this reality seem plausible, and believable. Anons and Patriots understand that this long day of darkness will pass, just as the happening of an eclipse also passes. This shall be America’s Apocalypto moment; the near death experience that will jolt the sleeping masses into an upright and eyes wide open state of mind. This will not be easy. The masses will not enjoy this.
Nevertheless, we Anons understand all too well how necessary this coming precipice is; this scare event that shall save America and preserve our way of life for future generations. The 2008 remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still has many narrative faults, and is far from a perfect film. Regardless, there exists in the film certain masterful moments of narrative that emerge as memorable and highly relevant to our present time line of events and happenings. One such moment is when Klaatu, the alien visitor to Earth, is brought to a Professor Barnhardt for the singular purpose of dissuading the alien Klaatu from allowing the happening of the complete depopulation of Earth’s people.
Professor Barnhardt asks in earnest:
”There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem.” Klaatu responds bluntly: >“Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change.” To this, Professor Bernhardt pleas: >“Then help us change.” Klaatu explains: >“I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other.” Professor Barnhardt presses the issue: >”But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually.” Klaatu remarks: >”Most of them don’t make it.” Professor Barnhardt asks: >”Yours did. How?” Klaatu explains: >“Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive.” Professor Barnhardt reflects: >“So it was only when your world was threatened with destruction that you became what you are now.” Klaatu simply answers: >“Yes.”
Professor Barnhardt then gives perhaps the most important line of dialogue in the film when he states:
“Well, that’s where we are. You say we’re on the brink of destruction, and you’re right. But it’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don’t take it from us, we are close to an answer.”
In this interaction between Professor Barnhardt and Klaatu, we can form an analogy between the Anons of the Great Awakening and Professor Barnhardt, and likewise an analogy between Q and Klaatu. In the dialogue between Professor Barnhardt and Klaatu, the explanation was given that the nature of the people of Earth could not be changed. This is the deception in the conversation. The nature of humanity could be changed, but an intervention was required, one that Klaatu was at first unwilling to entertain, let alone provide. We can liken this to the Prime Directive from Star Trek. Throughout the Star Trek series, Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, Commander Riker, and many other characters reference the law of the Prime Directive. The Prime directive is described as: >“a prohibition on interference with the other cultures and civilizations representatives of Starfleet encounter in their exploration of the universe.” Because of the Prime Directive many civilizations in the Star Trek lore were allowed to wither away and die with no intervention to save them.
What does all of this have to do with Q and “The Great Awakening”?
Many Anons might view television series like Star Trek, and films like The Day the Earth Stood Still as Cabal creations meant to predictively program the citizens of Earth for their destruction, or to ritualistically give the people of Earth information of their demise in accordance with the Cabal’s religious beliefs in informed consent. These are both viable explanations, and certainly debatable. There exists a third alternative to these possibilities; that of the reality that Q has been in control of Hollywood for many generations, and has been creating films and television programming for the purposes of 5th Generation Warfare, the disclosure of what has come to pass, and to lay the ground work for the coming scare event that will be the ultimate suppository red pill for humanity.
Q and hollywood are both psychological operations! There exists in hollywood both forces for great good like Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson, as well as forces for evil like Jeffery Epstein. Q’s influence can be seen in works such as The Matrix, V for Vendetta, and another film that is rarely discussed in the Q community: Watchmen. Watchmen, like V for Vendetta, was originally a graphic novel written by Alan Moore. Like V, Watchmen has many layers of meaning and symbolism. The novel and film both deserve a thread of their own which I may write in time, but for the purposes of this post I will bring only one aspect of this film to the discussion of America’s near death experience.
In the story of Watchmen, the world was on the brink of nuclear war between The Soviet Union and The United States. It was Adrian Veidt as Ozymandias who discovered the means to humanity’s salvation. At one point Adrian gives the following speech. Adrian:
“I understand your disbelief, Dan. When I began the plan ten years ago, my moral safeguards gave me pause at the necessary sacrifice. See, the Comedian was correct. What we were doing with the Watchmen was pointless — the savage nature of humankind would inevitably lead to the end of the world. So in order to save the world, I had to trick it — to frighten the world towards salvation with history’s greatest practical joke.”
The practical joke that Adrian is referring to here changes based upon whether you read the novel, or view the film. In the original novel, Adrian orchestrated a psychological operation similar to Project Blue Beam wherein Earth was subjected to a staged alien invasion. In the film adaptation, Adrian frames Dr. Manhattan by detonating several nuclear energy devices in cities all across the world. In both cases, the death toll amounted to millions of people all across the world. In the case of the staged alien invation, the people of Earth came together in unity against the common enemy from outer space. In the case of the framing of Dr. Manhattan, the people of Earth came together out of a fear of Dr. Manhattan wiping out the remainder of humanity. Some might see these scenarios as predictive programming, and they most certainly are. The question remains — who originated the programming? Q, or the Cabal?
Q told us that a scare event would be necessary.
Q told us that not everything would be clean.
In a world overrun by Cabalists and Deep Staters there is simply no path forward that is not beset by collateral damage. Some Anons believe that our scare event was the COVID-19 bioweapons program. Others believe that our scare event has yet to come. I believe that both of these views are valid. I see the period of 2020 - 2024 as one large and extended series of scare events that will ultimately result in our precipice moment; our near death experience.
Make no mistake Anons, our Precipice moment approaches. This scare event has been carefully crafted by Q and strategically identified as the only path forwards for humanity. With or without Q, humanity would have eventually arrived at this moment in time. The difference with Q’s constructed Precipice is that we will survive in this time-line, where we would have assuredly perished in the other.
By the time the masses of humanity gained consciousness in the time-line wherein the 16 year plan to destroy America was in its final stages, it would have been too late, and our world would have been already lost to plague, nuclear war, and famine. The damage would have been incalculable, and humanity would have crossed over the threshold of the point of no return. We have been told that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
In such a time-line where the future has been preordained by Q; where events have been scripted to play out in specific moves and counter moves, where future proves past, many Anons may begin to ask themselves what our purpose in this war truly is. Why did Q reach out to the Anons back in 2017?
Were we merely meant to be witnesses to this historic happening? Q told us very clearly why Anons were awakened. We Anons are an active part of this 5th Gen War. Without Anons, there is no Q plan. The part we play in this game is essential. In post 2491, Q told us that you are now the second biggest threat to the establishment.
It is time that Anons recenter and refocus their existence and purpose in this 5th Gen War. We Anons have more power than is acknowledged on a daily basis. Every Anon who logs onto “The Great Awakening”-board, participates in digs, shares theories, or spreads the words of truth across the internet; all of you are heroes of this war for humanity’s soul, though you may never receive that recognition out in the open. We Anons have engaged in thousands of hours of research, culminating in a deep understanding of happenings, moves, and counter-moves that are to follow in the coming days. Ever we must remind ourselves that there are millions upon millions of normies who are emerging daily from their deep rem sleep and into the twilight zone where they are neither fully awake, nor fully asleep. We Anons are a good 7 years ahead of the curve in our understandings of Cabal happenings across the globe. These twilight sleepers have very little time left on the clock before Q sets off the alarm that will paralyze the world, and begin a chain reaction of events that will change our world forever. We have precious little time remaining to contemplate the next phase of the Q plan. Anons were not prepared in 2020 for the C19 bioweapons attack upon the global populace, and it may perhaps be that we will neither be prepared for what comes next.
Those Anons among us who have learned to interpret the comms understand that the messaging indicates that there is intended to be a cyber-attack upon the financial systems of the world, a nuclear level scare event that will dwarf the Cuban Missile Crisis, as well as a global famine, and even perhaps an attempt at a second pandemic. The signs are all there in the narratives of the Mainstream Media, and the speeches and conversations of the members of the World Economic Forum. In accordance with Sun Tzu’s Art of War, there are two paths the Q team might take to traverse attacks from our Cabal Deep State adversaries. Q could certainly muster the cavalry to the battlefield, and meet our enemy in the open as Russia has done with Ukraine.
We have seen what bloodshed becomes of this method of war, and the destruction that follows in the wake of open warfare. Additionally, we have seen how the Cabal’s propaganda apparatuses have twisted the image of leaders like President Trump and President Putin into the likeness of Adolf Hitler. The only alternative is to elevate the battlefield to a new dimension of warfare, to allow events to unfold and control the fallout, and to direct the reactions and narratives of the masses in the largest psychological operation in military history. We have already been through one wave of this psy-op in the C19 event, and we are quickly approaching the second and third waves. Just as Q did not directly interfere with the C19 narrative, neither will they do so with the oncoming cyber-war, nuke scare, or famine events. It is important to understand that these events are all possible moves, not necessarily certain, or even probable. They exist upon the chess board as possible future time-lines the Cabal may move towards, and as such Anons must be prepared for them.
Where does this leave Anons?
We are not merely the witnesses of our time, we are also the lights in the dark, the first responders who will assist the normies upon their abrupt and unpleasant awakening. A day is coming soon when all the comforts of life will might be stripped away from the sleeping masses. Their televisions may blackout, their credit and debit cards may cease to function, their bank accounts may be drained of all value, their phones may lose signal, their electricity may be severed, their waterlines may cease to flow, and their food source may be interrupted. FEAR shall reign supreme across the land of America; a fear that has not been felt by Americans since the happenings of 9/11, and the Cuban Missile Crisis before that. Q has told us that these events are necessary, as it is only at “The Precipice” that the people of America and the world at large will find the will to change their ways, and refocus their priorities back upon the elements of humanity that truly matter.
Anons must shoulder a heavy burden in the days to come.
What are Anons to do in the face of such fear? We must become the antithesis of all that the Cabalists and Deep Staters stand for. When they propagate fear and despair, we must counter them with love and hope. When they demand subservience and obedience, we must show the people the value of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty. Anons of The Great Awakening have been deftly and adeptly carrying out this mission these past seven years, but a time will come soon when our services will be needed more than ever. We are entering into a great storm in which The Great Reset and all that it stands for will be pitted against The Great Awakening. Become like a lighthouse in the darkened abyss of the storm so that you may guide those in the twilight of their sleep to the brilliant radiance of truth.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that giv
Today, elections for Parliament are held in the STATE OF THE NETHERLANDS.
Interestingly, at the same time, the EU will vote on eliminating the right to veto. Meaning: EU regime will then have all the power needed to move forward to state-hood, as it renders the power of state-parliaments meaningless. This is a typical Guy Vehofstadt idea. And this guy is in league of course with WEF adepts: Mark Rutte (VVD) and Sigrid Kaag al Caq (D666 + PLO of Arafat). BTW: Caq in dutch phonetically means shit. :-). And Kaag, well, it relates to a flat bottom boat used to transport across canals, especially of shit.
There is a real push to have Frans Timmermans, a green communist, cheerleader on Maidan in 2014 for the Nazionist to take over, up for Prime-Minister.
Of course, the sentiments about the elections are highly divided. Some will be reluctant to vote as they no longer support the totally corrupt, and I have to say, illegitimate and unlawful system of government in the Netherlands. They point to the fact that judges do not have jurisdiction to check laws against the constitution, effectively rendering it null and void.
Among the WEF-crowd, they seem to fear FvD. Yesterday, Thierry Baudet was attacked for the second time, and some antifa protestor was calling for him to be shot. It is reminiscent of may 2002, when Pim Fortuyn was slated to win the elections. And of course, Gideon Vermeijeren is still embroiled in a bull-shit criminal proceeding.
At any rate, it means the election-day party is canceled, and thus, the Fake News Media has the fortunate position of not having to cover what they consider to be revolting.
This morning a report came out that only 14% of the eligible voters had used their franchise. So, perhaps about 1.4 million. At 16:00 it was around 40%. We'll have to see how this further develops. At around 2100 local time, exit polls will be released.
It would be nice if less than 50% came to vote .... what better way to call it illegitimate.
Interesting tidbit: 11-22-23 as the day of the elections ..... in your face, no?
I was given a message this morning that the Arizona State-Treasurer is now acting Governor, and Katie Hobbs seems to be axed.
Can any of you confirm?
So, I have this linux Laptop, abiding my spare time in Endless-Sky. It's trading, while doing quite dangerous stuff in the war between the Free worlds and the Republic, meeting aliens and steeling their shit . Killing pirates and Republican ships by the hundreds and decimate their numbers, I am growing richer and richer, but .... because it is a game that is maintained and expanded upon by volunteers in the opensource free stuff world, have nowhere to go but new mods and plugins.
It's fun. But ... while I was perusing another addon, I was caught by a fact that transported me instantly back in time. Yes, time-travel exists ....
Anyway, here's the text:
Fixed Liz Cheney claiming her "Kestrel was much cooler" when her person ship is a Star Queen. Removed Liz Cheney person ship dialog referencing Donald Trump to avoid harassment from Trump supporters. Please, don't get me involved in the mess that is American politics.
hahahaha, It is quite clear the guy who made this mod is totally taking the mickey out of everyone.
I learned something.
Although I love Trump to death, and that the left can't meme, we could also use a little detached humor. This time from a man who totally does not give a shit. He cracks jokes just for the fun of it whether or not we would consider that fitting.
I suddenly found myself from the outside looking into the zoo-cage, like a man would study little pups doing everything and nothing at all. It taught me to keep perspective on all these habbenings.
I hope it will do the same for you.
There is a lot of speculation about the phrase: the seal is broken.
I am going to pose another view.
First he said this a couple of times, I think 3x. The seal is broken.
Trump was talking about the deplorable state of the USA. No significant borders = no country. De system of law is out of order = no authority, money= no indication of sovereingty. Infiltration at the highest levels by bribes = no functioning administration. By indicting Trump under the espionage act, these dwellers in Washington DC, Trump called it China Town, it becomes not only foreign but in a state of enimity.
Now take a look at the flags.
Before his indictment Trump would speak with flags behind him, with golden presidential emblems adorned flagpoles and a flag adorned with a yellow fringe.
Also take note of the video Trump retruthed where is travels the world. Note the color of the emblems. All silver colored. Sometimes a ball, or a spear.
In his Bedminster address you'll notice the color of the eagle: not Gold but Silver.
So now Trump says: the SEAL is broken.
Additional consideration:
I view it as meaning: The Great Seal has been broken.
By changing the presidential eagle from gold to silver, I think he changed the venue.
Gold, traditionally connected to the money of Monarchs, and Silver, the money of the People, I think he is signalling that his promise at inauguration of January 2017 to revert power back to the people, is going to be manifested in a different venue.
By the same token that brought the USA into a corporatocratic-postal construct, so, I think, he has just moved into a different construct.
If this is difficult to comprehend, just research postal venue since July first 1775. What did it setup? What did the Constution replace and setup? What did the Constitution of 1871 set up? What did the yellow fringe since 2000 signify? What is the correct flag for contracting?
Happy digging!
One addition:
Trump is the owner of the original seal!
And it may explain why Dan Scavino JR posted the flag in darkness.
Given Q's messaging of the Title 4 flag, It would not surprise me if the venue change has been setup years ago, to be activated at a moment's notice, to prevent the hassle with the maritime proscription law of 1 year and 1 day.
This is an interesting overview by Jim Fannell presented by the U.S. Naval Institute-channel.
This is about how it is instead of how we like to see it.
Listen to his open on his views of what went down. interesting to contemplate the high level numbers with regards to the Senate and House and especially the way the senate leadership has comported themselves.