the_antics 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently, it's an outage across Visa's credit authorization service. Which is used by businesses across the country, not just for visa cards but any credit transactions. My store is currently one of those affected and this is what my IT guys are telling me.

the_antics 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I am sure that this video is fake, Anything after that is just speculation. I honestly don't know whether or not to believe he's on a set somewhere. This video could very well have been put out to later debunk the whole thing, we know how they do things.

the_antics 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone keeps pointing to the fact that the superbowl is watched by so many people. They keep missing the fact that it is a major day/hub for human trafficking. I remember being a teenager and hearing this, I can't be the only one.

the_antics 27 points ago +27 / -0

I guess my 40 yr old brain is failing to recall a time when our Nation's Capital was locked down and secured this tightly by military force. With regular rotations of troops moving in and out.

the_antics 57 points ago +59 / -2

By this logic, there would be a TFR somewhere else that wasn't normally there. But no one can seem to find it.

If you say he doesn't have one because he doesn't want to reveal his location, then why are we using the existence or non existence of a TFR to determine anything at this point?

The indisputable fact here is that things ARE going on with the military that are unprecedented. Which means either the Trump plan is in action, or the enemy's plan is in action. Both are possible, only one is true. So what if I told you, that we can continue to believe this IS the plan in action, while simultaneously preparing for the possibility that the plan has failed or stalled, and the DS is sweeping in to remove any semblance of Trump and everything he represents. Everything that points to Q being right and true, also points to the DS still being in control if you look at it with those glasses instead.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I've been hoping and believing harder than I have for anything in my life, but that isn't going to stop me from preparing for dark days ahead and it shouldn't stop you either. If I'm wrong, then I have one hell of a bug out procedure for the future. I'm okay with that.

the_antics 1 point ago +1 / -0

One way or another, we're going to find out very soon. I hope we are seeing things correctly, but I wish people would take a step back and consider, just for a moment, that the fences and soldiers are still there to protect them for what THEY are going to do next. If that is the case, many people are going to wish they had prepared differently.

the_antics 18 points ago +19 / -1

Has anyone actually watched this castle rock studios video in slow mo? Because it looks fake as hell. 5 seconds in the aspect ratio even changes for a split second, right after the swooping motion. And you can clearly tell it's being filmed off a video screen and not in person.

For those who don't know, you can move frame by frame on YT using the , and . keys as back and forward. I recommend you try it. Too much weight is being put into this fake ass video.

by Evspra
the_antics 2 points ago +2 / -0

My only regret is that I have but one updoot to give...

the_antics 1 point ago +1 / -0

The George News YT url is /8kunOrg

Anyone else catch that?

the_antics 3 points ago +3 / -0

Notice the channel's YT url /8kunOrg I'll let you all draw conclusions to what that could mean.

the_antics 7 points ago +8 / -1

What's really interesting is Kappy's phone GPS records leading up to the day he died. I do wonder what the time frame is for this video actually being recorded and his death. If it were taken near his death, then this place is likely near or somehow connected to the campground Tracy Twyman talks about Kappy visiting the day or two before he died. Later, the campground owner started harassing and threatening Tracy, then she died, supposedly committing suicide according to a close friend.

Tracy talks about it here: https://archive.org/details/DeadManSwitchPedogate

Some more info here, including the screen grabs of her texts talking about the campground: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Tracy_Twyman

The Kappy rabbit hole goes much further.

the_antics 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know exactly how 8kun works. I thought the whole point was to be anonymous though? So can't ANYONE pretend to be posting as Q by copy pasting the same Name?

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