I checked some of their source code and have some interesting findings.
George.news uses the app id 362293833600.
<meta content="362293833600" property="fb:app_id" />
If we look the owner up, we get the following response from FB: https://graph.facebook.com/362293833600
"category": "Utilities",
"link": "https://paper.li/",
"name": "Paper.li",
"namespace": "paper_li",
"id": "362293833600"
Ok so I want to find out what this paper.li is about, they provide out of the box platforms for news/blogs just as George news is a customer of them. Ok so far.
- I digged further into the api of this platform, it was created in "created_at":"2018-10-21T18:23:02Z". So the account that george news uses, is much older (pre-planned) or spin-off from failed project?.
What really bothers me, Paper.li is owned by Finity SA (finity.ai) according to their Privacy policy https://paper.li/privacy.html.
On their website there is a video under the tab "events" https://finity.ai/#onglet1|2 where they hosted or monitored the World Economic Forum Live event tweets etc. So the company behind the platform of George.news is working for the WEF!
The profile picture below of george news links to https://dfns.tv, which redirects to their youtube channel a whois search doesn't bring anything up. Who can dig further into this?
https://defensetv.org is also build on top of paper.li it has a different and more realistic creation date. "created_at":"2020-02-06T08:22:55Z"
Source: https://defensetv.org/~api/papers/a9525c52-a7d6-4059-bc78-e186a944fafb
credits: @Cosmoa
They are tracking every move via the following integrations: Twitter, facebook, google analytics (GTM), Addthis button and paper.li tracking. Hello privacy ?
QDROP Seems more than a coincidence that this drop was also in 2018. Could it be that they knew that George news was Fake News psyop? https://qalerts.app/?n=529 credits: @Blind_Marksman
BIG FIND: they are loading https://z.moatads.com/addthismoatframe568911941483/moatframe.js into to George news website. Searching for moatads on Google gives you the following result:.
Moatads Moatads.com is a browser hijacker that comes to your computer in the form of add-on for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. ... Moatads.com also can analyze your browsing and collect your personal data. Some data may be transferred to third parties without your consent.
Update: Addthis and Moat are Oracle company products, just some more tracking services. If you have adblock enabled it will block them by default. Never trust google as main source.Thanks @scyenceFiction
They don't have a privacy policy or terms and conditions page. Every website has one even GAW. Who are they?
Credits: @FrenchFrogsForTrump
You may well be a software developer, and your comments are level-headed and rational. But I think this thread - and your discussion - has veered off topic.
I agree that paper.li is a good resource for small businesses trying to cash in on Internet riches. What causes an issue with George News is that their business is in defrauding gullible people. There's a pattern here: the registering of domains that are meant to imply George News is something they are not. The geo-location spoofing. The posting of content he ripped off from somewhere else yet claims as his own. His claim to not wanting people to donate in the live chat, yet taking every opportunity to relieve the easily-fooled of their money. Heck, click on the banner and it takes you to the shop!
That's not a Q resource, that's a marketing enterprise. Benefiting Mr. Goldfinch personally.
Look, for-profit enterprises use the available MSM tools. That's what they are provided for. The various Trump campaigns make intensive use of these tools provided by the very social media companies they constantly criticize, and much of the money people donate to Trump orgs flows right through to Big Tech and MSM. George News uses paper.li. Ok, so what? What the mods on this site now have taken issue with is that they are a for-profit enterprise scamming confused people in the Q movement who seek direction in confusing times. And that's what's the issue here worth debating.
Well the problem is that these are the arguments that are the basis for what you're saying. I've only seen people say how easy that it is to spoof your location, which doesn't mean they did, and I haven't seen proof to suggest that's what they did. Posting content that's ripped from somewhere else, media organizations do this all of the time from stock sites like the one provided here. Now, the next question you should ask is.. is ALL of their content ripped from a stock site? If it's not ALL of it, then that means they really have been in those places. How about their photo's? Has anyone seen those exact photo's somewhere else? All of them?