There are many words that can be made from the letters that make up "nation" (x4) and "democracy (x1)." Here are some examples: antidote, cardiac, noncardiac, mandatory, tyrannic, nondemocratic.
His signature is also not his usual signature. He does not underline his name in any known previous examples. Some other small issues at the letter-shape level can also be found.
It is being claimed that he is donating to America PAC, but America PAC is anti-Republican and anti-Trump. They are trying to create confusion to get MAGA supporters to donate to an Anti-Trump Super PAC. Do not donate to America PAC. Here is the proof that it is Anti-Trump:
Try viewing the original Truth Social post on a computer monitor. If you have to use your cell phone, open the image in a new tab and expand it so you can see the words up close. The font difference affecting certain words is subtle but evident. Here is the link to the original unaltered image:
It would be a fool's errand for me to reply to every negative post, but I'll reply to this one to say my peace. I think those who state this is schizo-posting do so because they are viewing the image on a cell phone without enlarging it. My recommendation is to use the original image of the letter that GEOTUS shared on Truth Social. It is best viewed on a computer monitor, but if you have to view it on a cell phone, open it in a new tab and expand it. Once you notice some words are in a thinner or perhaps lighter font than the rest of the words, that should be of interest. From there, I only make two speculations: the hidden message is read from bottom to top and only the final letter of each thinned out (or lightened) word is used. My whole theory hinges on the font difference for the key words. If readers are not viewing the original message enlarged enough to detect subtle differences, it will of course go unnoticed. Thanks... cheers~
There are many possible explanations, but the following seems most likely to me: The hidden message is from GEOTUS to his clued-in fan base. Franklin Graham sends him a letter, then GEOTUS has someone reproduce the letter exactly as it was received but tinker with the font ever so slightly to hide a message. It is essentially just a "wink" and a morale-booster for his fans who look for comms. It also might also be done to give us some small sense of what will happen in the future. Just a pet theory...
Keep in mind my title and first comment. I was asking others if they think I found a hidden message. I am open to being wrong. As for my reasoning, it involves a grand total of three elements and it is not mathematically sophisticated. The first element is self-evident via the naked eye provided you have good enough vision: some words are thinner or lighter in color than others. If your vision is not sensitive enough, you might have to magnify the original Truth Social post to verify this. The next element is reading from bottom to top. Only one letter is taken from each word, the last letter of each word in every case. By the way, this is an inversion of a common hidden message technique usual when this type of thing is done instead it is read from top to bottom with the first letter of each word. I tried that and nothing was there, so my immediate next thought was reversing it: bottom to top & last letter.
I was even more convinced after I used the forensic magnifier. The font for the words (bottom to top) "Franklin, Sincerely, President, encourage, implications, and President" are all thinner than the other words on the page. Try using "magnifier" and "auto-contrast by channel" together. Remember your pointer has to be on the part of the image that you are trying to magnify. Alternatively, "principal component analysis" with "input: color," "mode: component," and "enhancement: equalize histogram" also make it clear there is something "extra" going on with those words. I hope you try again with an open mind.
Maybe it's not fading. It looks like all words were imputed as bold except for the six I put red markings under. Either that or all of the words were standard black except for six that were slightly less black (more gray perhaps). I think others see what I see. If you are having trouble seeing it, your vision might not be as sensitive as ours. I mean no disrespect. My wife and children, for example, have much more sensitive vision than I do.
The end letter of each faded word read from bottom to top. I'm not sure if this is legit or not, but it is what I was able to find after looking at the message and noticing the font anamoly.
If the last letter of each faded word is read from bottom to top this says "NY TEST." I am not particularly good at decoding things. There's something here though, and I think I might have found it.
Let me be clear, I am not posting this to fuel bigotry, but yes, this is Hebrew. It looks like חיי which means "My life." Madonna is a life-long Catholic of sorts (perhaps mostly cultural), but she has buddied around with Hollywood Kabbalists. Her brother's tattoo is pretty innocuous. It may well be short for a sentiment such as "love of my life" because that is a common Hebrew sentiment between romantic partners.