If I see a EBS on my phone I will Dance around with a big old smile on my face. But sadly at this time america is lost. I am simply going to sit in my home depressed and sad about the country being lost. We had a good run. The country is now communist.
He had a teacher a few years ago, cool lady, she did things her way and actually quit because of all the BS the school board wanted her to push. I am calmed down but still pissed off. Told the son to write atleast that it was antifa in the crowd that was the violent ones and that maga just wanted a fair election, might squeeze in that violent antifa riots like that took over the country last summer are bad.....
He asked me not to complain to the teacher and hey, i ant a crazy liberal so thats that I guess.
I would prefer not. I just wanted to vent I dont want him to fail school.
he says she is bat shit antifa level liberal.
yea but i dont want my son to fail. And those democrats are crazy bunch they burn shit down and ruin lives.
She is radicalized all right, she is one step away from making the kids write an apology for being white......I am so pissed off.....The wife will have to help him because I simply cant help him with this bullshit. I am surprised she doesnt shame the kids for being white......Oh and she is white.
na man Trump has the military watching his back.
They are real, had a relative who had very high security clearance. Just retired and got drunk at our house. He was apparently pissed off because his pension was messed up. He told mom and dad about a bunch of classified stuff. He was saying "fuck em" LoL. Anyway the next day he begged mom and dad to never talk about what he said because "they will kill me".
Mom told me about it after he passed away and there was no chance to harm him. I have no reason to doubt him, he had very high clearance. Take it for what it is worth. There are crafts that were recovered, there are bodies, there is reverse engineering, and there are serious concerns that if they wanted us erased we would not have a chance in hell to stop it.
Personally I think they are watching us like we would watch an ant colony.
Look at their posts. They are on Parlor
Trudeau is a big asshole. No one likes him in canada. |I was told that he was caught doing something on one of his flights to a foreign country and the soldiers that walked in on them had to sign NDA to supress what they caught the guys doing on the plane. Is it true? I believe the guy that told me as he was the father of one of the soldiers.
we goina make amerika groot again
it is terminal I am afraid.
The usa has terminal cancer. So sad.
If Trump does not get another 4 years, this site and the usa will be gone. I never thought I would see the whole country stolen and rubbing everyone's face in it. I knew there was lots of corruption, but such blatant theft of an election.....I weep for the usa and yes the world. It is going to get very bad.
yea fuck apple. I have to get a android for my next phone, at least you can side load apps. Apple sucks anyway.
Communism is coming unless biden is sent to gitmo. The usa is in its last gasps and has a death rattle. The only hope is military.
Thanks, I love this video. Biden will destroy america.
if he is doing this I guess there is no hope?
Glad this is not true, it would mean trump does not have them.
there is an app you can get its linked on his site. I should get that before its banned.
Well I have to give them credit, they have balls to block the president of the united states. Trump has to invoke the insurrection act or something.
yea she gave it a high percentage, guess it means a lot to her to warp the kids minds.