smartbaum 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well she is also starting to advocate militant Catholicism. Her tweet about Christian Nationalism made that clear since she threw in revisionist BS about the Crusades and Inquisition. Her dogma blinds her to doing history rationally. Sort of like the Zionists that she despises.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm guessing neither Rogan nor Tucker would dare have Ryan Dawson on their shows to talk about 9/11.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same MO as Poppy Bush sending military to invade Panama City, destroy much of the city and kill dozens if not hundreds of citizens, all to kidnap Noriega who was going off script.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unlikely, more likely that Israel activated assets within Iran to send out drones or whatever. This gives Iran an out to not retaliate, since it would have more the illusion of a terrorist attack, not something external. This is very controlled theater both ways.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you listen to the entire interview yet? Because some of what you're saying completely conflicts with it.

Yes, I could go through point by point but just off the bat, Wilson is wrong about a Christian consensus regarding the founding of the American republic. The consensus was based on universal Natural Law, something bigger and greater than autonomous ambitions and passions. So that Christians, Deists (functional atheists), secular Enlightenment thinkers, etc could assemble and agree on common governance that upholds basic human dignity, freedom, justice, general welfare, goodness, beauty and truth. Also, most don't know how much the American experiment had global reach at that time, not just in so called Christian Europe but among certain Muslim nation states and Russia as well. This is how a robust application of Natural Law can function. No "Mere Christendom" necessary.

The reason why political communities can function this way is because such institutions are outworkings of God's covenant with all mankind for the simple reason that they are human beings, not just Christians. The mandate of just laws that flow out of the covenant made through Noah extends equally to all groups functioning in pluralistic enterprises, such as governance and justice. We can operate in a common basic moral framework, irrespective of race, creed, or color, and can identify what is in violation to what God has revealed in nature. There are responsibilities simply being human, and consequences for violating that natural order. This is not a New testament Christian distinctive body of law, this is Natural Law. So "Christian nationalism" the term itself is problematic and self defeating.Christianity is not the kind of religion meant to unite a nation, any more than it was meant to establish and sustain ethnic bonds.

    Obviously, Wilson and the CNs would vehemently disagree. They reject any notion of Natural Law, a common sphere, or anything in society not characterized by a sharp Christian/anti Christian antithesis.

I'm a member of apologia Church And we consider Christ Church a sister church. We were at the amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade. We did that on the basis of a faithful and concise Christian worldview and frequently get called Christian nationalists.

Gotcha, so you being a member of a sister church would be in full alignment with Wilson's presupposed worldview of sharp antithesis derived from Van Til, Rushdooney, and Bahnsen. I think its quite a stretch to call this a Christian worldview (I understand the reason) when its really a recent project of a certain attempt of applying bodies of teachings in scripture in certain ways. These are theologian's ideas at the end of the day.

The point of this interview is to define and discuss what Christian nationalism is. Tucker could have just as easily had Dr Joseph Boot or a number of others to explain it. You seem to be hung up on who delivered the message, not the message itself.

The message itself is built on a flawed foundation, because Wilson like all theonomists, reconstructionists, CNs, i.e. all dominion theology, miscontrues the categories of law in order to lift and shift bodies of law out of certain parts of scripture, with certain interpretive methods to justify certain applications of it, and simply brand it as "Christian worldview". It doesn't work, and I can unpack that more as time permits.

You do realize the more faithful someone is to God in the society, the more controversial they will be. It's when you're not being called controversial that you can almost guarantee that you're not having a radical impact on culture.

Yes I am familiar with this retort. Wilson tends to position himself as the righteous suffering victim in relation to his critics. He's done it for decades. And of course, he tends to lump his critics together as being liberals, weak, leftist, secularist compatible, or whatever.

Controversy itself is in fact neutral, its existence does not determine faithfulness or lack thereof. I would be wary of wearing that as a badge of honor. Paul exhorts the Roman church to live peacably with their neighbors as best they can. The Israelites during the time of the Mosaic covenant, had distinct commands of conduct as soon as they ventured outside of their boundaries that were opposite of their conduct within their boundaries: if they confronted enemies outside the land that they would work to establish peace treaties and so forth.

On the flip side, Abraham was a controversial figure in the context of societies he was in, during several instances in his life, because of his sin and unbelief.

Just some things to consider. Blessings to you, regardless our differences.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0


The belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. While Wolfe and his circle do not outright reject the First Amendment and do not advocate for theocracy, they want Christianity to hold a privileged position in the public square. A consequence of this belief is that enterprises in the political community become exclusionary in ways they are not designed.

Wolfe and others of course have much more to say. Eventually that privileged position of Christianity excludes a functional ability for pluralism or a secular sphere to exist. This is not a negative for Christian nationalism or those efforts compatible with CN, since they have predefined negative connotations for pluralism and a secular sphere. To be specific, they deliberately conflate secularism with the secular (in order to justify a program to sanctify a nation, not just work to preserve it), and they connotate pluralism as "anything goes" with no ultimate restraints.

smartbaum -1 points ago +1 / -2

What is Christian nationalism exactly and why does the left and the MSM hate it?

Note that Tucker, either being uninformed by his researchers or disingenuously because of a narrative agenda, excludes all the other categories of people that are also opposed to Christian Nationalism: anarcho capitalists, libertarians, Natural Law advocates, classic liberals, constitutionalists, the list goes on.

smartbaum 0 points ago +1 / -1


I have been familiar with Wilson, his ministry, his writings, his ideas for over 20 years.

This first point may not mean much to most here, that he's been condemned by every major Reformed confessional denomination (for claiming to be Reformed but being deliberately confusing about faith and works). But it is also notable he was criticized by his own denomination (which he started) for his problematic behavior: https://moscowid.net/communion-of-reformed-evangelical-churches-presiding-ministers-report-on-the-sitler-and-wight-sex-abuse-cases/

Here are 3 posts on Wilson that thoroughly cover the good, bad, and ugly:

https://bredenhof.ca/2023/06/26/doug-wilson-the-good/ (mostly docrtinal and may not mean much to most reading this)

https://bredenhof.ca/2023/07/03/doug-wilson-the-bad/ (again, mostly doctrinal and may not mean much)

https://bredenhof.ca/2023/07/10/doug-wilson-the-ugly/ (this is where the various documented abuse cases are addressed, and unfortunately the abuses, subsequent cover ups, and gaslighting of victims and critics are not uncommon with many patriarchy and authoritarian type ministries, no matter the denomination)

Now, many will and have watched the Tucker interview and respond with "What's all the controversy about him? He is a based pastor, making good points we have been making, and he is very relaxed and calm in his explanations."

Yes, this is by design. It is called the fallacy of Motte and Bailey. Wilson and his ilk deploy this strategy over and over and over again with every contentious controversy. Motte and Baliey is when someone advances a controversial claim—one that's difficult to defend—and when challenged retreats to an uncontroversial claim. The bold claim is the Bailey, the safe claim the Motte.

When these Christian Nationalists get mainstream coverage, including when Wilson is here interviewed by Tucker, they immediately jump into the Motte.

Wilson has explicitly written on the virtue of deception, as a holy "battle" strategy. Make no mistake that Christian Nationalists have an end goal of Christian authoritarianism to replace what they conceive as secular authoritarianism. The 1st amendment stands in their way, since they advocate for eventual, literal punishment of false teachings & beliefs (define that as you will, or whoever ideologist runs the state). This is all stemmed from a fundamental distortion of biblical notions of law and civil society.

They present their CN vision as the only alternative to the woke secular nightmare we are currently in (as if the longstanding tradition of Natural Law never existed or operated in society). This is a false dilemma, and their particular vision has roots in various theological aberrations, that in many ways are mirror reflections of Zionist Israeli political fanatical party beliefs about the sanctifying of a geopolitical state.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

eclipse habbenings - don't give up!

smartbaum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Iran did a ping test. Results: Israeli air defense - even with US and UK support - can be hit anywhere even when they know it's coming.

North Korea and Russia got valuable data

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

May need to revamp your definition of Pure Evil. Unlike IDF, Iran didn't target hospitals, schools, kids.

smartbaum 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are there counter points to Ariel's points? He brings up a lot of curious connections and events wrt Flynn. For those of us who are neither cult-Ariel nor cult-Flynn, provide the best evidence and let the chips fall where they may. Simple.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, my comment below makes a similar point.

There are in fact thoughtful, humane, pro family ways to expand manufacturing sectors in society (Japan has done this better than the U.S.). We don't only have to live in Jefferson's fabled agrarian utopia (w/ slave labor) to be free and communal. But the industrial revolution took dark turns, especially when it was less about innovative ways for nations to use creativity and technology to overcome limits of population and resources. As it became more about speculative cabals enslaving nations to "free trade" and other rotten fruit of the British empire, zero-sum thinking dominates society and disregards the incalculable costs of everyday quality of life for the working stiff.

smartbaum 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'd say not quite. Women have always worked. Women worked hard, and they still do. Even Proverbs in the bible talks about the wife being wise and effective in business dealings. And yes children were handed off to tutors, pedagogues, and non-family child care since time immemorial.

What's changed is the work environment. We still have a lot of uncovered assumptions that are just wrong. Our problems are downstream from a post industrial paradigm impacting both work and educational environments... certainly a big player has been predatory, vulture capitalism and zero-sum thinking in our economies; the same problems that exploit third world populations have also, in our "first world" society, effectively decoupled both parents from a vibrant, supportive family dynamic. Quality family time and "career" didn't have to be diametrically opposed.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Waking up happens when corrupt Zionist crime networks and their nepotist allies in media and government are exposed. But beyond X (sort of), that's not going to go uncensored.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

What glasses? Made a fist with my hand, left the space of a pinhole in the middle, blocking out the overbearing surrounding corona action, and looked at the eclipse magic just fine. Shrug

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see in the comments there is belief that this was a WH production somehow. But it's an open question whether The Matrix's intent was a reveal/warning, or a blueprint? Aldous Huxley said in his own words that Brave New World was not a warning, it was a blueprint. So who's to say?

Consider the sordid lives of the Wachowski brothers. They stole the original script idea and tweaked it to remove what had a stronger messianic theme. Their own version of freedom appears to deny biological physical reality at any level, including sexual. This personal vice is incompatible with advocating the sanctity of the individual and sanctity of the general welfare, so I think there's an elaborate shell game going on with the social engineering of the Matrix.

I suspect they believe the real "Matrix" we are all trapped in is one of outdated metaphysical beliefs grounded in a divinely superintended moral order. So apparently we all get what we deserve (control, shallowness, misery of the mundane), unless we break free with Nietzchien gusto, by embracing the new gnostic era originally advocated by Crowley.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

That probably depends if the Matrix intent was a reveal/warning, or a blueprint. I am reminded that Aldous Huxley said in his own words that Brave New World was not a warning, it was a blueprint.

smartbaum 10 points ago +12 / -2

Doesn't matter what anything looks like on video, though. It is simply impossible to say either way, especially with an untrained eye. So many factors tie in. Power loss doesn't mean engine failure. Wind and current can take over. Condition of rudder. etc etc.

smartbaum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Diet alone is too myopic to really move the needle. The Biophysics of how light interacts with biology is the key orchestrator of how biochemistry works or goes awry.

EVERY paper that looks at Vitamin D3 levels links it to cancer risk and low melatonin levels. This alone tells the curious mind that the solar exposure and light/dark cycles in one's environment are the critical factors.

When a cell loses energy (see below) it can become oncogenic because it enlarges. To get into the nitty gritty, here is the real reason why the Warburg shift is observed in oncogenesis:


Throughout the cell cycle, the cell is constantly monitoring the volume by way of water networks. These networks are directly tied to the mitochondrial matrix's ability or inability to make Deuterium-depleted water (DDW). If the cell does not reach the desired volumes, the cell will be unable to progress to the next phase of the cell cycle.

There is a G1/S transition “checkpoint,” which commonly causes the cell to arrest at this intermediate stage, if adequate volume is not reached. When a cell is arrested due to inadequate volume, there are two possible ensuing events: either the cell will leave the cycle and enter G0 step, and become a dormant, non-cycling cell, or the cell will be recognized as non-viable, and undergo mitochondrial-induced programmed cell death (apoptosis).

It will also increase eNOS to increase albumin in our plasma and the Na /H+ transporter in cell membranes. Cancer cells up-regulate sodium/hydrogen exchangers (Na+/H+ exchangers) because they are looking for light hydrogen in other pathways than the TCA matrix source. This means the cancer state is intimately tied to the inability to generate light hydrogen (protium isotope, in cotrast to the heavy hydrogen isotope deuterium) from the TCA intermediates.

The Na+/H+ exchanger is a membrane-bound protein that transports 1 molecule of Na+ into the cell while effluxing 1 molecule of H+. Water passively follows Na+ (modern belief). Because cancer cells over-express the Na+/H+ exchanger, the cells rapidly pump sodium into their cells.

Non structured water from extra cellular fluid (ECF) passively follows the sodium, causing the cancer cells to swell. The oncology folks believes this happens because of the Na/H+ transporter, but it is really due to the loss of the net negative charge from a reduction in the amount of exclusion zone of water (EZ). Note that SUNLIGHT in the Ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) range build the largest EZ and the size of the EZ directly effects the Coulomb charge. That Coulomb charge is a synonym for your redox potential in the cell.

Biologic researchers fail to realize that charge is also a quantized property in nature. All cancer cell lines are known to have a lower membrane potential. What they don’t realize is that the membrane potential is lowered because of the lack of EZ production from water in the mtrix of mitochondria by proton recycling in two key steps. A loss of charge can occur from the ECF fraction of water (F- and Br- dielectric blockade), but in healthy mitochondria this is a very small amount. This is why heteroplasmy matters deeply to a mitochondriac. If your mitochondria are in decent shape you will never recycle protons from the ECF. This is why the water you drink in a low heteroplasmy state is not a huge factor. When heteroplasmy rises because of aging or disease then it is a massive factor.

The result of the loss of net negative charge changes the surface area charge and by the laws of physics the cell MUST get larger. The cell continues to swell as it progresses through the cell cycle, until it reaches the critical volume, at which it divides because cell volume is the stimulus to cell division. So it should be clear that the Na+/H+ exchanger plays a critical role in cancer cell swelling. It is the loss of light and charge of the EZ that causes a cell to swell in cancer states and this is why cancer proliferates and leads to Warburg shifts in mitochondria. When this occurs you can bet the cell is filled with deuterium. The mitochondrial matrix makes deuterium depleted water normally. This type of DDW water makes the ideal liquid crystalline EZ to get the perfect viscosity to run the ATPase spin rates with the 42% IR from sunlight. Any increase of deuterium in the wrong place ruins this crystalline aspect and this lowers the ATPase spin rate and this is what causes the pseudohypoxia associated with ALL cancers.

As a result, cellular charge changes in all membranes and cancer manifests because the charge in the blood plasma is what stimulate the liver to make less protein (albumin) and the liver begins to focus on glucose metabolism and the oxidative branch of the PPP to rid the body of deuterium in 5 and 6 carbon sugars that make up every cell membrane in your body and all RNA and DNA.

Albumin is the main carrier protein, produced in the liver, which exerts the large majority of oncotic pressure in the blood stream. Oncotic pressure is a form of osmotic pressure that pulls water from the ECF into the circulatory system. As cancer patients progress in their disease, and become malnourished, their albumin levels fall. They are also usually dehydrated. As their albumin levels fall, the oncotic pressure falls, and water will start to leak out of the bloodstream, causing swelling in the extremities and soft tissue.

Hypoalbuminemia (low albumin levels) is an independent risk factor for death from cancer. Many people do not know this and clinicians have no clue about the links back to protons. Albumin is also a large negatively charged particle that attracts the positively charged sodium (Na+) ion. So as albumin falls, both water and sodium will leave the bloodstream. Low albumin levels, allowing sodium to leave the blood vessels, will cause hyponatremia (low sodium levels).

Hyponatremia is also an independent risk factor for death from cancer too. Low salt labs values are sure sign of high heteroplasmy rate and poor mitochondrial energy. This is why why salt addition might be a great little hack for those who live in a blue light nnEMF toxic world. As a matter of fact, hyponatremia has been shown to be an independent risk factor for death of all causes.


The Vicious Cycle of Cancer: As the cancer patient progresses through their disease, net negative charge is lost everywhere in the body. In nature, all things made of any mass tend to have balanced charges in order to exist.

What happens when the main albumin decreases in the bloodstream. Water and sodium will then passively leak out of the vessels, into the extra-cellular space. Cancer cells, through their over-expression of the Na+/H+ exchangers, will pull the Na+ into their cells, allowing water to passively follow, resulting in cancer cell swelling.

Cancer cell swelling alters the volume relationships inside cells and this allows the cancer cell to progress through the cell cycle, ultimately causing cell division. The ever-increasing tumor burden will cause the patient to deteriorate, and their albumin production will fall. The cycle continues……This is also why exercise helps some cancer patients with decent mitochondria in other tissues. Exercise controls cell volumes by increasing charge in cell membranes to control cell volume.

Why is cancer associated with inflammation? Isn’t inflammation a high pH? yes, and pH is a hydrogen log scale. When our H+ fractionation is more deuterium what happens in tissues? Temperature rises. Why is that the case? Is it because of deuterium? Yes. The added mass of the deuterium requires more energy input from mitochondria to offset the excess neutron mass. Recall that that neutron alters bonding strenght. If the bonds are too strong you need more energy to break them to move things in the TCA cycle in the matrix. Can we see this happening to patients on MRI scans? Yes, we can if we know what to look for. Food cannot salvage a cancer state but food that is deuterium depleted is adjuvant just like chemotherapy acts.

Remember, without food you can live without food for 30 days because of the fat mass under your skin, but you cannot live without water for 7 days. 75% of our body is water that has two version of hydrogen’s in it that vary because of how well mitochondria work. Those two isotopes are H+ and deuterium. People do not realize that neutrons also have a nuclear spin number and neutrons are scattered by light due to their nuclear spin, which causes incoherent scattering.

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