rolandkhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

They look like fags riding a fad now that it's safe and popular. These men are overpaid whores.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah okay, there's zero mention of that on the site (that I saw anyway), just that it's only available for the iPhone and coming soon to Android.

Thanks for the clarification.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really like how those who haven't succumbed to carrying around tracking devices can't use it.

A great way to bring people together is certainly to exclude those that don't use corrupted products.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously? How is a ball flooded? How does water stay on a spinning rock hurtling through space? How are all the stars in the same positions year after year, century after century, if we're constantly moving such vast distances in multiple directions all the time?

The only reason people think it's "crazy" is because that is what's been pushed by the entire media and education system put into place by these very people who have lied to us about everything in order to remove us from God and our understanding of the reality in which we live.

There is plenty of observations one can make with one's own senses that put holes in the heliocentric model. If you don't take the time to actually look into it and understand what the other side is actually saying, and instead only ever hear those who are already against it tell you why the other side is wrong, without ever honestly listening to the other side themselves, then is it really us who are the fools?

Just look into who came up with this model, look at their treatment of those who dare question their theory, if those alone aren't at least red flags to warrant further investigation, I don't know what to tell you.

rolandkhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ball huggers.

rolandkhan -4 points ago +1 / -5


Guess I was speaking to the more true anons then if you're of such the mind you dismiss something because it's "too long" and I'm sharing it with passion.


rolandkhan -2 points ago +2 / -4

Don't even bother taking in what I posted at all, just jump in with a dismissive comment.

It doesn't even matter though, I showed a door, as with everything else it's up to those with an open mind to walk through it. Do or don't, that's on you, but no need to be such a fag.

by skanon
deleted -2 points ago +3 / -5
rolandkhan 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Speedboats" trying to intimidate the US Navy....lulz.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0


And there was never any evidence of any orders for extermination, only plans to relocate them to Palestine.

rolandkhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not to mention there have been plenty of "victims" that have come out later and admitted they were lying. They even go so far as to say "It didn't happen, but it's my reality." The authors that have been busted lying. There's no evidence of actual gas chambers, to the contrary actually.

Also, plenty of "survivors" have also given testimony saying that it wasn't bad there. They had a pool, orchestra, theater, played soccer, there wasn't any torture and murder going on. The Germans actually treated them as human and treated them when they got sick, but as the war went on the medicine and supplies ran short so there were outbreaks of disease which killed many.

The sinister murders and torture came at the hands of the Soviets/Jews. Germans were liberating Europeans from the Red Terror.

I know you'll probably just refuse to watch this, or call it propaganda (although I dk what you think you're getting your information from now, being that it's coming from all the same liars spreading the very same lies today): https://archive.org/details/EUROPATheLastBattle/EUROPA+-+The+Last+Battle+-+Part+1.mp4

rolandkhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's a series that will trigger a lot of people here as if they're libtarded, as for some reason these people just love their Jews even though they've been at war with the White race for centuries.


rolandkhan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Admissions came through torture where they would have said anything to get them to stop. Survivors? You mean Jews playing victim? There were more Jews seeking reparations than there even were around at the time. No way the Germans killed 6,000,000....a number the Jews have used many times in the past and still use today. Just not long ago Israel went to Putin and warned him that Iran was going to kill 6,000,000 Jews.

Come on, wake up to their lies and their technique ffs!

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hitler was not a proponent of the Big Lie technique. He and Goebbels were referring to the Jews and their use of the Big Lie against Germany.

Quotes of them, as usual were taken out of context by the Jews just as they take things out of context today! Wake the fuck up people.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was merely asking if Trump could have done this on purpose.

To call an election that EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS IS A FRAUD as "The Big Lie" kind of diminishes the real "Big Lie," so that is why I'm wondering if this was his real intention.

Just curious as to the thoughts here.

rolandkhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Believe yourselves awake, and actually are to a great degree, yet still holding onto that cognitive dissonance when it comes to the bigger lies even though one would think one would know better than to continue believing the old lies of proven liars that are telling all the exact same lies today.

rolandkhan 2 points ago +4 / -2

And I bet you still believe the lies of Freemasons and Occultists determined to take God out of our lives.


rolandkhan -1 points ago +2 / -3

The communists won. The Allies were fighting to save Communism and then spread it around the world as we see today. The few "nazis" that came over in operation paperclip were Jew traitors to their German partners.

rolandkhan -1 points ago +5 / -6

The Holocaust is a hoax. Germans were the good guys defending themselves and Europe from the Commie Jews that were committing genocide against Russians and then Germans which is what forced Germany to go to war in the first place and that Germany wasn't exterminating Jews and all the pictures we see of mass corpses were done by the Bolshevik Jews as part of their war against the German/White race that still continues to this day. They then blamed it all on the Germans as it's the victors that write the history books and the entire Nuremberg trials were a farce perpetrated by the Allies to make themselves look the good guys when they were in fact the massive war criminals that slaughtered millions of civilians for their Jewish masters.

rolandkhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't worry, he's trained in gorilla warfare so he mostly just beats his chest.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

People are turned off by the mere fact beliefs are being challenged and it's because of the kikes' constant and continuous lies that they're able to continue to deceive. It matters not what terms we use, people will either accept the Truth or they won't. A lot of us are simply done restraining from these terms, for those continuing to go along with running away from the Truth simply because we use words they consider "rude" are part of the problem.

I won't hold back contempt and hate toward those that follow and spread the lies of Satan anymore. Even God tells us He hates Evil, and we're not to just tolerate it. "The fear of the Lord is to hate Evil." There are some things which are not to be tolerated and tolerate them we shall no more.

Side of lies, or Truth; it's their choice regardless of what terms we use.

Sometimes it's the "mean" or hateful language that will get them to think, sometimes it takes the shock or shame to wake them up, others not but they won't be turned away by it if they stay true. The only people turned away from the Truth because of certain words that are used in doing so are followers of the deceiver and continuing to be so.

They'll call me what they must, as their master demands, but those seeking Truth will still come to see the Light regardless of my own flaws in language.

I'm sure demons don't like being called demons, yet we still call them demons and don't care one lick if they're offended by any derogatory term we may use for them.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's that they always keep us divided. The same way we have White people in Antifa and BLM that are going against their own interests as well. They pit people against other people and against their own people all the time. It's all manipulation and propaganda by the Jewish supremacist media that spreads all this hate and divisiveness.

rolandkhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kikesucker is anybody that continues perpetuating these lies that will lead to this very thing, and we shouldn't keep giving a rats ass what these people think anymore. Blind prejudice is allowing genocides and defending their lies, that's being BLIND.

If the ones that aren't Evil don't come out against the Jewish supremacists, and acknowledge the fact that these Evil supremacists are the ones that have committed genocides, then they are announcing their side loud and clear. And even after knowing the lies and liars of today, they continue accepting the lies of yesterday and attack those that dare expose them...almost like they did with Christ. In their willful ignorance, they are determined to stay on the side against God because they don't dare give up their current system that places them at the top.

I don't care what people have to say anymore, I refuse to be persuaded by accusations of "antisemite," "racist," "bigot," or "white supremacist." I am and will always be against Jewish supremacy, and if all Jews want to get defensive by assuming that to be a claim against them, I will take their word for it as if it IS against them as well then too.

rolandkhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Good" Jews came to and followed Christ, and when Christianity became a recognized and coherent religion, they were among the first Christians. Those claiming to be the "Good" Jews today are still denying Christ while (coincidentally?) still defending and covering for Jewish supremacists, so that shows a lot of where their allegiance is imo.

They will continue to keep trying to keep the White race divided because they see us as a threat. They will even infiltrate groups, movements, organizations that start out being against them, and they will steer these groups into different directions away from the focal point so we never come together for the sole purpose of finally standing up and fighting for the White race. The Germans dared to do just that and look at what the world, including so many White people, did to them for it. And now they're making sure to stir up the "antisemitism" talk all over again just as we're waking up to their ways again and are starting to rise. Coincidence?

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