sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don't want to make a Twitter account to do that. You know that people without Twitter accounts are able to scroll maybe ten posts before they get softlocked out, right?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sensitive? He just asked "Elon can you fix this" in a way I interpret as lightly humorous.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

If you won't post a twitter link, I'm just going to assume it's all fake.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

In no way is the Left suddenly exposing themselves here with a report that says Trump is ego-driven and vain. That's literally been said every day for the past 6 years.

Even if out of ignorance, you can't just walk off with government property and store that property in your basement. Especially if it's classified government property and it's protected by one flimsy padlock. And most documents written and created by a President during their Presidency legally belongs to the American people and not the individual person temporarily serving as President.

If anything besides death takes Trump down before 2024, it is absolutely going to be these classified documents. Chickens, eggs, counting, hatching, etc.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1


You wouldn't let Obama do that, don't turn a blind eye for Trump on silly reasons. Nowhere in the tweet above is Trump excused for any crimes, because ignorance does not shield you from the legal consequences of committing a crime.

By saying that what the WaPo says is "the truth", the OP is at best saying that Trump is guilty of the same crimes he accused Hillary Clinton of. Come on people, reading comprehension.

"He didn't take any classified documents" is a valid defense, if true. "He actually declassified the documents" is a valid defense, if true. "He didn't need to declassify the documents because he is still actually President" is a valid defense, if true. "He took classified documents because he didn't know taking classified documents was bad" is not a valid defense.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technically true, but it's a lot less satisfying after the perpetrator is dead.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's because complaining about social media censorship is inherently silly as long as all those social media platforms are private businesses/services and not provided and controlled by the government.

Also, it's really more of a time-out than a ban.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Incalculable amounts of change will happen in the next two years - it is the fundamental nature of our universe. But as for the type of change you are specifically referring to, nothing big or dramatic. Yet he will win nonetheless (guaranteed against Biden, and in all likelihood against Harris). I want to be clear though, that's only in a General election - I can't guarantee Trump safe passage through the RINO primaries.

sillysausage 2 points ago +3 / -1

A well-connected troll is still a troll

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah yes, the way internet-connected voting has really allowed the American voter to represent themselves, and in no way allowed someone else to choose what it looks like the American people want.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

He just will. He's just gonna win. It's not rigged against him.

sillysausage -4 points ago +0 / -4

Of course it doesn't apply here. You're using a private service paid for by someone else. Their rules go. The first amendment doesn't mean you can't get kicked out of social clubs.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Murdoch already made it known that he and his stations would no longer be giving Trump the same backing.

sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually, Trump is going to win in 2024. No steal unveiled necessary.

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