rhodapenmark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know that I believe it. Really? It happens the SAME DAY as he introduces a bill to make "Trump Derangement Syndrome" an official mental illness? Could definitely be a set up, Democrats wanting to make traditional Americans with big families look bad. Especailly since Raw Ricci was indicted for supposedly producing child porn this week?

Something HAS to be going on, something big that they want to provide cover for.

rhodapenmark 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do we know about who made this? Because it's a little sus that they're saying to cancel world aid (which I'm on board with) but then replace it with handouts here. It's the DEMORATS who want free school lunches, because they want kids to become reliant on the government. They need to learn early that there's no such thing as a free lunch! I like Newt's idea of abolishing child labor laws and putting them to work at the school as janitors if they want lunch and their parents can't pay. And the only reason Dems want cheap insulin is so they can force price controls and socialized health care ... also because people can probably just use ivermectin instead!


Just saying, we shouldn't cut all of that waste and then spend it on MORE waste. DOGE has already saved $714.29 per taxpayer, and if you don't take it out in he first place everyone will have what they need for school lunches (or GASP! to make their own at home) and insulin without price controls!

rhodapenmark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because they used to only give them to celebrities and journalists, who thought they were so special and important, so Elon took them away from the elites and then made it so anyone who is willing to pay can have a checkmark and then made it so the algorithm would boost the posts of those who have them. So now everyone can see that WE'RE the important ones.

rhodapenmark 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point, victims "coming forward" seems to be one of the big signs it's an op.

Think of all of the celebrities and politicians we know for a fact are predators and pedos. In most of those cases, not one "victim" has come forward or even been identified, except on the rare occasion when the cabal has decided to sacrifice them for some reason. If they weren't so brazen as to rub it in our faces with symbolism, we might never have even figured out what they were doing.

rhodapenmark 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vaccines weren't free. The government spent $30 BILLION of our tax dollars on developing them in exchange for not charging the suckers who got them anything for them directly. And the worst ones actually do want to make insulin, chemotherapy, epipens and all health care "free" to everyone. No thanks! I already don't trust pharma companies, but I'd trust them A LOT less if the government were buying from them directly in bulk at the same prices Canada and Europe pay. Why would they bother putting any effort at all into giving us the best stuff if they're getting stiffed?

That's probably at least part of why they made the vaccines so dangerous!

rhodapenmark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know, I was sure it was a set up at first, but then I saw this ...


Also, he was married to Satanic Illuminati puppet Katy Perry. Makes me question!

rhodapenmark 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOVE that we are beating them at their own game! The Left has always wanted to force us to take Satan's mark in order to buy and sell goods — now they'll have to take Elon's!


rhodapenmark 8 points ago +10 / -2

Don't worry, she didn't!

Diamond and Silk were actually fired from Fox for telling the truth about the vaccines and saying they wouldn't get one as long as Bill Gates was involved. Plus she was reportedly hospitalized with COVID in November.

There are still a lot of things people can die of besides vaccines, so no reason to lose faith in a TRUE PATRIOT without proof!