I've decided to open a discussion of the nuclear explosive topic of being a father fucker in French Politics ....
We all know how open Ma-croni is .....
As you will probably know, there is something like an accent circonflexe, which is a sign written as such ^
There is also another sign called accent macron with tends to lengthen the vowel . It means long ..... So we have vowel = open + long.
That said, why would anyone take on a sir-name after an accent.
Reza wants the Iranian people themselves to stand up and depose the Ayatolla's.
When you read the Q-posts regarding Iran, this is the sentiment expressed: A genuine grass-root change.
So, why be present at Cpac? Is it to show there is another way than just the two I-countries being at each others throats? Or is it to indeed promote the development of a grassroot born change? Would you then need Israel to sable rattle?
1940: Both places were quite intact. Come to think of it, the damage due to the Blitz krieg was rather insignificant. Here is an important distinction in the strategic thinking of both parties:
- Germans were after a viable economy.
- Allies were after destroying it.
Usually, the Rotterdam damage is attributed to the Germans to support a narrative that Royal ass kisser Winkeman had no other choice but to surrender.
The damage you see in both pics, is due to Allied Bombing Raids (also compare Arnhem at the time of Operation Market Garden with Arnhem after the Allied Bombing Raid) and due to operation Overlord, June 6th 1944.
This same thinking causes: It's Trumps Fault!
There is something he is saying I find interesting, in relation to children.
Before a certain point in time in the life of a child, they are able to overcome the limitations of the matrix.
Falme in mind
This is what Iris Huizing also is doing, with great success.https://odysee.com/@evavanzeeland:f/iris-huizing-over-zien-met-je-ogen-dicht:1?t=196
This is not staged. This is real.
Although, the rest is in Dutch, the part I linked to in somewhat in English. If you want to know more: find Dan Winter: Flame in mind Iris Huizing on youtube. Dan Winter is quite some guy, oftentimes difficult to follow, as he has a different view on electricity than we generally have.
So, this part what Simon Parkes is saying is logical, not out of our current experience if you know where to look.
governments he can trust
Another interesting view, he is espousing, is the justice part in relation to foreign heads of state. It reminds me of this q-posts:
we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.
It seems Q is indicating the willingness to take a hit to indeed bring about change, without going too far. This ties in with another post here on GAW: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AdpozAUn/thought-exercise-for-every-anon-/
Here the question of disclosure is represented.
As always, the big game is played based on protection, the good ole Potomoac two step, insurance policies. Also consider the oval office scene with Trump and Zelenski: You do not have the cards, with us you have cards.
Why would Trump offer Zelenski cards to play?
Another view: we know that, given the situation in the EU, deep state central, is severe, and they want to burn the house down. It was set up this way. Why would we, as logical thinking and sympathetic people want to burn down the House and rule over the ashes. Is it not because we feel grieved, and that our passions rule us?
As always, I doubt not its destructive capability.
But, just like storm shadow, it is dependent on intel from several sources. and each launch comes with a hefty price.
Opposite is the Russian use of FAB-250, Fab-500, FAB-1500, and FAB-3000 with a range of 70 kilometers, as far as we know. https://rumble.com/v53gz1x-bunker-buster-what-qualities-and-functions-does-the-russian-fab-3000-offer.html
Then there is the Oreshnik on top the the Kinzhal and Zircon. ....And these were stationed on several bases in Kaliningrad, Belarus, and so forth.
I dunno, it seems to me Taurus is nice, but hugely ovepriced an lacking in number and strategically speaking, it does not make a dent in a pack of butter. EU is strategically defeated and have a hard time coming back from this hole.
I've used the information in your OP and shared it with a friend of mine, who is deep into these things from a Human Design perspective. I'm looking forward to his response.
Thank you for putting it into words: slippery slope indeed.
- Italy says: no troops
- Poland says: no troops
- Dutch say: No troops
- Germans say: no more weapons and troops
Need I go on? All macaroni has is debt financing and no production.
On the other hand, if they can extend the war for 2 more years, the people who fled from Ukraine to Western Europe can be made citizens of the respective countries they fled to. Ideal ....
More subversion of the local society.
Miss Bockbeer is not addressing Europeans ... she is addressing people with TDS.
If you wanne see a useless cunt, there it is.
As for Macron, he doens't even know what a cunt is, and is a knight in the order of the intestine.
When looking at a map, you'll see Moldova, Romania, and Kaliningrad.
- Romania
It is clear to see why the elections there were trashed by the court, based on a lie.
- Moldova
EU tries to get Moldova into NATO and EU. This way, Transnistria becomes a flashpoint.
- Kaliningrad
A Russian Enclave in the middle of the EU, like a splinter in the mind.
- Creation of an EU army. This one serves several purposes. Remember, the EU is a political process, not a process driven by the peoples of the EU. The EU is not a state. That said, for that to happen, they need several other items:
- sovereign debt contracting ability (think the 1200 billion Covid funds and the 800 billion Euro defense spending. total 2 trillion: who's gonna pay and how?) ;
- EU taxing power, which has so far not materialized but can be based on the above, one step closer by creating a problem, and then superimposing the preferred solution (Hegelian dialectic);
- Euro area has its own currency already, but it is a shaky shack; inflation and deflation;
- A database with all assets held by the peoples of the EU is being created;
- several national databases for drivers licenses and passports are being integrated;
- EU-army would create the power to institute a draft; Draftees can be seconded to several countries, suppressing a rising up of the people;
- By creating debt crises, and refusal to call odiousness of these debts, the power to impose en enforce is created;
- EMS system, the stability pact, has the power to demand and be paid within 7 days days ANY amount from any member-state;
- digital twin systems are already created.
I happen to think this grandstanding is primarily for internal purposes, to bring about this political integration, which is unlawful, due to several referendum no's. But what do they care. See: Acts of the Congress of Vienna 1813-1815.
Depleted both in terms of hardware and manpower. The EU NATO countries could not sustain a war. But, it is an ideal position to bring about the total property grab they need: You'll own nothing.
So, as the elites of the WEF concluded they lost globally, they are still deeply EU entrenched. The deep state if you will, has permeated into all kinds of social institutions.
As can be gleaned from the Values and Norms discussions during the 2002-2006 era, in general, there is not one particular value/culture the people of the EU can rally behind. As Barbara Spectre once said: "they need to learn to be diverse, and we Jews will take the lead". it signals that there is a strong resistance towards assimilation, and no amount of insistence has changed that, despite celebrating the winning of the battle at Badr (Ramadan) in Westminster Abbey. The language, culture, and thoughts on social and legal norms are too diverse.
the problem is the subversive nature of mass-immigraton. History shows that immigration has always played a part, and mass-immigration is disruptive. Even if it is thinkable that this can be stopped or even reversed by mandatory emigration, and would require some sort of cooperation between EU member states, the deep-state has permeated in such a way, it is almost impossible to get it made into law, let alone executed.
Something else is needed. Something very painful. It won't be pretty.
I too am not surprised on the content. But for normies, the realization that it is the Eu-leaders who pushed for the negations of the Minsk Accords is something that is a red pill not easily swallowed.
After all, then these people have to admit, they've been had. And that they have to dismantle the system, they got used to and live off.
Seems your sentiment is echoing a Q post: check the word: audit:
This is not France. This is Rotterdam city center in second world war.
The last time France was openly in a hot kinetic war was Lybia and Mali.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
It reminds me of what in Human Design is called " a mutation": rave children. It allows for the emergence of a different kind of human, living strongly in pentas and meta-organic groups, communicating non-verbally.
As a species we have the potential to experience pentas ourselves, but are often unaware of it. These type of people have this experience as their basic level of awareness, combined with the incapacity to function in a way what we would call normal.
Below are some of the expected outward characteristics:
* external emotionlessness;
* social detachment from other people;
* vegetarianism;
* hypersensitive skin;
* problems with speech;
* poor eyesight;
* lack of desire for knowledge;
* differences in Bodygraph.
But then this is added:
Raves will look like they are disabled (and will be perceived as such by parents at first). In order for the mutation to occur, they must be combined into groups (Pents), combined with each other. Groups of three to five Raves will help them merge into one consciousness, in which they will communicate with each other. It is the moment of merging that will be considered the true birth of Rave.
This shared consciousness will be the structure that will govern each Rave and Penta at the same time. The energy-informational field of their unification will emit and receive frequencies (this will be possible due to the transformation of the Solar Plexus Center). They will communicate in this field, so poor eyesight and speech problems will not interfere with their communication. Together, Raves will be much stronger and more effective than any person.
The above looks very much in what OP describes.
Raves will not be interested in people’s lives. They will be indifferent to our spiritual and material values, they do not need our territory. They will not consider a person either as a competitor or as a partner, as much as possible distance and interacting with each other. Due to limited contacts and lack of mutual understanding, people and Raves will exist as if in parallel realities.
Raves will create their own separate civilization, to which we will be denied access due to a lack of understanding of the processes occurring between them (we will never get access to the world of their frequencies). They will not live like us. The only thing that the Raves will depend on us and people is their birth. After all, it is the representatives of the human species that will be their parents.
This part, I find hard to comprehend. With disability and lack of self-sustainability, to me there seems little reason to expect a new type of civilization in the long run. But perhaps this is not about them being self-sustained, but scooping up the support from our civilization and new additions as a consequence of mutative process within man in general. In the long run this might create a co-existing group, physically dependent on us, but totally separate due to them using a different level of communication to which we, in the long run, might find some sort of access.
Point taken ....
On to the contents ...
I love this series .... Thanks for sharing!
“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Each country therefor must consider what it wants to do. It does not automatically mean: hot kinetic phase means you too must enter into a hot kinetic phase.
Instead, a country could consider delivering goods, services, money, equipment, hospitalization etc, without even firing one shot or delivering soldiers, or even participating in such an event.
So, if the USA decreases its contribution to NATO, which the USA by right and treaty can do, the following applies:
If you like NATO, you can keep NATO. Good luck with funding it.
Deep doo doo.
In Trumps first term there was a deal between Trump, Treasury, Fed and Blackrock.
The people of Europe do not hate Americans ....
The Chosen ones, the elite, they hate MAGA. It is antithetical to their AI-models.
Seen those dancing nato soldiers with those plumes?
Running Sharpshooters.
They ain't going.
Another influencing failure ....
Flags with spears.
Remember J.Castro: your are already 200 billion in the hole. .....eh ... 250 billion.
You are forgetting that the tariffs are reciprocal. It is a great way of diminishing the trade imbalance. You people will love you so much for it, they'll give you a permanent holiday.
Smoke that Yankee cigar.
So, EU has a debt of 1200 Billion called Covid funds, used to push windmills and other shit.
Now, she want another 800 billion on top? They are really serious in making the EU into a state by upping the debt, causing taxing power for the EU to be instituted.
And the Germany wants to go 85% of gdp into debt in contravention of the EMS treaty?
Then there are the Target II accounts, which cannot be settled because Italy and Spain do not have the money, and the ECB is using it to run sovereign and commercial (read banks) debt buybacks. (check the graphs here, and think mirror: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb-and-you/explainers/tell-me-more/html/target2_balances.en.html)
Germany is 1 trillion in the hole!
On top there is a 9 trillion sword of Damocles hanging over the ECB on which they make a loss, so far 8 billion.
Pension funds are clocking losses, for the 4th year in a row. One fund posted 90 billion losses last year. The law in the Netherlands was changed so the pensioner who died, would not be able to leave anything as an inheritance.
All this in the context of:
- Europe has no meaningful natural resources. There is coal in Silesia (Poland), Brown Coal in the Ruhr-area), there is some gas and oil in the north sea, some iron in Norway, France has some Thorium, and since end of last year: some rare earth metals in Kiruna, Sweden. But, the most important: energy, to say there is not enough resource to produce energy is an understatement.
- EU sanctioned Russia. They are paying 60-70 dollars a barrel and by doing so, the people are being fleeced by high energy costs AND the taxes on energy and energy transport.
- Paying 70%-80% of the income to the state through all kinds of tax schemes is not unusual. On top, pension systems are being changed causing an increase in the pension contributions to rise. On top, Pension funds are now allowed to invest money. And you guessed it: based on SDG. That yields net loss.
And while this table is set, the US wants to:
- Cut NATO contrib in half => EU has to poney up funds in excess of 500 billion a year.
- balance trade i.e. money equalization by tariffs, meaning, the EU has to poney up 350 billion a year.
So, what happens when that kicks in? Raise taxes more? Yeah .... I would tend to consider the next tax rebellion to be added to the long list of 4300 years of tax rebellions.
Especially, considering that the EU is also pushing for a registration of all assets over 100 euro's.
Happy camping.
Total Recall .....
Encyclopedia Brittanica 1771:
DOJ cites :https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/finnegan-v-lucy-906438774 claiming:
Totally forgetting what the circumstances of the case were:
DOJ, especially mr Gonzales, being a favorite of coerced confessions by waterboarding i.e. torture, went of the rails here by cherry picking.
When looking at the footnotes in the wiki article, it was prevalent under Obama too.