standwithuQ 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ya I know but it IS my car. It's in my name and my insurance and I paid for it. My son was suppose to pay me back then get it in his name and he did neither. Now he is dangerous behind the wheel. I don't want to ruin it, just make it not start. Although if I have to ruin it in the end, it would be better being out the money than him or someone else getting hurt or killed.

standwithuQ 7 points ago +7 / -0

First I talked and talked to him. Didn't work. Then I told him he couldn't stay here if he was doing drugs. He had a free apartment on the side of my house. Thought he wouldn't want to lose it. He left. Took the big tv and new x-box and sold them both. Disappeared for weeks. Came back, said he couldn't quit cold turkey because it would kill him. Said he wants to quit and would ween himself off. Has not done that. He endangered my life a few nights ago where BAD people were threatening to come here with guns and they have done things like that to others AND things involving fire. He has stolen most of my savings. He is driving a car that is in my name while intoxicated. In moments of clarity, he has cried and apologized and I believe he meant it but within hours was back doing it and being VERY mean. Found another new 'friend' today that is into the same stuff who wants driven around, another dangerous person. I've tried tough love. I've tried literally begging . Literally. And I've prayed and prayed and prayed and.........

standwithuQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

He would notice the battery was disconnected. The fuse is a great idea though. I think I can do that! Thank you.

standwithuQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't flatten the tires that would be too obvious. There must be a cord under the hood i could remove. He's not mechanically inclined so he wouldn't notice that.

standwithuQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

He can't even concentrate or form any rational thought due to what he's doing and no sleep for days. The only thing I can think of is tying him up until it's out of his system. He finally fell asleep about an hour or so ago but as soon as he wakes up he will be back at it and on the go again for days if I don't do something.

standwithuQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will get him to take it but I'm not sure it will help unless he quits the drugs. And the only way he is going to do that is if I physically detain him. How much per day?

standwithuQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost a month and a half. He's talked about it with me but he's addicted. He said he would ween himself off but he isn't. A lot of bad actors have come out of the woodwork to be 'buddies' with him. To use him. They are all drunks and addicts that are pretending to be his friends. They are connected to some VERY bad dangerous people. We are in VERY real danger in more than one way.

standwithuQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

If he was having the occasional beer and smoking some weed, I wouldn't be happy but I wouldn't be all that worried either. I'm talking vodka and meth. No sleep for days . been going on a month. He's gone from 160 pounds to 130. He's lost his job and is endangering his life and endangered mine a few days ago.

standwithuQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I HAVE TO SAVE HIM. He's ALL I have. And he's my son, if I don't save him no one will. There is no one else who cares about him. Literally. I can't live if he dies. I will try the NAC but I know he won't stop taking the drugs unless I force the situation. I am afraid going cold turkey will cause his heart to stop or something but I don't know what else to do.

standwithuQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's VERY sad and depressed because his girlfriend of 3 years ( who played constant mind games with him) broke up with him. He's gotten into drugs and alcohol before for short periods of time and then got clean. This time is the worst by FAR. He's a danger to himself and to me. He goes for like 24 hours then sleeps for maybe 2 or 3 and then goes for another 24 to 48 hours and very little eating. Can't get him councilling because he is un'vaxxed' and he wouldn't go anyway.

standwithuQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes I did think of it but I didn't have the link. Thank you. I also hope someone on here has had an addiction or a child with one and could tell me what they did. I'm thinking of doing something that's I guess, pretty extreme but I'm not sure that I should.

standwithuQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used it the other day. My chest was so tight and I know I wasn't getting enough oxygen and was causing a bad headache. It wasn't from a cold or any fake virus, it was from smoking too much. Anyway, I took it before I went to bed and when I woke up I could breath great and my chest no longer had that tight feeling.

standwithuQ 14 points ago +14 / -0

There were thousands of ballots 'accidentally' destroyed in the vote for Conservative leader too. I'm sure Derek Sloan actually won, with his Canada First message. They went on to push him out of the Party too.

standwithuQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

DEREK SLOAN !! He was the ONLY one running for the leader of the Conservative Party that talked about Canada First AND the ONLY one talking AGAINST the future 'vaccine' passports and mandates! The media was against him. All others running are globalists! Tens of thousands of ballots were 'accidentally' destroyed.I'm sure they were Sloan's, including my ballot. The Party pushed him out after the 'election'. He's been consistantly speaking out against the lockdowns and shots!

standwithuQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

David Geffen and Oprah were behind the hit piece on MJ , the movie,"leaving Neverland" which has since been proven false in MANY ways. They also made sure it replaced a hit piece about Weinstien at the Sundance film festival. Geffen and Oprah are pedoes and into child trafficking, guarenteed.

standwithuQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canadian here. I do NOT trust Bernier or the Party. Derek Sloan is the one that should be Canada's leader. He was warning about the shots and mandates from the beginning. I voted for him to be the leader of the Conservative Party but tens of thousands of ballots were somehow destroyed (whoops) and O'toole got the win and he's as much of a globalist as Turdo. I had a few choice words to say whan the Conservative Party wanted more donations. NEVER. Bernier's dad was a politician too. And I read some info a while back about how at least one of Bernier's group has ties to Soros.

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