thekingofracine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or is this just a businessman giving his customers what they want? He posted that Grok got asked about JFK something like 5 million times in 24 hours, so why wouldn't he put it in there? It makes financial sense, especially since you'll need to be verified to search.

thekingofracine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not at all, Trump asked if the astronauts get overtime, the NASA dweeb said no, no one at NASA gets overtime - because everyone is on salary. Trump took that to mean that they don't get paid for being up there.

thekingofracine 3 points ago +3 / -0

It looks like no one bothered to read anything about this situation. They are getting paid their full annual salary as normal. They aren't getting "overtime" aka time and a half, because getting stuck in space is apparently a normal part of their job.

That being said, a normal astronaut doesn't get time and a half during any trip, extended or not, it's just part of the job.

thekingofracine 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's zero evidence that Eschavarria even exists, there's a theory that Mosley made him up when the FBI busted him trying to sell guns.

thekingofracine 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I looked all of these up, and every one of these points is taken from some random person who was interviewed and was just talking out of their ass, there's no actual evidence for any of it besides one dude saying. Most of the people talking are just known informants and cranks that reached out to the FBI via a letter.

thekingofracine 16 points ago +17 / -1

My sister in law works in a hospital near Amish Country, they get a lot of Amish Cancer patients.

The rest of those things get overlooked because they don't go to doctors.

thekingofracine -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't think you read that blog correctly at all.

It says, "I did do a little bit of poking around on The Golden State Opportunity Foundation. It appears that they have two purposes: they sign people up for government programs that aid the poor and they are lobbyists to try to get more money and more programs to aid the poor."

Over and over again, it says the non-profit exists to help poor people access government programs that they qualify for. It doesn't say anything about educating illegals.

I don't see any problems with helping poor people who are working around the clock find assistance where it is available and they qualify for it.

thekingofracine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finland sets aside money in their budget for hosting heads of state at that hotel. So Finland paid for it.

thekingofracine 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least! There's a phone call transcript between LBJ and the head of the CIA that is known to exist and has been stuffed down into a black hole.

thekingofracine 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bro, you didn't even read what I wrote. I put them into AI and asked it to compare page by page.

thekingofracine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stuff about Israel wasn't redacted, at least not that I noticed at all. There were still a good amount of redactions and there were some very important files missing that contain key info.

thekingofracine 3 points ago +3 / -0

I took it as a personal challenge. Back in 2023 Biden released a huge batch of JFK files that had been held up since the big release in 2017. So, I worked with my analytics guy at work and we compiled the 2017 and 2023 drops along with the earlier releases into one tranch of data. Then I uploaded all of that into Gemini Pro which can handle documents that size. Then we separately uploaded yesterday's drop as a separate grouping.

Gemini came back saying the two groupings were 99.8% similar, so we had it point out the differences. The differences were the redactions being removed. Most of the redactions were names of cities, phone numbers, addresses, and things like that, there were even a handful of bank accounts and routing numbers. There were a few names, but I really didn't see anything shocking.

A lot of people are pointing to the whole Gary Underhill section, but that's been available since 1992 and spoken about pretty openly since the mid-60s. He had been fired from the CIA for openly criticizing some sort of intelligence operations he thought wasn't being done correctly, the report for it is out there, I didn't get to read the whole thing - it's called Operation Alert if I recall.

thekingofracine 1 point ago +1 / -0

They did get released, but nothing new is in there at all. Lots of triplicate forms.

thekingofracine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm still prepared to eat my hat if they come out today or even this week.

thekingofracine 3 points ago +4 / -1

honestly that was my first thought, I asked ChatGPT how many pages of JFK files were available publicly in 2024 and it said 80,000.

thekingofracine 3 points ago +3 / -0

While I was looking around on all the different search engines I found dozens and dozens of articles going back decades about a couple farmers that were murdered, but I can't seem to find any evidence outside of x posts that this guy even exists.

thekingofracine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where do you live that doesn't allow church bells? Which city? I've lived a lot of places and have never heard anyone not allow those bells.

thekingofracine 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is terrifying because my son owns 30 acres right up against where they are saying Epic City is planned. I just called him and we talked for about an hour and he told me he hasn't seen so much as a burka. They must be acting in silence from a distance!

thekingofracine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait, is this like a few weeks ago when the white house suddenly said some random lady in Mexico was FOR REAL in charge of DOGE?

thekingofracine 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will eat my hat if any more epstein files come out. Bondi has been totally silent and Trump has moved on to other stuff. They don't want it all out for some reason.

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