
1/ 🧵How SURFACE CHARGE (zeta potential) on LNP DIRECTS WHERE in body it goes (LIVER then distribute, OR, DIRECTLY TO SPLEEN, or DIRECTLY TO HEART OR LUNGS) , AND WHY this explains multiple types of ADVERSE EVENTS, including the recent FATAL HEART STUDY that is being shared.


IDF and Mossad are indeed state of the art in border security and intelligence. Giving them the benefit of the doubt as a whole, there must have been at least some crazed, apocalyptic faction within one or both of those entities that purposefully allowed for this LARGE scale planning outside their borders and execution within their borders to proceed uninterrupted.

Meanwhile the neocons over here, with their histrionic outrage are implicitly rejoicing over the tragedy, since this is one big step closer to a decades old wet dream of invading / destabilizing Iran. It is good to recall Wesley Clark's statements back in the 2000s about having been privy to plans going back to the 90s to have multiple other nations on the neocon hit list, below Iraq, for invasion/destabilization: Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, etc.

And their domestic allies and supporters? Mainly all the politically "conservative" Western evangelicals under the religious psy op of Dispensational / Second Coming madness, which is in perfect geopolitical alignment with British + Israeli Zionism, including the Israeli zealot faction who are on board with military violence as the means of ushering in their Messiah. How convenient.


Documented eyewitness accounts, FBI transcripts and records, and the like, demonstrate that two entities - Israel intelligence and Saudi intelligence - had some level of foreknowledge in the former case and significant levels of assistance and enabling in the latter case.

For 22 years, among who and how often are Israel Intelligence and Saudi Intelligence brought up and discussed regarding these documented connections? In MSM OR alt media

Compare to how often government inside job + no Al Queda terrorists / no planes / Larry Silverstein is talked about, in the Truther movements.

So it seems we never forget, except 2 minor things.


This statement was part of a social media post by a clinical doctor focused on longevity in the clinic, and replacing the core Rockefeller medicine model with a decentralized medicine model in healthcare.

It's a good point I think gets easily missed. And an example of a bigger issue. I've been thinking lately about the obvious situation where the mainstream space pushes their audience to one extreme on any topic with contention or unknowns, while much of so called alternative media space pushes their target audiences to other extremes.

An "awakened" public should not mean simply adopting a new dogma after rejecting the old dogma, just because it resonates with mounting suspicions and feelings of betrayal by any and every institution. It puts one in a space of being critical and skeptical of the MSM, but at the same time outsourcing one's critical thinking skills to non-MSM, "alernative media" sources.

Here's the doc's text in full:

The medium is the message.

The truth probably is discoverable, but the facts will be so dishonestly set forth in almost any media outlet that the public can be forgiven either for swallowing lies or failing to form an opinion. The reason for this is how the news is being delivered today. The products of modern science technology are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value.

The difference between you and the media today is that the public is too ignorant to explain why they're correct on topics, while the media is so smart they can collectively join forces online and make wrong sound good to most of the public. The medium was designed to dull the senses and cognition of the viewing audience. It has worked. The public is now a product of the media and not their customer. Advertisers are their chief customers. Public viewers are now quite cheap because of how the news is delivered in the technocracy. When viewers realized they have been made a cheap commodity, they can easily force the cost of their services higher to cause the financial collapse of the media.

Why should you care? Once we have surrendered our senses and nervous systems to the private manipulation of those in media who would try to benefit from taking a lease on our eyes and ears and nerves, we don't really have any rights left.


This is an open question I don't have a definite answer only suspicions. But historical precedent and general trends in how corruption in government is handled and managed for popular consumption causes me to suspect the possibility this is all just throwing Hunter out to us as a "central casting role" to give the people proof that Something's Being Done. Whereas this could just be nothing more than an elaborate exit strategy for Joe and the 2024 race.

The amount of attention, investigation, and public disclosure happening concerning Hunter right now is remarkable, but there's also something about it that feels highly managed and deliberate. Consider the stark contrast to getting nothing at all wrt the whole Epstein nexxus. In fact it is also in stark contrast to the rest of the criminal connections of the Biden crime family, which is far and deep (does anyone have Ryan Dawson's Biden Crime family poster? Its huge).

So all that to say, I think its wise to pay more attention what is not being done, what everyone is silent on, than what appears to be getting done.

I realize that sounds Doomer since it could mean that what we often think are incoming BOOMs are actually more of the "Look Here, Not There" type strategy. But such is war against a civilian population that's partially waking up.



Despite RFK Jr's impressive stances on Covid 19, I no longer see a reason to applaud his run for the presidency, as he predictably cow tows to all the standard Zionist narratives.

He's making absurdly false statements about poor little Israel getting singled out and beat up on.

He wants to maintain the special U.S.-Israel relationship seemingly at any cost, despite all the past and ongoing U.S. national security risks we KNOW Israel / Mossad is responsible for.

Especially irksome to both libertarians and conscientious progressives, he completely downplays the racism and apartheid being practiced in this racial state.

As far as U.S. politicians bought and paid for by Israeli lobby, he won't even go there of course.

He's clearly a thoughtful guy, able to analyze the major social and political issues of the day. For instance he makes reasonable commentary on the Ukraine war, but he wouldn't be the first presidential candidate to sound like a peace candidate until taking office then taking a war footing.

The stance on U.S.-Israel relations is a big deal, there is so much that needs to be exposed and dealt with there for America to truly be great again and not chained to these ongoing geopolitical nightmares. I balk even at candidate Trump, who as of yet seems silent on this. And yeah I say screw optics at this point.

If RFK denies this biggest and most obvious of elephants in the room, I can only conclude he is more interesting in winning than in making effective change for this country.

That's my take. Thoughts?


Today's news reminded me of this tasty bit from Doug Valentine's CIA as Organized Crime. Spread this, and watch the NPR defending libs squirm in explaining this one away.

NPR was badly embarrassed in 2000 when it was revealed that PSYOP (psychological operations) personnel from Ft. Bragg were working in its Washington, DC newsroom, apparently as interns.* Top managers were said to be unaware of the arrangement, which was blamed on people in its personnel department. However, based on NPR’s cozy relationship with the military and its penchant to spew pro-military propaganda (some say the P in NPR stands for Pentagon) media watchdogs, myself included, believed the PSYOP soldiers were penetration agents meant to influence news coverage.

In any event, on 30 December 2009, I listened in dismay, but not surprise, as an NPR “terrorism” expert condemned the suicide bombing that had killed seven CIA employees in Afghanistan a few days earlier.2 That particular act of terrorism, the expert said, was especially hideous because the murdered CIA officers were spreading economic development, democracy and love as members of a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

No less disingenuous were the comments of CIA Director Leon Panetta, who said the deceased did “the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism.”

Or fuel terrorism, as the case may be.

President Obama added his two cents, saying the fallen CIA officers were “part of a long line of patriots who have made great sacrifices for their fellow citizens, and for our way of life.”

“Our way of life” in the twenty-first century means Full Spectrum Dominance and a burgeoning precariat.

On New Year’s Day 2010 – the story of the martyred CIA officers having expired – Washington Post staff writers Joby Warrick and Pamela Constable ventured beyond the initial spin. Rather than cast the CIA officers as heroes, they hinted at the murderous activities they were involved in. Warrick and Constable said the CIA officers were secretly “at the heart of a covert program overseeing strikes by the agency’s remote-controlled aircraft along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.”

  • J. Max Robins, “Military Interns Booted From CNN, NPR: How Did Army Officers Get Into The News Business?”, TV Guide, April 15-21, 2000.

Fox Hill, ultimate hellhole prison in the corrupt jurisdiction of the Bahamas.



I can only assume the "fact checkers" are already jumping on this as a damage control pivot to divert from any other implications of the Big Leak.

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