seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great new angle on plausible deniability the machine mafia cabal has dreamt up for themselves but no

seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0

And now why did the POS "prosecutor/prostituter not press real charges such as attempted murder?! Since when does one who points a weapon at someone not have murder intent cause supposedly they were not in range! FFS!

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not looking to split hairs but "current" ... he is the GOP nominee... it is not currently up for debate AND HE IS THE FORMER PRESIDENT... If desanctimonious was trustworthy it would not necessarily warrant mention

seernewday 7 points ago +7 / -0


Beep Beep! Woosh. . . !

James Howard Kunstler Sep 16, 2024 Pre-blog Note: My regular website, www.kunstler.com, has been down more than a week. We’re frustrated trying to get straight answers from the host company, only vague references to “a hardware problem.” We begin to suspect that the Three-letter boys might have seized the server unit my website lived on. We’re still standing by on developments. For now, the blog is here for you on Substack, every Monday and Friday. Thanks for your support through this travail.

“Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap.” — Brandon Smith

This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’. Do you wonder if he might get around to ‘splainin’ his role with the shady non-governmental orgs (NGOs) supported by the CIA who enabled his travels to Ukraine and his efforts there recruiting global mutts to fight for the Nazi-ish Azov Battalion? Perhaps he might rat-out actual government officials who assisted him in his colorful misadventures? As Ed Snowden remarked on “X”, wannabe Trump assassin Ryan Routh has “something of an Oswald vibe” — meaning, well-groomed by the intel boys, to be used as required.

 Perhaps we’ll find out — if nothing fatal happens to befall Mr. Routh while in custody — how exactly he learned Mr. Trump would be on the links that afternoon? The candidate’s round of golf that day was supposedly a snap decision known only amongst his innermost circle. Or how did Mr. Routh figure out the most advantageous fairway to lay at for a clear shot? The FBI is on the case, you may be reassured to know.

Things political are speeding up with the autumnal quickening. The blob is truly and deeply a’fright. So many blobsters will be liable to pay for their multitudinous crimes against the people of this country if Mr. Trump squeaks back into power that such a future is unthinkable to them. And yet, nothing has worked to deactivate this. . . this golden golem stalking the land. Nothing to show for the immense catalog of lawfare cases concocted to drain his wealth and stuff him into a prison cell — and astounding how amateurish they all were! Engoron and Merchan, two boobies hatched out of Judicial Error Central. Fani Willis, a walking-talking banana peel! Merrick Garland, saving democracy one abuse of power at a time!

   The Butler, PA, head-shot op came awfully close to eliminating their, uh, problem, but no cigar. The Palm Beach golf course ambush had a Peter Sellers vibe, wouldn’t you agree? With the rifle muzzle poking through the shrubbery behind a fence. What next? A pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and cyanide? Maybe try to drop an anvil on Mr. Trump’s head from a passing airplane? (Beep-beep. . . woosh!)

 Somebody do something!!! The blob is shrieking to its minions from the sub-basement bunkers at Langley to the salons of Georgetown, to the US Embassy in Ukraine. Well, there’s always World War Three! And it looks like just such a romp is about to be instigated. You may have seen the photo last week of “Joe Biden” meeting with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer at a big conference table, talking-up a plan to give Ukraine the green light to rain long-range missiles deep into Russia. Meaning, let NATO technicians work the targeting console to send US or British made rockets any old place over there? Like, Red Square? Or the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg? Find an actual Ukrainian to push the launch button.

 How is that not a direct attack on Russia by NATO? Well, of course it is exactly that. Russia’s chief executive, Mr. Putin, clarified it for the Globalist Neocon cohort infesting NATO that such an action would bring. . . “consequences.” That is a word the Neocons are no longer acquainted with; it has been such a long time since they’ve crossed its path, like its boon companion, “truth,” also missing-in-action these days. And, to be fair, Mr. Putin did not specify what the consequences might be, not even a simple metaphor like a mushroom cloud, or an ashtray.

 How did they even get “Joe Biden” off the beach for that photo op? It is understood by everyone over ten-years-old in America that “JB” is not available for duty anymore. The “out-to-lunch” sign hangs permanently on the doorknob of the Oval Office now. The USA does not have a functioning chief-of-state for the first time in 235 years. After 2021, some sort of unelected, informal Politburu that self-assembled in the White House, like a clot from a Covid Vaccine shot, is running our affairs. Maybe Kamala Harris has a clue who is in that outfit. Or somebody in the news median could ask her (if she ever gets around to holding an actual news conference, where the questions are not previewed or scripted.) Anyone dare ask?

 Kamala Harris is strangely missing from the front page of The New York Times this morning. Is that a little ominous? The debate is behind her. There will not be another, apparently. There is nothing about her schedule on the official campaign website. Has she entered fade-away mode? Is it all over now except for the ballot harvesting and the, uh, little adjustments to the Dominion vote-counting machines? Has the drinking started again?
seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0


Beep Beep! Woosh. . . !

James Howard Kunstler Sep 16, 2024 Pre-blog Note: My regular website, www.kunstler.com, has been down more than a week. We’re frustrated trying to get straight answers from the host company, only vague references to “a hardware problem.” We begin to suspect that the Three-letter boys might have seized the server unit my website lived on. We’re still standing by on developments. For now, the blog is here for you on Substack, every Monday and Friday. Thanks for your support through this travail.

“Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap.” — Brandon Smith

This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’. Do you wonder if he might get around to ‘splainin’ his role with the shady non-governmental orgs (NGOs) supported by the CIA who enabled his travels to Ukraine and his efforts there recruiting global mutts to fight for the Nazi-ish Azov Battalion? Perhaps he might rat-out actual government officials who assisted him in his colorful misadventures? As Ed Snowden remarked on “X”, wannabe Trump assassin Ryan Routh has “something of an Oswald vibe” — meaning, well-groomed by the intel boys, to be used as required.

 Perhaps we’ll find out — if nothing fatal happens to befall Mr. Routh while in custody — how exactly he learned Mr. Trump would be on the links that afternoon? The candidate’s round of golf that day was supposedly a snap decision known only amongst his innermost circle. Or how did Mr. Routh figure out the most advantageous fairway to lay at for a clear shot? The FBI is on the case, you may be reassured to know.

Things political are speeding up with the autumnal quickening. The blob is truly and deeply a’fright. So many blobsters will be liable to pay for their multitudinous crimes against the people of this country if Mr. Trump squeaks back into power that such a future is unthinkable to them. And yet, nothing has worked to deactivate this. . . this golden golem stalking the land. Nothing to show for the immense catalog of lawfare cases concocted to drain his wealth and stuff him into a prison cell — and astounding how amateurish they all were! Engoron and Merchan, two boobies hatched out of Judicial Error Central. Fani Willis, a walking-talking banana peel! Merrick Garland, saving democracy one abuse of power at a time!

   The Butler, PA, head-shot op came awfully close to eliminating their, uh, problem, but no cigar. The Palm Beach golf course ambush had a Peter Sellers vibe, wouldn’t you agree? With the rifle muzzle poking through the shrubbery behind a fence. What next? A pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and cyanide? Maybe try to drop an anvil on Mr. Trump’s head from a passing airplane? (Beep-beep. . . woosh!)

 Somebody do something!!! The blob is shrieking to its minions from the sub-basement bunkers at Langley to the salons of Georgetown, to the US Embassy in Ukraine. Well, there’s always World War Three! And it looks like just such a romp is about to be instigated. You may have seen the photo last week of “Joe Biden” meeting with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer at a big conference table, talking-up a plan to give Ukraine the green light to rain long-range missiles deep into Russia. Meaning, let NATO technicians work the targeting console to send US or British made rockets any old place over there? Like, Red Square? Or the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg? Find an actual Ukrainian to push the launch button.

 How is that not a direct attack on Russia by NATO? Well, of course it is exactly that. Russia’s chief executive, Mr. Putin, clarified it for the Globalist Neocon cohort infesting NATO that such an action would bring. . . “consequences.” That is a word the Neocons are no longer acquainted with; it has been such a long time since they’ve crossed its path, like its boon companion, “truth,” also missing-in-action these days. And, to be fair, Mr. Putin did not specify what the consequences might be, not even a simple metaphor like a mushroom cloud, or an ashtray.

 How did they even get “Joe Biden” off the beach for that photo op? It is understood by everyone over ten-years-old in America that “JB” is not available for duty anymore. The “out-to-lunch” sign hangs permanently on the doorknob of the Oval Office now. The USA does not have a functioning chief-of-state for the first time in 235 years. After 2021, some sort of unelected, informal Politburu that self-assembled in the White House, like a clot from a Covid Vaccine shot, is running our affairs. Maybe Kamala Harris has a clue who is in that outfit. Or somebody in the news median could ask her (if she ever gets around to holding an actual news conference, where the questions are not previewed or scripted.) Anyone dare ask?

 Kamala Harris is strangely missing from the front page of The New York Times this morning. Is that a little ominous? The debate is behind her. There will not be another, apparently. There is nothing about her schedule on the official campaign website. Has she entered fade-away mode? Is it all over now except for the ballot harvesting and the, uh, little adjustments to the Dominion vote-counting machines? Has the drinking started again?
seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ordinarily the opinions of one tech billionaire would, perhaps, not matter much to the life of an ordinary American. However, in this era of 2024 election and the Technocracy influence, maybe this interview discussion carries a different set of values.

Tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel, the founder of Palantir, an AI enhanced data processing system that streamlines the organization of technological surveillance methods, gives his views on a variety of current political aspects.

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which countries don't/didn't have a money printing central bank controlled by the cabal? What does central banks do to countries and the countries citizens? Was Kaddafi all bad? What good was he doing for Africa? Who took him out and do you trust those who did? The unusual quick response from the Biden Administration and the United Nations proves our point that what is reported in the media is a veneer covering a major issue that no one wants to talk about. We believe it is over the $70 billion sovereign wealth fund that the UN might unfreeze at any time. The assets have been frozen since 2011. However, the Biden administration does not want to see an increase in oil prices before the election and is doing everything it can to maintain the flow of Iranian, Russian, and Venezuelan crude. Does that cause global inflation? Does inflation hurt all but the central banks?

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bloomberg: Libyan Oil Flows Slide Further as UN Fails to Break Bank Impasse Summary Libya's crude exports have sharply decreased due to a standoff over control of the central bank. Exports fell from 468,000 barrels a day at the beginning of the month to 314,000 barrels a day over the past week. The central bank dispute arose after Libya's prime minister replaced the bank governor, leading eastern authorities to halt oil production and exports. Sadiq al-Kabir, who was ousted by political factions, remains in exile and says the bank is cut off from the international financial system, with over 30 international institutions halting transactions. Despite this, the new board appointed by western Libyan factions controls internal systems like salary payments. Kabir hopes to be reinstated through UN-backed talks involving Libya's parliament and High State Council. However, as of Thursday, the UN Libya Mission said rival factions had not reached a final agreement. Meanwhile, oil output has dropped by more than half to 450,000 barrels per day, down from over 1 million, although limited exports continue.

Libya’s oil exports declined by about 800 kb/d then recovered where the loss was 600 kb/d last week, according to data from Kpler, as shown in Figure (1). The impact of field closure on world oil markets is larger than in the past as we explain below. In a recent X Spaces discussion we mentioned the real reason for the dispute of the Central Bank that was not covered by anyone accept us. Details below.
Upgrade to paid EOA’s Main Takeaways

The unusual quick response from the Biden Administration and the United Nations proves our point that what is reported in the media is a veneer covering a major issue that no one wants to talk about. We believe it is over the $70 billion sovereign wealth fund that the UN might unfreeze at any time. The assets have been frozen since 2011. However, the Biden administration does not want to see an increase in oil prices before the election and is doing everything it can to maintain the flow of Iranian, Russian, and Venezuelan crude. The impact on the global oil market is not only the loss of quantity, but also extends to crude quality and the heavy concertation of exports in a few countries. The impact of the current decline in exports is larger than the previous blockade simply because the substitutes that existed during the previous cut off from the US and Nigeria does not exist today. Also, demand was declining significantly during the previous blockade. That is not the case today. European countries will be impacted the most, especially Italy. Figure (2) shows Libya’s crude exports by destination. Data from Kpler shows that about 72% of Libyan crude exports go to Europe. One-third of Libyan exports go to Italy. The recent wave of bearish sentiment in the oil market appears to ignore the impact of Libya’s cut off. But the impact of the decline in exports is large in terms of quantity and quality and will start showing up in the market soon, especially that crude exports from non-OPEC+ members such as the Brazil, Norway, and the US have been declining.

Share Story of the Day EIA: US Crude Oil Exports Are Declining

seernewday 8 points ago +8 / -0

For me it is Great Awakening, Zero Hedge, Conservative Treehouse, Revolver, X22 Report, Lew Rockwell and Dollar Collapse as first referenced news

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

J D Vance and others are getting some pushback for claiming that, in Springfield, Ohio, Haitian "refugees" are eating their neighbours' domestic pets. Naysayers insist that no cats were harmed in the making of this "far right" "fake news" story. On the other hand, from Springfield's Channel 6 News https://www.wowt.com/2024/08/21/woman-arrested-allegedly-killing-cat-eating-it-front-neighbors/ : Woman arrested for allegedly killing cat, eating it in front of neighbors That would be Allexis Telia Ferrell. On the other other hand, The Daily Dot responds, ah, yes, cat-eating may be happening in Ohio, but relax, it's not by "recent" immigrants: Prominent conservatives are blaming recent immigration from Haiti after a woman in Ohio was arrested for allegedly eating a cat. The only problem? The woman has lived in America for the past six years. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/woman-eats-cat-ohio-conservatives-blame-haitian-immigrants-pets/

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

BREAKING: Father of alleged 14-year old shooter at Georgia school arrested; charged with murder and manslaughter

Colin Gray, the father of the alleged teen gunman who killed four people in a mass shooting at Apalachee High School in northern Georgia has been arrested, law enforcement officials announced on Thursday night, reports the New York Post.

He was charged with four counts of manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the day after his 14-year-old son Colt Gray was charged with murder.

The charges come after it was revealed that Colin Gray purchased the AR-15-style rifle Colt allegedly used in the massacre as a Christmas gift last December for Colt.

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

BREAKING: Father of alleged 14-year old shooter at Georgia school arrested; charged with murder and manslaughter

Colin Gray, the father of the alleged teen gunman who killed four people in a mass shooting at Apalachee High School in northern Georgia has been arrested, law enforcement officials announced on Thursday night, reports the New York Post.

He was charged with four counts of manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the day after his 14-year-old son Colt Gray was charged with murder.

The charges come after it was revealed that Colin Gray purchased the AR-15-style rifle Colt allegedly used in the massacre as a Christmas gift last December for Colt.

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

BREAKING: Father of alleged 14-year old shooter at Georgia school arrested; charged with murder and manslaughter

Colin Gray, the father of the alleged teen gunman who killed four people in a mass shooting at Apalachee High School in northern Georgia has been arrested, law enforcement officials announced on Thursday night, reports the New York Post.

He was charged with four counts of manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the day after his 14-year-old son Colt Gray was charged with murder.

The charges come after it was revealed that Colin Gray purchased the AR-15-style rifle Colt allegedly used in the massacre as a Christmas gift last December for Colt.

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the latest from Martenson - Peak Prosperity - Why Aren't Investigators Asking the Right Questions of the Right People? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JhA5wQ1y0I&list=WL&index=7

seernewday 4 points ago +4 / -0

Taxpayer money and U.S. government data on bird flu gain-of-function research is, in fact, being funneled to a Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) lab in mainland China, and;

· Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack lied under oath by claiming his department wasn’t colluding with the Chinese-military-connected CAS

For some background, Biden’s Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, in March of 2024 during an exchange with Congressman Ben Cline, dismissed any notion of U.S. government bird flu gain-of-function “collaboration” with CAS labs and claimed that U.S. data was “basically walled off,” meaning that the Chinese government couldn’t get its hands on it:

“It’s really not a collaboration per se… To my knowledge there is not [data] sharing...all of this is basically walled off, so everything we’re doing stays with us, it doesn’t necessarily go to the UK or to China.”


Several weeks later, which I covered at the time, Congress wrote a letter requesting additional information from Vilsack’s department — a request, you’ll be shocked to learn, that was never honored by the Most Open and Transparent Administration in American History™.

Related: Congress Demands Oversight of US-Funded Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research in CCP Lab

seernewday 17 points ago +17 / -0

Exactly... There are several other facts that scream cover up like

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation Republished with permission from AbleChild Special Agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office, Kevin Rojek, provided remarks during a media call that simply raise more questions. For example, Rojek explains that the “FBI is now in possession of the subject’s autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner’s office.” Great. When did the FBI obtain the autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner? Is Rojek referring to the Butler County Coroner or the Allegheny County Medical Examiner? People often confuse these two entities. Specificity would be helpful. It matters. Next. Agent Rojek explains that “all reviewable evidence collected from the AGR roof and from the Subject’s body are consistent with the round fired by the Secret Service Sniper.” It is interesting that the FBI would use the word “consistent.” What the public needs to know is whether a projectile was recovered from the subject’s body and was there a rifling match between the projectile and the barrel of a sniper’s weapon? Providing the ballistics report would be helpful. Further, having a look see at the autopsy would also provide important information about which direction the projectile removed from the subject traveled. Specificity. Rojek explained that the FBI rendered “the scene safe and following our established evidence gathering procedures, the FBI contacted the Butler County Coroner’s office.” “Evidence gathering?” What evidence was gathered prior to the coroner determining time and cause of death? What evidence was touched, moved or removed by the FBI prior to the coroner arriving at the scene twelve hours after the shooting? Again, knowing why the FBI turned away the coroner at midnight would be helpful. Agent Rojek further explains that “the coroner removed the body from the scene and conducted a death investigation.” The coroner removed the body prior to his investigation? That seems odd. Wouldn’t the body be important in writing crime scene notes? What about photographs of the deceased on the roof? Agent Rojek also reports that the “toxicology revealed negative results for alcohol and drugs of abuse.” Really? What about other drugs, like prescribed psychiatric drugs? Did the ME conduct toxicology tests to determine whether the subject had been on one or more prescribed drugs? It is of interest, too, that there is no mention of the “white van.” Yes, that white van that police found by use of the police K9 unit. “officers searched the battered white vehicle from which they removed explosives after they were led across fields to its location by their K9 unit.” So. Why is there no mention of this white van by the FBI? More than one explosive device was found inside the van and there is a video of police combing through the van. Why is this van not mentioned by the FBI, even if it is just to say the van had nothing to do with Crooks. Of course, that would be a problem. Dogs sniffed out the van based on Crooks scent. Another automobile with explosives? It sure sounds like more than one subject or at least more than one automobile. So, no autopsy, no complete toxicology, no fingerprint or DNA data, and no ballistics report. Oh, and an extra automobile with explosives. Nobody wants to be Johnny Rain Cloud, but the FBI’s “updated” information only raises more questions that need to be addressed…questions that the FBI should have already answered. What’s the problem?

seernewday 24 points ago +24 / -0

We have known this from Martenson's investigation for weeks but good that it is being further confirmed... now about accountability!!!

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