I'm not yet fully understanding these kinds of posts. I assume OP is saying that Q foresaw that on Mar 13, 2021, Dan Scavino would send out a picture of a ship where - once you transpose the hull number - the number 17 appears. What does that mean, exactly? What am I supposed to learn from/do with this knowledge? What did Q mean to tell us?
I doubt someone who claims the beer belly brigade with its gun store purchases will remain an effective fighting force when going up against active duty military, is actually a veteran.
If you knew the German court system, you would know this will play out just like when Powell's Kraken met the DS sperm whale.
Why did not one (!) Republican, including Greene and Gaetz, sign on to the bill that authorized the payments then?
You could also donate to a charity that combats child abuse. Or just send some money to your local department of parks and recreation, where they actually really try to make America great and beautiful again each day.
But some "patriots" prefer to buy themselves pillows. Smh.
And how would they do that?
Hack the bank server to grab your direct deposit? Sit next to your mailbox to intercept the check?
Could still read this 55 minutes after it was posted. Even though 19 mods show as being logged on. Must be a slow Sunday.
Does Matt's website have links that want to talk about your health? And sell you China-made supplements packaged in the USA?
that is some fine independent research, something this site used to be all about.
What if the woman is Guatamalan, and wants her kid to be safe from hunger, gangs, and the tentacles of the Central American DS? Do we give the kid right back to someone who will rip his/her face off?
Why wouldn't it? Take this site for example. You are only believable in your beliefs imo if you don't try to sell them to followers. GA.win doesn't monetize, and that's how it should be. Q didn't monetize either, unless the Watkins had some scheme going that I am not aware of.
Well, honestly, that's how organized religion has worked since the invention of God.
If you log on to Trump's websites to donate to MAGA, your data is being tracked by Big Tech. Because Trump contracts with Google and Amazon to market MAGA. That's just how Internet monetizing works.
You could also posit because he was an hour late (as always) and dragged his speech on and on, the more enterprising folks among the crowd went ahead and found themselves something to do and entertain themselves with.
The guy running George News is a serial fraudster. You can bank on the fact that many of the GN-related posts on here are from him himself, or some associates of his getting a cut from his nightly take. By now the guy has certainly already made himself a few hundred grand off the backs of gullible fools among us.
You may well be a software developer, and your comments are level-headed and rational. But I think this thread - and your discussion - has veered off topic.
I agree that paper.li is a good resource for small businesses trying to cash in on Internet riches. What causes an issue with George News is that their business is in defrauding gullible people. There's a pattern here: the registering of domains that are meant to imply George News is something they are not. The geo-location spoofing. The posting of content he ripped off from somewhere else yet claims as his own. His claim to not wanting people to donate in the live chat, yet taking every opportunity to relieve the easily-fooled of their money. Heck, click on the banner and it takes you to the shop!
That's not a Q resource, that's a marketing enterprise. Benefiting Mr. Goldfinch personally.
Look, for-profit enterprises use the available MSM tools. That's what they are provided for. The various Trump campaigns make intensive use of these tools provided by the very social media companies they constantly criticize, and much of the money people donate to Trump orgs flows right through to Big Tech and MSM. George News uses paper.li. Ok, so what? What the mods on this site now have taken issue with is that they are a for-profit enterprise scamming confused people in the Q movement who seek direction in confusing times. And that's what's the issue here worth debating.
I'm just a casual lurker, but I remember back in January, one of the very first posts related to George News, linked it to a guy with a Jewish last name, based in Florida, who has a history of monetizing off the Internet, was linked to the former qcollective, and had (a) prior (nasty) business fall-out(s) with at least one of his then-partners. In a similar venture ripping off vulnerable folks.
The guy is a serial fraudster. If you really put effort in, you should find his name on this very board. It's been clear from the start that GN is the lowest of the low paytriots. The whole Q movement is just the latest opportunity for him to clean out your pockets.
In light of the fact that anyone on this board COULD and SHOULD have know who George News is from intel on this very site, all these posts in the recent weeks fawning over GN are just mind-boggling (though I'm sure the guy/folks behind GN posted quite a few themselves to fan the flames - just as they spoof geo-location data, they will have spoofed email accounts and created tons of fake users and self-serving comments on here).
For a movement that claims to value independent thinking and in-depth research, the phenomenon of GN shows that not many people who post here today truly are still up to Q standards.
You need to step away from the screen, open a window, take a long walk outside and not log back on to the Internet for at least a month. Rediscover things that made you happy once that don't require virtual feedback from random anons (even well-meaning ones like me now). The www is a lonesome, desolate place. There are no real friends here, and you need actual friends in your life right now. Turning off the computer will force you to find them.